ART: Custom & Semi-Custom Information

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ART: Custom & Semi-Custom Information

Post by Matope »


Customs and Semi-Customs

Semi-Custom refers to a request in which the colorist has a considerable amount of artistic license.
In these requests, no changes are made once the artwork is complete.

Custom refers to a request in which the requesting party has worked out quite a few of the specifics of their design. If the requester is making more of the artistic decisions than the colorist, it is a custom. In these cases, some changes may be made on finished artwork.

Growing refers to a request in which all four stages of a Kimeti are created, and the requester gets a larva that grows slowly into an adult. These kinds of requests can be much more labor-intensive, since the colorists have to make many more pets.

Edited means that core changes have been made to the actual templates -- adding hair or accessories, changing horns or tails. Edited kin are more difficult to get than unedited.


The base prices for Kin are listed below:
Unedited: Semi-customs are ???; customs are ???.
Edited: Semi-customs are ???; customs are ???.
Growing: Any growing kin is ???.

Open Slots

Customs are offered as prizes or as bribes.
To check to see if a colorist has open slots, page through this subforum.


At Matope, when we say 'flatsale' we almost always mean 'speed flat'.
Speed is the key word here: this is a competition to see who can be the first one there.

Specific flat rules may vary, and will always be posted somewhat in advance, but there are certain things consistent from one to the next:

No editing or deleting of posts. If you edit or delete your post, you will be eliminated.
No posting before the 'go'.. Waiting until the colorists say 'go' before you post your code.
Keep thread chatter down. Colorists might ask for silence until the flat is over.
Last edited by Matope on Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 311
please do not send anything via PM to the mule; no one checks this account.
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