WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: Born Again
Preference List: bat, birds, frig 2, frog 1
RP & Story:
"I too had a dream of darkness. I wandered, lost, in a darkness so complete that the world became meaningless. Fear gripped me like talons, clawing at my soul. Time was meaningless, for the was nothing to mark it but my own thoughts and weary footsteps which blurred together. My existence was meaningless, for the was nothing and no one but that darkness.

Only, unlike now, there was no speck of light, no friends to gather around. In that dream, I only awoke when I was reborn into this world. Though in truth I don't know if it was a dream of the past or future, another life or a life to come, a warning or something else.

I do know that while the sun has yet to rise, and the stars have been swallowed up in darkness, we still have these strange motes of light. Perhaps they are pieces of Hush's sister Light. I think, whatever they are, they are significant. Could this be another dream? It wouldn't be the first time we've shared one. Perhaps, as in my own naming dream, we all too shall be born again into the light if we only gather enough of it."
word count: 224
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Dawns_Stars145 »

Kin Name: Spun From Starlight
Preference List: Winter, Fall, Spring, Summer, Bat, Frog 1, Frog 2, Budgies
RP & Story: Spun came around to hear Undefeated's call to tell stories about the motes that guided him to the circle of kin. Being a part of the Unseelie meant he has heard and told many stories about the swamp, the MotherFather and the origins of how things came to be from a young age.

He enjoyed hearing the stories from the other kin around him until it came to his turn. Readying himself to speak, he stood up. Moving his bright hair to his back so his star markings were uncovered and glowing in the dark.

"The motes are the spirits of the kin that live in the stars above. They came to the swamp from far away lands as glowing kin who shown like the stars above and spoke as sweet as the honey the bees made in the spring.

As they traveled they told stories from the lands they originated from. They gathered together as one around a circle like the one we are in right now to share their stories and pass on lessons and traditions with each other.

As they grew old and died, their glow diminished until they disappeared entirely. And for every one who died a new star appeared in the sky. Now they have come down from the sky once again. They still gather to hear stories from the future generations even now..." Concluding his story he gestures at all the motes gathered around and sits back down.
word count: 270
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by HuniPi »

Kin Name: Forward by Choice
Preference List: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Frog 1, Budgies, Bat, Frog 2
RP & Story: The totoma had just returned after trying to capture motes and when he couldn't find his usual companion, he started to search for her among the gathered crowds. Forwad by Choice wasn't certain if it was good or terrible timing but when he came into view, the last kin just wrapped up their story. His movement drew attention to his presence and he had a choice to make on what he should do next.

This inspired him to share a story.


When you make a choice, a decision, whether it is something as simple as turning left instead of right at a fork in the road, to something as serious as who must stay behind as a sacrifice so the rest may live, you forego the future of the choice you did not make. You move forward and your choice continues to live in the light of life until you must once again choose.

But what happens to the alternatives? What happens to the life you would have had otherwise? They may have gone beyond your reach, become things that are no longer available to you.

It took me several seasons to learn that just because you decided to go one way does not mean no one else could ever decide to go the other way. That means these possibilities never truly die or disappear, they become a sliver just on the edge of existence, a glimmer barely seen from the corner of our awareness.

And I believe that is what these motes are: They are the possibilities. The potentials. The things that could have been. Whenever you choose something, the other choices go to the MotherFather to be given to a different kin who would have picked the alternative.

Under normal circumstances, you would never realize you were being presented with one of these motes. Only those who have been blessed with the Sight from the MotherFather would be able to tell. But these are not normal circumstances. These are dark times without the Sun, and the absence of the Sun is why we are able to see them.


Once finished, Forward excused himself to continue his search.
word count: 386
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Illuminating
Preference List: Frog 1
RP & Story:

As the various stories were told, Illuminating mulled over the motes and light itself. She’d once told a story of fire but now she thought of the sun and the world, of the light that was missing, and slowly a story formed, as if gifted by someone else’s tongue.

“In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness and the MotherFather. And one day, after countless eons, she looked around the empty space of shadows and nothingness and felt her first emotion: loneliness.

So she took the darkness and she began to create.

She placed the land and the earth, sculpted the mountains and dug out the caves, she blew the deserts into being. From her veins came the water, bubbling fresh and sweet from below. But with all this, there was still nobody to share it with.

So she made the plants, placed each one with tender care, and encouraged seeds to grow. She made everything fresh and new.

But it was still dark.

And so everything began to die.

After her loneliness had come hope.

Hope dashed.

She found despair.

The MotherFather tried again but the same thing happened.

The seeds would not grow and the trees all withered and died. Only the land remained unchanged.

There was something missing, she realized. Something important.

And so she thought, for eons more (for what is time to one such as Her?), until finally she knew what must be done.

She plucked her closed eye from her head and placed it in the sky and when it opened, light spilled forth. It touched the earth, the mountains and sparkled off the water. Only when touched by the MotherFather’s light, did the world begin to bloom and blossom. The seeds unfurled, bright green. New colours emerged, set free. The oceans sparkled. The world had come alive.

From there her work truly began.

And all we know would be formed.

She soon learned that too much light was all a danger and that both light and dark were necessary to make the world She desired. She made many more sources, gave her gift to kin and insects and mushrooms. So that we may always enjoy the touch of light and flourish."
word count: 386
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Appeal »

Kin Name: Fisheye
Preference List: Spring, Fall, Bat
RP & Story: Crosspost

Fisheye looked at Brother Shark, and then up at the darkness above. There was no light there. Was it day? Some of the stars were missing but some remained. It was very erratic like that.

Based off the information Fisheye had so far from catching the motes of light, she didn't have a lot to go on. She didn't like making speculations but these weren't entirely untested. Based off the trials she'd taken so far to catch some of the motes of lights, she did feel that effects of the light did feel magical in some way. While they did create a light that helped to guide them through the darkness, it wasn't the same as fireflies or other luminesce of the night.

But what were they? Where did they come from? Those were not answers she had. If she had to guess? Well...

"Given the disappearance of the sun, as well as the stars, I can't help but connect the disappearance of those with the appearance of these motes of lights. Given that we have begun to collect them in an attempt to bring back the light, I would speculate that the motes of light gathering across the swamp are pieces of the very source itself. I'm still unsure how they've come to be here though, or why."

Fisheye paused, contemplating her words next.

"The motes of light seem to have a magical effect on us when we touch them though... which I don't doubt after experiencing it as well as discussing it with you and others but what I don't know is why. Why is it here? Why does it have this effect? Is it... dangerous? Could the effects be permanent? Should we be more careful? There are so many variables but I don't feel like I have enough information to make an accurate guess. What about you?"

She asked Brother Shark, welcoming his ideas. Maybe she could find more answers through shared stories.
word count: 354
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Appeal »

Kin Name: Rotten Liar
Preference List: Spring, Fall, Bat
RP & Story:

Unlike some of kin around the swamp who were really terrible storyweavers (her name rhymes with Wishdie), a champion entered the ring. Or, so they thought. Rotten Liar strolled in, making it look as casually and as nonchantant as they could.

"The ultimate question! I hear you're all wondering the very same thing! Where did the light go? What are these motes of light? Well, you're in for a treat today!"

Rotten Liar settled down, their posture leaning over itself so their shoulders hunched forward.

"It's simple. I did it. I shot a rock into the sky and knocked out the sun. It was such a good shot, in fact, that it scattered the sun into our swamp. The motes of light? Well, those are just the shattered pieces of light that have fallen from the sky above. Now now now, you may be wondering! Why would you do that to us? We're lost in darkness now! Please, I didn't do it on purpose. Sure, I knew my shot was amazing but who was I to know that it would reach for the sun?"

Rotten Liar looked absolutely serious, an expression of sorrow befalling their face.

"Now, not all hope is lost! We can put it back together again but first we have to gather all of the pieces. Yes, that's right! The motes of lights! If we gather them all back up, perhaps we can put the sun back. I promise this time I won't throw a rock into it."

The biggest grin that could ever be had was sitting on Rotten Liar's face as they stood there so proud.

"Come on, get to work! This story isn't over yet!"
word count: 307
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Eye of Newt
Preference List: just a glow ticket please
RP & Story:

Eye of Newt pranced a littlest the prospect of talking, (one of her favourite pasttimes), and then grinned. She lent down and deftly scooped her owlcat onto her head. “They’re like cats eyes,” she beamed, tail twitching, “maybe they’re here to wink at us all!”

Trouble the owlcat had clearly had enough of being an accessory and jumped down neatly, scampering towards one of the motes. Newt followed the motion with her keen eyes and let out a thoughtful noise.

“Or maybe they’re little tricksters like Trouble, there to lead cats astray with curiosity,” she suggested, trotting over to keep an eye out as the mote retreated. Trouble went to follow but Eye of Newt put out a gentle hoof to stop the creature from wandering too far.

Motes glimmered softly in her eyes and she transitioned to gently running her hoof along the top of her pet’s head, using the front side of it to smooth the little owlcat’s fur. “Or maybe they’re spirits- spirits of the departed, back to visit the swamp once more,” she dropped her voice ominously, arching her back for emphasis, “or maybe they’ll lead you into the depths of the swamp and take you away to become one of them!”

Eye of Newt stood up straight to attention at this announcement, then dropped the storyteller persona suddenly and rather unceremoniously, shrugging her shoulder coolly. “Could be anything if you ask me. Which you did, to be fair.” The notes were still catching her eye, and the distractable acha was rapidly feeling the desire to give chase again…
word count: 290
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Kin Name: Reaper
Preference List: Summer, fall, winter, spring, budgies, bat, frog 1, frog 2
RP & Story: Reaper snorted and shook her head. "Storytime? What are we, children?" She rolled her eyes, but found herself compelled to talk. "There's not much of a story here, because it's so obvious what they are. All this nonsense about the past, about souls, about... everything else, you've forgotten that we still live in the world. Nothing has changed because some idiot pissed off the Motherfather and got the lights turned out, or did some kind of weird magic to make themselves feel special and important. In case you hadn't noticed, we're doing just fine in the dark, it would seem." She huffed again, lashing her tail, perhaps feeling far more insecure than she was willing to let on. "Why look to some kind of outside experience to explain what's clearly a natural phenomenon? I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time, not so very long ago- and by not so very long ago I mean like, a couple of days- a bunch of kin got together because they were worried or afraid or just curious or whatever. And they sat around in the dark telling ghost stories and got all worked up over nothing, and got distracted from the real situation at hand, which is figuring out who did this and how we can make them undo it. And they got themselves all nervous and scared, or even worse, filled their heads with false hope and silliness. It's obvious that these silly idiots won't survive what's coming, because they're too preoccupied with fluff. These kin forgot that light is simply a function of the sun, the stars, and things that glow, and because of that, they didn't realize what was looking them right in the face. Imagine, sunlight or starlight being attracted to stories! Imagine souls sticking around to listen to stories, or some other ridiculous supernatural element outside of what makes sense. No, these things are definitely alive, and you don't need some fairytale to suss out what they are."

The dark doe snapped her teeth in irritation. "Kin can... ascend, or whatever, right? You go to sleep, you wake up, your eyes are weird and you can bless clutches. And do other things. If kin can do that, why can't other things? I know what these motes are. They're ascended fireflies. When they show up like this and stick around, it's their equivalent of a blessing. The Motherfather wastes their time on undeserving kin every day, so why wouldn't they waste their time on bugs, too?" She sat back on her hooves, her mouth a quirked line. "Tell me I'm wrong." They couldn't, she knew, because she was, of course, right. That was part of her job, being right. She didn't have time to fool around with nonsense- that was for other, weaker kin. Not her.
word count: 512
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Kin Name: I Will Work Harder
Preference List: Summer, fall, winter, spring, budgies, bat, frog 1, frog 2
RP & Story: Will hadn't spoken much at this gathering- in fact, he was quite miserable and wanted to be pretty much anywhere else. He missed his garden- but there was nothing he could do there now. No amount of bonfire flame could provide his plants with the light they needed, and so while he was loathe to leave, he was fairly certain that this was the only thing he could do. It wasn't like him to feel so defeated and alone, but that's what happens when your world gets kicked out from under you. One of the great constants in his life was gone, and he felt untethered, as though he was about to fall off of the world. It was deeply uncomfortable for someone who was normally quite confident about his life and his place in the world.

As the motes drifted around, he watched one as it silently jerked and wobbled, slowly making its way towards the gathered kin.

"Whatever they are, I think they're lost," he said quietly. "They might be bits of the world left over, things the Motherfather didn't include when they made the place. They might just be weeds- little things that grew up through the cracks, untended and unwanted. But even weeds find their way, and even weeds just want a place. I think that's why they're attracted to us, to the stories we tell. We're their light. They've had to grow for so long and we haven't even seen them. They're not as bright as the sun or as numerous as the stars, and so we've never paid attention to them. And maybe up until now, that's been fine. Maybe even better for them, because they've gotten to grow wild and free. Nobody's collected them, harvested them, or interfered with them in any way. And they've thrived with that kind of wild abandon, but now it's different. Now with nothing to overshadow them- or outshine them, I guess- they're what we've got. And for now, maybe that's fine. All of the plants we tend now, didn't they all start as weeds? With love and care and time, they grew into what we're familiar with now. And maybe that's what these little motes need- love and care and time. Maybe they represent a journey towards a new and brighter tomorrow, these little... cosmic weeds." He nudged one of the motes floating by him towards the center. If they had to regrow the sun, they'd need all the help they could get.
word count: 466
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Kin Name: Strange Creature
Preference List: Summer, fall, winter, spring, budgies, bat, frog 1, frog 2
RP & Story: Strange Creature had stuck close to the light as best as she could. Mercifully, the darkness wasn't a cold darkness- she didn't have to worry about her pets so much. Her worries were for herself, for the things that went bump in the dark- or rather, the things that didn't go bump. The things that snuck up on you and struck without warning, those were what she feared. By huddling near the others, she tried to find a modicum of protection.

She wasn't sure if it was working or not, but she could see the fear reflected in everyone's eyes. Even the ones who were seemingly enjoying this gave off tiny waves of trepidation. Maybe she was projecting... but maybe she wasn't.

She thought about the motes, the gently pulsating, twinkling motes of light. "I think they're part of us," she whispered, only speaking up when she noticed eyes on her. "Well. Not part of us as individuals- but part of what makes us us. They're not exactly ghosts or even souls- yet. More like... pre-souls. You know how Kimeti have glowing eyes? Some of us dimmer than others, some of us bright as the stars. And Zikwa, they all have some glow on 'em, too. Acha can, Kiokote can, even Totoma can glow. Light is important to the core of our beings, and so are stories. Storytelling might be the fundamental experience that separates us from the other beasts of the Swamp... and the mountains, and the deserts, and anywhere else a beast might be found. There's nothing else we have or do, really, that makes us special. We make tools, but a so can a lemur. We have hooves, but so do pigs and boars. We glow, but so do jellyfish and sea slugs and some corals. We care for each other, we put others before ourselves- but it would be a mistake to say that we're the only creatures that can practice altruism. I've seen snakes look after each others' offspring, and even some of the most venomous can have best friends. No, where we're special is stories."

She hemmed a bit, trying to put her heart into words. "I think that's what these motes are, the stories at the heart of kin. I heard one of you say that these are the souls of those who are yet to come, collecting knowledge for their naming dreams. I think maybe these are dreams, flitting about until they find a heart to enter. When we- I know some of you where there- when we traveled to the mountains, to the shattered obelisk– when we traveled to the world below, to those smoke-filled caves- we left stories behind us. We told tales to each other for comfort, for companionship. We shared stories and sagas to stave away fear and to remind us of the hope we'd left behind. We took our strength from the stories we shared, and we didn't close the way home behind us. I think these are our stories, coming back to us to bring literal and figurative light to our darkness. Each and every mote is the kernel of truth and light at the heart of every story."
word count: 574
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Starfoam
Preference List: just a glow ticket, please <3
RP & Story:

Starfoam was what could be considered something of a dozy buck. He tended to go with the flow, not really working to change his circumstances but simply happily drifting back and forth. But he was compelled to share a story he had been working on for the Children of the Night, and he stepped forth.

“The sky,” he began softly, gazing up and the ominous void that swathed the swamp, “is an ocean. Long ago, before dusk and dawn, before light, the sky was nothing but rippling blackness, cold and dark and empty.

Then the Motherfather opened their great eye and the ocean in the sky was suddenly pulled back. The very first morning was an outgoing tide, as the ocean in the sky peeled back to leave the world below exposed like wet sand on the beach. And under the new light, the Motherfather’s children first emerged.

But tides ebb and flow, and as the tide rolled in the very first evening set upon the fledgeling swamp, and the children of the Motherfather cried out in fear. So the stars were given light- starfish and twinkling creatures of the deep, sparkling in the oceanic sky, to light our way at night.”

It wasn’t the exact story the Children told, but the gist was the same.

“And it seems,” Starfoam looked around, gazing at the motes, “those starfish and flashing fishes have visited us now. Maybe the ocean is overflowing, deeper and more cold and dark than before. They’ve come here to the depths to seek shelter from the storm that’s raging above, maybe.” The buck dipped his head thoughtfully, “like we all have, I suppose. We’d be wise to give them safety, whilst they’re here.” With that, his story was finished.
word count: 317
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Dark Moon Rising
Preference List: just a glow entry, please
RP & Story:

Dark Moon Rising was rather stressed, but she did her best to hide it.

Her best was probably not very convincing, but she threw herself even more frustratedly into the tasks, driven by a deep desire to end the ordeal of the strange endless nighttime.

“In my tribe, we are dedicated to appreciating the entirety of the world- including the night time. The Motherfather created night and day, and one can’t exist without the other. But the night is less appreciated, despite what it brings. Cover. New scents and sounds. Serenity and peace.

We spend the days sleeping and in the night, we revel in the quiet, keeping careful watch on the movements of the stars, tracking the constellations and telling their stories. The stars wander and dance and whirl around one another and we observe and we remember it all.”

Dark Moon Rising paused to consider the motes dancing towards the edge of the clearing.

“It seems quite clear to me that these motes are the stars, come to visit us. Through the night sky we commune with the Motherfather, and in this time of crisis their stars have come to deliver a message themselves. It- it has to be.”

The does voice had been steady and strong the entire story, but at the very end it faltered just slightly, a tiny wobble betraying the anxiety of a devoted worshipper abandoned. She shook herself out self consciously, feeling wrong footed and anxious. She hoped sharing a story would bring an end to the endless night faster.
word count: 278
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Toshiful »

Kin Name: Sanctuary of the Forsaken
Preference List: winter, fall, summer, bat, budgies
RP & Story:

Forsaken swirled the tea in his shell with a hoof, listening to everyone's guesses with rapt attention. What fun. The motes were odd little things. He smiled politely, showing only a glimpse of sharp teeth.

"The world was once a great pool," Forsaken said, "a deep and lovely pool. And the first creatures used to take long drinks from its cool and still water. They didn't eat at that time, because the pool had everything they needed. And when they drank, they had vivid dreams. It was before sleep, so colors and thoughts and wishes all danced in front of them. Now, we must dream alone. But because their dreams manifested in front of them, the first creatures could share their dreams and even combine them, so that the dreams were all one excellent puddle."

Forsaken hummed thoughtfully. "These dreams would also reflect in the pool. But instead of shadows, they made the opposite. Bright dreams reflect bright things, and the properties of the world's pool were strange and full of life, so that even the reflections of wishes began to have ideas of their own."

Forsaken tilted his head. "Of course, things couldn't last forever. Slowly, the first pool dried up. The creatures became smaller, and needed to sleep, and ate of each other, and dreams shrivelled up too. They became secret, hidden things of the dark. But the first reflections of those first dreams remained. As the pool grew smaller and smaller, eventually, they had to leave."

Forsaken inclined his shell with his tea towards the motes. "That's all that is left now, of the first, great dreams. They are only reflections, so they can only offer a little of what came before. But when we are near them, we can almost dream in the first way again."
word count: 326
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: Chosen One
Preference List: Frog 1
RP & Story:

“For me, it’s fairly obvious what these motes are,” Chosen One began, his voice steady and deep. “They are a gift from the MotherFather, spirits of those who have come before us. They have been sent to remind us, to give visions of other lives and other places. She has taken the light and in return offered us memories from beyond, to help guide our path.

In taking away our light, the MotherFather has given us time to reflect on what matters most. Duty, kindness, family, oneness. To cast aside pride and hate. The motes are her messengers, brought to us from beneath Her wing and now they roam the Swamp.

When you touch them, what do you see? Are you a Totoma? Are you in the desert? How about the simplicity of being a tree? These are to help us see beyond ourselves.

Light was brought to the Swamp by the MotherFather long, long ago. When the Swamp was new, she bled across it, to give all it touched a life and spirit, a part of Her. Her lifeblood sunk into the soil, spread into the roots and beyond. That is the glow that appears upon living things here. The mushrooms who grew from the soil, the animals, the insects and the kin who ate the plants and foods of the Swamp. Her light is inside us all. It doesn’t always show on our skins but it’s there.

And when we die, we become that light, as motes, drifting, waiting to share our wisdom to those who need it most. Only to be seen when the MotherFather takes away the light of the sun and the moon, her blessed messengers.”
word count: 300
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Ruriska »

Kin Name: The One and Only
Preference List: Frog 1
RP & Story:

“Light, huh?” The One and Only had finally looked up from his beetles. He was only hanging around for the soup and because it was easier to train bugs when there was a big bonfire to see the little dudes. When the long night first fell, he’d nearly squashed a few of them.

“Yeah, yeah, I know this one! Ages go, like when the Swamp was still just a bit of grass, a couple of trees and puddle. The old broad made the bugs. They were her first creation, after all. You didn’t know that? Wow. It’s so obvious. But whatever. She added all the bugs and the beetles and the butterflies and all the little cuties. They scuttled about in their new home, all pretty happy.

But there wasn’t any light. Not yet. It was pretty dark back then.

And the MotherFather thought that was a waste because she wanted to see all her little buddies. So she made some of them glow. Like the fireflies we see hanging around or those motes that are totally just a fancy new bug.

‘Wow,’ she thought. ‘This light thing is pretty good.’

So she wanted to make more of it.

First, she tossed some of those fireflies right up into the sky, so they got stuck and became stars. But starlight is pretty shit, right? So she rolled a bunch more into a huge ball and tossed that up there too. Moonlight is way better but it still wasn’t enough.

She needed something BIGGER.

So she found her favourite beetle.

And she started to feed him, first she fed him lots of glowing mushrooms. That way he started to glow really good, and once he was big enough, she started to feed him all the other fireflies. Under her care, he grew bigger and bigger and bigger. And he glowed so bright, just being near him was blinding. Eventually he was bigger than the Swamp.

Now was the time.

The MotherFather took hold and then BAM! BOOM! She tossed him! Off he went! Up and up and up! Right up into the sky. But he was massive and hungry and after sitting for a while, he started to chase that big tasty ball of moon fireflies. Around and around.

But she was happy with the results because no matter what we would always have light and we’d get a break from that big beautiful bright beetle. Bless him.”

The One and Only grinned.

“I guess he finally caught his prey and the MotherFather squashed him. But I’m sure she’s working on another one.”
word count: 458