Trek to the Caves (Over)

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Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by Fasti »

Walk On
Username: Fasti
Kin For Leg 1: Grained Melon
Preference: Green, Yellow, Furb 1, Furb 2, Furb 3
word count: 19
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Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by Yuki »

Walk On
Username: Yuki
Kin For Leg 1: Vow
Preference: Pass for first leg!

Vow and Death had made it back to the Swamp just in time for the Winter Market. But still, there was no sign of the third member of their party. They'd walked around, searching and describing him to the market-goers but there was no luck so far. Vow was worried. Blood hadn't been in the best place when they had been separated. Who knows what their sudden disappearance would do to him.

When she heard of a group going back to the Zikwa caves, she made up her mind.

"Death, he hasn't been in any of our places in the swamp... I think I need to leave again to find him. Maybe he's still back at the caves, lost in those terrible tunnels! Or he ended up in a different land like we did and something happened! Who knows, but this group is going to the caves again. I think I need to join them. And you need to stay here."

Death had sighed and agreed to stay after a little fussing. Her usual anxiousness had been calmed after reuniting with her long lost love in the plains. The promise of being able to travel back to Flower Child kept Death going. Vow just needed to find Blood to keep herself going. The Totoma was too stubborn to die, Vow was sure. It didn't mean he hadn't gotten himself into some trouble. The possibilities were eating at her.

But also... while they were gone, it seemed the swamp itself had gotten into trouble, with the sky and the light and the shadows. Things were strange and off-putting. It almost felt like she was already back at the caves with the strange visions she would blind from her eyes when the light of the strange tree would shift ever so slightly. Maybe they should've just skipped the Winter Market this year after such a long journey.

"I don't want to leave you here..." Vow muttered, looking down at her tiny Zikwa companion. "Especially with things all...." She looked around. "...weird."

"Hey I have Hope, I'll be fine," Death smiled, gesturing above to her newly acquired companion from their adventures in the plains. The giant spectral eagle was indeed more intimidating than Death's other familiars - three tiny mice. "Go find Dad, he probably fell down and got his big head stuck in a hole or something."

Vow sighed. Back to the caves, then. Hopefully the smoke that made everyone hallucinate was gone. She was not keen to go through that again.

"Don't get into trouble!" she called over her shoulder as she walked towards the gathering party of adventurers, Defend and Lost following behind.

"No promises!" Death called back with a grin. Vow turned and glared halfheartedly over her shoulder at Death, squinting as a breeze sent some flowers through the air. She blinked and suddenly Death was a hulking, looming beast with a dripping mane of acidic hissing slime. Empty eye sockets stared into Vow's soul and long, sharp tusks dripped blood onto the ground. Then she blinked again and Death was there once more, tiny and giggling. She sucked in a breath and shook her head. What was this world becoming?

This family might be the actual death of her at this point.
word count: 571
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Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by Owlsomniac »

Walk On
Username: owlsomniac
Kin For Leg 1: Fated
Preference: pass
word count: 11
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Trek to the Caves (U/C)

Post by HuniPi »

Ticket Holders
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Kalahari
  5. Nashawryn
  6. elvy
  7. Lirilei
  8. Peanutbutter
  9. Tiarana
  10. Eevee
  11. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Kalahari
  5. Nashawryn
  6. elvy
  7. Lirilei
  8. Tiarana
  9. Eevee
  10. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Kalahari
  5. Nashawryn
  6. elvy
  7. Lirilei
  8. Tiarana
  9. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Kalahari
  5. Nashawryn
  6. elvy
  7. Tiarana
  8. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Kalahari
  5. Nashawryn
  6. elvy
  7. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Nashawryn
  5. elvy
  6. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. elvy
  5. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  4. Fasti
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
  3. SkylerKarashi
  1. Beejoux
  2. AstoriaFallen
Dice rolls
[8]+[9]+[7]+[7]+[3]+[3]+[3]+[3]+[3]+[2] = 48
d11+d10+d9+d8+d7+d6+d5+d4+d3+d2:  [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] + [
] = 48
word count: 68
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Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by HuniPi »

All preparations have been made, everyone who wanted to join had shown up, the map of the route they were taking have been drawn, the only thing left was for the group to actually go out of the swamp and head for the caves! Some kin would break away from the group for their own reasons, be it to hunt to add to their food reserves, or gather water, or it could be just that they found something interesting along the way and would catch up.

In the end, apart from Forward who was taking the lead, it was Worlds with Worlds who first arrived at the caves with Shrine coming in a close second. There, they were met by a green zikwa.
Beejoux wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
AstoriaFallen wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
From the caves, a yellow zikwa emerged to greet Rain Bone, then Bring me the Horizon, Toxic Waters, and Easy Rhythm.
SkylerKarashi wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
Nashawryn wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
elvy wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
Kalahari wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
The others are welcomed into the caves, some of the zikwa still living there recognizing kin who'd visited last year. They'd be asked what has happened of note as of late, trying to catch up on the ongoings outside the dark caverns. As everyone settled in, some furbies -likely lost, hungry, and or curious- wandered into the camp and decided they belonged to a kin now. Specifically Grained Melon, Hollyhock, and Reluctant Hero. ((all furbs colored by kiwi!))
Fasti wrote:Image
Tiarana wrote:Image
Lirilei wrote:Image
((Congratulations winners! Everyone who posted, with or without a preference list, but wasn't quoted gets an extra ticket for future legs of the booth. Stay tuned for Leg 2!))
word count: 372
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Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by HuniPi »

((Because I am a derp and accidentally posted before quoting everyone correctly, here's a recap ;v; apologies to anyone I may have double-quoted. The zikwas are from a breeding, so I'll post them once names and genders have been submitted ^_^))
Beejoux wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
AstoriaFallen wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
SkylerKarashi wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
Nashawryn wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
elvy wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
Kalahari wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
Fasti wrote:Image
Tiarana wrote:Image
Lirilei wrote:Image
Last edited by HuniPi on Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 161
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Kin Journal:

Trek to the Caves (Open)

Post by SkylerKarashi »

HuniPi wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:16 am All preparations have been made, everyone who wanted to join had shown up, the map of the route they were taking have been drawn, the only thing left was for the group to actually go out of the swamp and head for the caves! Some kin would break away from the group for their own reasons, be it to hunt to add to their food reserves, or gather water, or it could be just that they found something interesting along the way and would catch up.

In the end, apart from Forward who was taking the lead, it was Worlds with Worlds who first arrived at the caves with Shrine coming in a close second. There, they were met by a green zikwa.
Beejoux wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
AstoriaFallen wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
From the caves, a yellow zikwa emerged to greet Rain Bone, then Bring me the Horizon, Toxic Waters, and Easy Rhythm.
SkylerKarashi wrote:Image
colored by phoe, quote me with a name and gender when you have time ^_^
Nashawryn wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
elvy wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
Kalahari wrote:All choices taken, you'll be granted an extra 3 tickets for the future legs you participate in
The others are welcomed into the caves, some of the zikwa still living there recognizing kin who'd visited last year. They'd be asked what has happened of note as of late, trying to catch up on the ongoings outside the dark caverns. As everyone settled in, some furbies -likely lost, hungry, and or curious- wandered into the camp and decided they belonged to a kin now. Specifically Grained Melon, Hollyhock, and Reluctant Hero. ((all furbs colored by kiwi!))
Fasti wrote:Image
Tiarana wrote:Image
Lirilei wrote:Image
((Congratulations winners! Everyone who posted, with or without a preference list, but wasn't quoted gets an extra ticket for future legs of the booth. Stay tuned for Leg 2!))
Ahhhhhhhh thank you thank you!!!!
Female and Tiger Sunset if I can!! :D
word count: 393
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2 coming soon!)

Post by Fasti »

Thank you so much for this little furb! :-[
word count: 8
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by HuniPi »

Leg 2 is open! If anything is confusing, just lemme know and I'll do my best to clarify :)
word count: 19
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Nashawryn »

Username: Nashawryn
Participating Kin: Toxic Waters
Preferences: pass for this round
word count: 13
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by doomsayer »

Username: doomsayer
Participating Kin: Smoldering Ember
Preferences: cheetah, foxbun, owlcat
Tickets for this Prompt: 6
Prompt 1: Food
Dice 1 (1):
Odd - Fishing
Dice 2 (4): Complications
You find a short-cut and are able to get a headstart. (+2 tickets)
Dice 3 (5): How much food gathered
5-6 – A generous portion, enough to feed a second kin (+3 tickets)

Smoldering Ember had kept close to his mother during the first leg of the journey, making sure that she did not lose her way at any point as she had a notoriously bad sense of direction. Her partner, Forward By Choice had been with her every step of the way as well, doing the same as he, but also remaining vigilant for any dangers or resources that the group might encounter as they made their way through the dimly lit tunnels and chambers.

Curious at the Totoma's dedication, Smoldering Ember takes an opportunity to ask him a question as the group takes a short rest on the trip. "Hello Forward By Choice. I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Smoldering Ember, Heart and Home is my mother. I am here to assist her in any way I can on this journey. I am curious as to what your motivation is in joining her here in the caves."
Upon making it to the caves, Smoldering Ember was eager to make himself useful and to take as much burden from Heart as possible. Luckily, his experience with Sea of Tears the last few days before leaving for this journey had given him considerable knowledge and experience in fishing. After volunteering for the task, he immediately identifies a spot in the water where the rocks force the fish to swim through a narrow channel, making their movements more predictable and more susceptible to being caught. One after the other, Smoldering Ember pulls fish after fish from the water until a large pile of them had already gathered on the dry rock beside him. He could have gone for more, but the size of the pile would be unwieldy for one kin to transport one their own and he didn't want to have to ask anyone else to help him bringing it back. He figures this pile will feed at least 2 or three, and that should be enough.
Dice rolls
[1, 4]+[5] = 10
2d4, d6:  [
] + [
] = 10
Last edited by doomsayer on Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:00 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 394
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Fasti »

Username: Fasti
Participating Kin: Image
Preferences: Royal Blue (Royal Blue), Purple (Shining Heartbeat), Teal (It is how it is), Foxbun (Royal), Owlcat (Royal), Cheetah (Quick Decision)

Prompt1: 415

Dice 1 Even – Algae Harvesting

Dice 2 Complications
You got a little turned around in the caves and don't get as much time. (+1 ticket)

Dice 3 How much food gathered
5-6 – A generous portion, enough to feed a second kin (+3 tickets)

After the tasks were distributed, Grained Melon set off; he had been assigned to collect algae. The cave was huge and the chance of getting lost was high. Luckily there was a lake not far from the camp, he would try his luck there!
Despite his caution, he wandered in the wrong direction a few times.
The closer he got to the rocky shore, the more slippery the ground became and he had to slow down. When he finally reached the edge, he looked into the dark water, hoping to see algae, but the water and surroundings were so murky that he couldn't see anything.
He carefully placed one hoof apart from the other until he was standing with all four legs in the water. A shiver of cold went through his body, the water was icy. He slowly waded through the water, looking for the algae in question. Nothing. He carefully climbed deeper into the water until only his head was above the water.
THERE! He felt something slippery under his hooves, it had to be the algae! He quickly dove underwater and tore off a generous clump of the algae, which he then carried to the shore. Surveying his haul, he realized he could carry more, so he got back into the water and picked up more algae. Now quickly return the algae to the others and then warm it up.
Dice rolls
[4, 1] = 5
2d4:  [
] = 5
[5] = 5
d6:  [
] = 5
word count: 308
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
Participating Kin: Shrine
Preferences: Foxbun, purple, reroll
5 Tickets for this prompt.
Prompt 3: Firewood
(4, 3, 1)
Deep in the caves there is a massive tree that broke through the cavern roof. How do you get there? Even - You find the gathering spot unassisted
You hear a fight breaking out but can't find the source. (+2 tickets)
We can have a bonfire everynight for the next week! (+3 ticket)

Doing chores wasn't something that Shrine was unaccustomed to. She did quite a number of things around her tribe to help, each of them played their part, but it wasn't uncommon to assist in other areas if necessary.

Shrine figured they'd help with the firewood for now. Now, where to find some wood.... It wasn't long before they came across a rather peculiar tree. How had it even managed to get in here? Let alone keep growing? Shrugging she went about gathering some wood and heard the sound of some kin arguing? Perhaps it was a scuffle, it was hard to decipher when she wasn't near the incident. Regarding it with little thought she went back to gathering the wood and was pleased enough to have gathered enough to last quite a while. "There, this should suffice." She said.
Dice rolls
[4, 3] = 7
2d4:  [
] = 7
[1] = 1
d6:  [
] = 1
Last edited by Astoria on Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 219
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
Participating Kin: Shrine
Preferences: Foxbun, purple, reroll
5 Tickets this prompt
Water Prompt:
3, 1, 4
You follow a stream and it leads you to: Odd – Lake.

Dice 2 Complications
You find a safe spot to gather water and are able to take your time. (+2 tickets)

Dice 3 How much water gathered
3-4 – Not only is there a lot, but it's extra refreshing! (+3 tickets)

Satisfied, shrine decided to help out with water. There was a stream in the cave and she decided to follow it. Eventually she came before a lake, how interesting. She quite liked this, not having to leave a cave to find water was quite handy. Finding a nice, quite spot, she went to work gathering the water and making sure she'd be able to carry it back. When she was finished she found that there was plenty and she was quite thrilled that it tasted refreshing, and didn't have that minerally aftertaste that some cave water did.
Dice rolls
[3, 1] = 4
2d4:  [
] = 4
[4] = 4
d6:  [
] = 4
Last edited by Astoria on Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 171
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
Participating Kin: Shrine
Preferences: Foxbun, purple, reroll
4 tickets for this prompt

Prompt 1!!!
2, 1, 5

Dice 1 Even – Algae Harvesting

Dice 2 Complications
You got a little turned around in the caves and don't get as much time. (+1 ticket)

Dice 3 How much food gathered
5-6 – A generous portion, enough to feed a second kin (+3 tickets)

Now that Shrine had done two of the three tasks, she felt compelled to gather some food as well. Deciding to do some Algae harvesting she walked along, looking for some and wondered if she had seen any by that lake she had gone too. However, she got a little turned around and when she finally managed to gather some, she didn't have much time left to do so. Bringing back what she had gathered, she was still quite pleased that the end result was satisfactory and there was some left over for her to share.

"Would anyone care for some Algea I gathered?" She asked anyone within close proximity.
Dice rolls
[2, 1] = 3
2d4:  [
] = 3
[5] = 5
1d6:  [
] = 5
Last edited by Astoria on Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 177
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