[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

Despite her rough upbringing in the low hills of the plains north of the swamp, Leaves You Breathless regards her youth as one filled with essential lessons and hard earned skills. Her mentor, an elderly Kimeti buck, had taught her to use her yellow coat to hide among the sun-dried tall grasses of the low hills in order to hunt down the fast creatures that dwelled there. He also brought her to the edges of the plains; where the last of the tall grass of the plains meets the dessert, where the trees become short and thick at the foot of the mountains, and where the world goes dark at the mouth of the subterranean caves.

All that time, he told her about the Ache and how it stifles all of kinkind from going beyond the borders of the swamp and broadening their collective horizons. She saw him suffer from it often, fighting against a physical pain that caused them to backtrack in the direction of the swamp often, only to turn around when the pain was bearable again in the hopes of getting farther that time around. It was her mentor's ambition to go farther than any kin had ever gone, to find a new place to settle and thrive and spread our kind.

After her mentor's passing, she had carried his dream for him. Unfortunately, she had made the mistake of coming to the swamp. Now she must also suffer the ache and see how far she can go before it takes her completely. For this, she knows she will need a companion. Someone sturdy, both in body and in mid. Someone who has not known the comfort of the swamp all their lives.

As she walks along the edges of the dark patches of reality that the swamp now hosts, she watches as the various kin that hosted activities during the winter market clean up. She spots him at a nearby cave opening, ushering out kin tired from what is obviously a long journey. His legs are sturdy, his hide is thick, his mane looks warm, and his core looks strong. This one is an appropriate candidate to accompany her.

Maybe she'll circle back to him after he's had some time to recover from his recent journey.
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

Thanks to the obelisks, the travel back to the Swamp didn't need to take as long as the journey to the caves. There were kin who wished to linger among the zikwa for a time more, but thankfully Heart and Home was not one of them. The kimeti doe wanted to still partake in the tail end of the Winter Market festivities, which required a speedier return. And because Forward by Choice promised to accompany her all throughout the trek, it meant he too would be returning to the swamp.

Once they’d passed through the obelisks and reoriented themselves to the appropriate reality, their surroundings were those of the swamp. It took only a bit of travel on foot before they arrived at the clearing where they had all gathered at the start of their journey.

Heart and Home had thanked everyone and relieved her family of their duties. But some still hung back to assist in the cleanup of the booth area. Forward by Choice was one of them. It didn't take much effort or time to break down the makeshift booth while Heart's children cleared away the debris scattered about.

Some kin were simply milling about, and Heart was more than happy to chat with them. Forward, not so much. He didn't want to leave just yet, but he knew the kimeti doe would be a while before she finished her conversations. While he waited, he spotted an unfamiliar kiokote doe. And he was certain he'd never seen her before. He would remember the intricate patterns on her blonde coat, that unique harness across her chest, and especially the brilliant halo that emanated from her.

He couldn't help himself but stare openly at her.

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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

The closure of the Winter Market was followed by the harsh bite of the cold winter. Leaves You Breathless understood better now that the purpose of the gathering was to momentarily distract kin from the seasonal suffering that winter brings. She had gone through many winters herself. It's not a good season for hunters, especially those whose fur colors were meant to blend with warmer hues brought by spring and summer. It is not wise to rush her travel, especially in these conditions.

She has recently acquired a stack of silken, brightly colored fabrics from the strange tree. She aims to use these fabrics to form around her body and legs and stuff with animal fur, both for warmth and to have a different mix of color in preparation for the spring. With a lot of fabric still leftover, she remembers that she will need a companion for this journey and her mind wanders to the well-built Totoma Buck from the Winter Market. Perhaps it is time to seek him out.

Taking her time walking through the swamp, she tries to track his whereabouts and find out more about him. It seems that he is often found with a Kimeti doe named Heart and Home. In fact, they have had a few clutches together and jointly spearheaded a journey into the caves during this Winter Market. Such activities proves his reliability, his sturdiness--and his virility, but she has no need for that.

When she finally finds him, she minces no words as she walks up to him and introduces herself, "I am Leaves You Breathless. You are Forward By Choice. I would like to have a conversation with you, if you do not mind."
HuniPi wrote:
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

Forward by Choice managed to realize he'd been staring when the kiokote doe began to approach him. Ah, she must have noticed him studying her so intently. He remembered those times when his gaze upset other kin and before he had a name he wouldn't have cared. But now that he was among those who lived in the swamp, he learned he had to adjust his attitude. He was preparing himself to apologize and explain that he was not suspicious of her but that she was just incredibly eye catching and he meant to offense.

But the doe started the conversation and. Well. She was quite forward with everything.

"Certainly," he says. "What would you like to talk about?"
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

The prolonged gaze of the Totoma would have irked or imbalanced lesser kin, but her resolve is solid and her mind is on her objective

"I wish to travel beyond the known borders of where kin dwell. I aim to see just how powerful the influence of the ache can be on one who was not born of the swamp. I myself originated from the plains north of the swamp. For this journey, I seek a travelling companion.

I see you have travelled far with one of your partners before. Have you ever felt the ache before? Were you born from the mountains where the other Totomas originate?"
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

The conversation started off easily enough. He was amenable to the kio doe's request for a companion on her journey outside of the swamp. It wouldn't be anything he hadn't done before, and it would allow him to map a route to the plains for the eventuality of Heart's own journey there. He didn't take umbrage with the amount of questions, at least not at this point in his life. Perhaps if she'd done this before he'd achieved his name, his hackles might have been raised. "I cannot say if the intensity differs from kin born within the swamp and those outside. I can only speak of my own experiences. The ache is a new occurrence for me as I originally hailed from the mountains. It is uncomfortable to say the least."

"But I can accompany you, yes. I must make some arrangements first as I have duties here within the swamp I cannot neglect."
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

It was not as if she was imbalanced by his calm and measured response; she was just caught off guard by his lack of reaction to her directness. Most other kin tend to hesitate or stutter when she strikes up a conversation with them. Admittedly, she does come off a little strong and she has been told that her glow inspires awe or incites flinching when she comes too close too fast.

His immediate agreeableness to join her on her journey also put her off. She was ready for this to be a negotiation; to make an offer and sweeten the pot with something of value. But straight away he offers to accompany her... for nothing but some time to make arrangements before they set out. She wonders if there is something wrong with him or if he is just so secure in himself and his motivations that he can make such a decision in the span of a heartbeat.

It is a few moments of awkward silence before she realizes that she has just been staring at him, lost in her own introspective analysis of his response, and her next few words come out in a stutter.

"W-well! Al-alright then! I'm glad to have you. But I want you to know that this isn't just travel for the sake of travel. I'm going to set out specifically to fight the ache. I want to know how far I can push to the edges of the lands before it becomes unbearable--if it even does become so. If you were to come with me, you would be subjected to the same potential suffering. I want you to think on that before deciding if you are really going to join me. I will understand if such a possibility will cause you to have second thoughts.
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

"Ah." Forward was glad for the clarification. He had mistakenly assumed the doe's intention for the journey to be less intense upon first hearing about it. It sounded as if she had asked others to accompany her and had come up empty or had backed out when they realized just what exactly she was trying to do. "I have traveled far in my youth but ever since I came to live in the Swamp and fell to the Ache, I have not gone for so long. I would be interested in seeing my own limits now." There was no hesitation in his words. He spoke matter-of-fact but not overly confident.

"And this journey is specifically heading towards the plains?" Totomas by nature were no stranger to pain or difficulties, especially those who were born in the mountains. When what greets a young lamb is the cold harsh mountain air, one had to learn to adapt. Or die.

"The Ache from what I've felt is physical and mental, and it would be best to have a known course in mind. We can account for a nearby obelisk to quickly return for when the Ache proves too much. Have you traveled through the obelisks before?"
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

Although she warned him about the potential suffering that her endeavor might cause, his response was still so calm and sure. The more they talked, the more she recognizes the quiet steadfastness and confidence that Forward By Choice possessed.

"That is exactly what I aim to measure--the limits of our kind to fight the ache in search of new lands to settle. We will initially be setting out for the plains as it is directly west of the swamp, bit I believe we can make it as far west as we can, beyond the desert territories of the Acha.

I know of the obelisks, but have never laid my eyes on them. Nor do I know how to use them. Ad you suggest, I think it would be prudent to travel with the nearest one in mind in case the ache becomes unbearable. However, I want travel by the obelisks to be the last resort. I want to push as much as physically possible against the ache and maybe even find ways to alleviate it temporarily without necessarily going all the way back to the swamp so that we can go further. Regardless, it would be useful--and I would be grateful if you would teach me how to use the obelisks."
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

"It is an admirable thing to strive for." Forward began, though prior to his naming, he might have called it frivolous, or even irresponsible. "With the recent loss of the sun, who knows what else is possible in this vast world. I do not possess the imagination for it. But I can imagine situations and scenarios that need to be discussed to increase our chances of survival. Though not as harsh as the mountains, the plains and the desert have their own challenges. And that's not even accounting for the dangers of the obelisks."

His ears flicked in agitation as he recalled the first time he'd gone through them. "It was unnerving." An understatement, perhaps? But if Leaves You Breathless had the strength of nerve and the determination, the totoma didn't doubt she would be able to navigate the in-between.

"I suggest we find one and travel through it before setting off for the journey." He wasn't particularly gifted in explanations. Speech was left to kin like I am the Land or Heart and Home. But he was a kin of action more than words. He would show her and let experience be the true teacher.
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

The opportunity to learn more about these obelisks was intriguing and the fact that Forward has had prior experience with them seals her choice in the matter. He was the travelling companion she needed.

"That is an excellent idea. I can come back when you've finished with your duties and making your arrangements. Unless you have the time now, of course."
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by HuniPi »

The totoma buck glanced back to where Heart and Home seemed to be wrapping up her own conversations. And as if sensing his gaze, the kimeti doe turned towards their direction and spotted them. She brightened and began making her way towards the pair.

"We can go in a day or two. I will have to speak to some other kin first about my leave, but you're welcome to join us for a meal in the meanwhile." Forward invited. "Heart would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the obelisks themselves. Though I would not ask her for directions." He chuckled.
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[PRP] Seeking the Limits (Leaves You Breathless x Forward by Choice)

Post by doomsayer »

Now with a willing and capable kin to aid her in her upcoming journey, her mind goes back to everything she must prepare on her end for an extended travel. And with the knowledge that she needs to find out more about these obelisks, she feels that she is closer than ever to actually setting out.

Seeing how Forward looks at his current partner, Leaves is intrigued. If she can glean a better understanding of both the obelisks and of Forward By Choice himself, she will gladly take him up on his offer.
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