Lutz's Naming Dreams

Kin naming dreams, either in individual threads or grouped together.
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Lutz's Naming Dreams

Post by Lutz »

May put something here. Saving for now.
word count: 7
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Lutz's Naming Dreams

Post by Lutz »

Darkness was all I knew. I could tell I was somewhere, but details were nonexistent. There was ground beneath my hooves, air to breathe, a bit of a breeze, but otherwise complete and utter darkness.

Then voices came.

Whispers, mutters, nothing I could make out. I could not tell how many there were nor where they were other than here. With me. Watching me? It was not possible to tell, not in the darkness. But the presence of the others was felt like a blanket over my shoulders, a suffocating comfort. They were expecting something of me yet I could not determine what.

"Do it."

The voice was clear, firm, and in my ear. I startled, jerking back from the voice to try to see who was there.


"Do it."

"Who is there?" I cried in return, my voice a sharp, ragged thing next to the steady, sure tones of the stranger.

"DO IT!"

This time it was not one voice, but the voices of all the muttering, whispering creatures that I could not see. The sound was deafening and I tumbled to the ground in fear, legs quaking as I tried to regain my footing. The ground was now slippery, making it hard to stand. They continued their demand, their voices no longer one as they all called out on their own, demanding for me to 'do it'.

"Do WHAT?" I yelped, desperate for some sort of clarification. Despite being unable to see, I could feel the others pressing in around me though they did not touch me, their presence heavy, crushing.

Suddenly the demands stopped. The pressure was gone. And slowly, from above, a soft light. I looked up at it in wonder, watching it slowly descend to the ground. I could see now. Nothing was in color, but the shapes of kin in the distance could be made out, all eyes trained on me and the glowing object. I got to my hooves finally and approached as the strange object touched down, its light dimming just enough for me to make out a crescent shape.

"...the moon?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Do it."

That same voice, the first one. In my ear, clear and firm. It did not startle me this time. And now I knew what I had to do.

"I will," I said, my voice clear and firm. The ground was no place for the moon. It belonged in the sky. I was tasked to return it there once more. Why had it fallen? I could not be sure. Would I ever find out? Probably not. But none of that mattered, for my job was to hang the moon back in the sky, amid the stars that were now making themselves visible in the darkness. It was a daunting task, but one that I knew only I could do.

I bowed my head and the moon floated off the ground to my nose. I nudged under it and it slid gracefully down my back to rest between my shoulders. Now the light shone brighter, bringing color and clarity to this place. There were dozens of kin of all shapes and sizes, all looking at me, waiting for me to do it.

"I will."
word count: 542
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