Solo FOOD FIGHT!! (Hopes Fall)

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Solo FOOD FIGHT!! (Hopes Fall)

Post by Astoria »

Marshfowl -
HP: 50
Atk die: 1d10
Story -
HP: 120 80
Hopes Fall was hungry and pretty excited about the feast. As she joined everyone at the table she went to grab some food and quickly realized that things were a little different. From four legs to two and fur to feathers. She was now a Marsh Hen. Not only that, but the world was in utter chaos, in a sense. All sorts of edible items were soaring through the air. It was a battle of Mice verses Marsh Fowl and it was very uncertain of who the winning side was as everyone was covered in equal amounts of food it seemed. However, Hopes Fall had her eyes set on another target, Story. Smiling she looked around and gathered up her arsenal. Berries, beans, and even the odd balled up salad leaf. As she gathered she dodged incoming shots that had missed their intended targets and even repurposed a few of them for her own purposes.

Satisfied she looked across the way at story and fluffed her red and green feathers with a satisfied cluck and began her assault upon the host.
Last edited by Astoria on Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:50 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 191
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Solo Against Story

Post by Astoria »

I’m gonna roll 12 dice 10 since the odds are extremely low I’ll get 120 points I’ll roll more after.
10, 1, 4, 9, 7, 8, 1, 9, 1, 3, 6, 7
Grabbing a rather juicy berry she went ahead and took aim and released it at the mighty host and was excited when it was a direct hit! Her second two throws weren't as good as she was distracted by some incoming food from the other players and gave a cluck in dissatisfaction as the first one grazed his lower leg and the other hit his shoulder. As she made sure there was no more incoming distractions she took aim with a plump strawberry and it hit him on the neck. If she was a rooster she would have likely crowed. Her next two shots hit him on the side and back hindquarters, but her following one came up short, just barely hitting his foot. Repositioning behind a basket she launched a black bean and it bounced off the top of his head and she ruffled her feathers in excitement. As she went to throw another bean, she ducked to miss being hit by a rough blueberry and her shot came up short once more. Frowning she grabbed the berry and tossed it Story's way and it bounced off his tail. Tossing her head from side to side she grabbed two raspberries and threw them his way, both of them finding their mark, but not with as much force as she had hoped. Surely she was getting close to defeating him.
Dice rolls
[10, 1, 4, 9, 7, 8, 1, 9, 1, 3, 6, 7] = 66
12d10:  [
] = 66
Last edited by Astoria on Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:58 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 269
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Solo Against Story

Post by Astoria »

I’ll roll 10 more dice here
Last two dice aren’t necessary. 9 is the final hit

First two dice only are necessary. 10 & 6

As she looked at her pile, she realized she was down to two more throws. Grabbing up the first blueberry she quickly ducked behind another player and then let it loose and watched as it collided upon Story's flank with a surrounding splat. Quickly returning for her last berry she grabbed it up and let it go and with a smack it hit him on the neck and with that she was done. Beaming proudly she moved away from the battle field of flying food and took a moment to recompose herself.
Dice rolls
[10, 6, 10, 9, 2, 10, 1, 9, 3, 6] = 66
10d10:  [
] = 66
Last edited by Astoria on Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:01 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 121
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Solo Against Story

Post by Astoria »

What were the odds of getting 66 both times 😂😂😂😂😂

Will edit in rp
word count: 13
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