Sleepy Time

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Sleepy Time

Post by rexcorvus »


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Sleepy Time is overall a gentle soul who likes nothing more than to curl up in a warm place and take a nice, long nap. On top of this, he can be persistent, stubborn, and sometimes quite passionate in that once he starts something, he has a hard time letting it go. Even if he'd rather be sleeping 24/7, if he gets himself into something, he usually won't stop until he gets himself out. He's lazy to an extent, but it usually only rears its head when he hasn't even begun anything. If he wants something, he'll go for it - but he has to first get the energy to want it in the first place.

He has both a strong mind and a surprisingly strong body, in spite of the fact that he looks like he'd fall over at the smallest wind. Also Sleepy Time doesn't want to be a legendary. Being a legendary means work. Being a legendary means putting yourself out there. Being a legendary means less time for sleeping and more time for doing. He would much rather be trying to find a nice cluster of delicious berries and a warm spot to nap than staring blankly at a kin who wants a blessing for their babies.

Especially because babies are noisy.
Naming Dream:
will you wake
or will you dream

it is time for sleep
close your eyes
and think of me
Storytelling: Roleplays: Artwork:
by me (+2)
by Ruriska (+2)

Total: 16 / 50
word count: 290
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