The Nasties [Open! Come pick a fight!]

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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Scaramouche Fandango
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The Nasties [Open! Come pick a fight!]

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Not all kin are nice. Not all kin are good. But that doesn't mean that these kin have to exist at the fringe of society, outcast and alone. No, there's a place for these kin- and it's here, it's right here. There's safety in numbers, after all, and if you've got some muscle at your side, your beat-downs are better. Your heists are heftier. Your menacing is... more menacing. Face it: you're better off with us than against us- so get in here before we change our minds. We're nasty kin after all.

The Nasties are a group of kin who would never, ever admit that they're a family of misfits and outcasts who care deeply about each other. Led by the ill-tempered Heel, these kin are a rough-and-tumble bunch with something to prove. Their loose hierarchy and gleeful desire to corrupt the youth makes them a safe haven for runaways and wandering foals. They have varying degrees of contempt for social decorum and brag constantly about their dirty deeds. (And, if you're interested, these dirty deeds can be done dirt cheap, as it's very easy to hire them to bother your neighbor or run off your romantic competition or something. They're quite reasonable.)

For all their scheming, plotting, boasting, and snarling, the Nasties are not evil. They don't kill, they don't maim, they don't play sadistic mind games. They're selfish jerks, but they're far too lazy to actually be evil. They don't have any ambitions to rule or control- they just take what they want and are pretty rude about it. However, many of them have hearts of gold or some endearing soft spot. They're a lot of bark for not a lot of bite- it's far more fun to talk about being bad than actually doing things.

The Nasties can be found in their hideout, a thorny clearing where the swamp water almost looks greasy. There's a big pile of "trophies" in the middle of the clearing- bones, cool rocks, remnants of dried plants, and all sorts of flotsam and jetsam that tribe members have brought back as proof of their exploits. Tribe members aren't required to stay in the core area; they can come and go as they please. They're more than welcome to drop their kids off at the hideout, where Heel will teach them thiefcraft, distraction, tackling, and nasty laughter. If you don't have anywhere else to go, you can always come home to the Nasties.[/center]
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The Rules

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The Nasties don't have much in the way of rules- that would totally defeat the purpose of this conglomeration of miscreants. However, there's a few things that aren't acceptable, even to the nastiest of nasties.

Rule One: Honor among thieves. You never, ever steal from your fellow tribe members. You also don’t mess with parents with little kids, or somebody who’s obviously way worse off than you are. While the gang has general prohibitions about being overly nice, you don’t kick a kin when they’re down.

Rule Two: Plots to take control of large areas of the swamp are stupid and never work.

Rule Three: Heel’s in charge. If you wanna fight her, you can. She’s still in charge, though.

There are also some really simple rules for joining. Anybody can join- however, they have to prove their worth. This can be accomplished by:
  • Stealing something to get in
  • Beating someone up to get in
  • Getting beat up by someone to prove they’re brave
  • Lying about stealing or beating someone up
Kin who want to join just need to come to the hideout and tell Heel and whoever else is there that they want to join. If they're cool enough, they're in.

The Nasties have an extremely loose hierarchy. Pretty much everyone in the tribe is equal to everyone else. There's a few ostensibly more responsible adults who make sure that everyone's ok, and then other than that, Heel is nominally in charge. There are specialties, mind you, that tribe members can have, and those are as follows.

The lowest 'rank' in the tribe is that of the kids. Most kin just call them kids, or scamps if they're feeling affectionate. Kids are taught basic thieving skills and the adults just… look, they make sure they’re alive, ok?

Most tribe members are eyes or muscle. Eyes are quicker; muscle is stronger. Eyes can be muscle, muscle can be eyes- but it's good to specialize for heists and the like, and everybody says they have a preference for what they do. Eyes and muscle don't have to live in the core area, which is where a bunch of the bosses all live, along with the scamps- but they are more than welcome to stay at the hideout for as long as they want.

Bosses are awkwardly named. Anybody can be a boss, but there's only one kin who's The Boss. Bosses are basically anyone who Heel thinks is cool- maybe they're really tough, or they're good with kids, or they just suck up to her a lot.

The Boss is Heel. Most tribe members call her boss, even if they don't really listen to her. She tries to keep everyone in line, and she makes sure everybody's fed.

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Tribe Traditions

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The Nasties do have a few particularly... unique tendencies that sets them apart and helps unify them, for a very loose definition of unify.

One of the most important is the catchphrase. All good villains have a catchphrase. Things like "Prepare for trouble and make it double!" or "Resistance is futile!" or even "Did I do that?" are integral to striking terror and fear into the hearts of goodie goodies everywhere, and every member of the tribe needs something to say at roll call or when announcing their presence. Tribe members have great fun with this, and it's not uncommon to have paired catchphrases with your friends/colleagues.

Another important tribal tradition is the holiday heist. This happens around around major festivals and honestly, it's the closest this merry band of fools ever get to pulling off a plan. Representatives from the Nasties always show up at large gatherings of kin. They're rarely ever invited (or if they are, they ignore the invitation and come on their own anyways), and from there they tend to skulk around the edge of festivals and conspire to steal whatever big centerpiece dish is on offer.

You know, the one that's always shared publicly with everyone.

They talk a big game about how to take it, and then inevitably, they do. Bit by bit. Like everyone else.

When something big is going down, the tribe might have a meeting. This occurs in the core area, and consists of three parts: Roll call, bragging, and The Plan. Runners are dispatched around the swamp (and if there's not runners, Heel and the others in the core area just do it themselves) to call gang members home. Once enough kin show up, the roll is taken. After attendance, everybody talks about their latest misdeeds. Whether these events actually happened or not, the important thing is in the telling. Outright lies sometimes get called, but if you want to tell everyone you took down a crocodile when really you just scared off a little lizard... well, everybody would much rather believe the crocodile story. Occasionally fights break out; everyone loves a good fight and it's not uncommon for informal bets and heaps of encouragement. Even if there's no real quarrel, sparring is fun and throwing each other around is a great bonding exercise. Once the dust settles, The Plan is discussed. The Plan could be anything from "no plan this time, get outta here!" to "We're going to steal the whole roast beast at the Harvest Festival, nyahahaha!" This is followed by speculation and attempts at drawing out steps. This is also the time where, should there be any outstanding requests for jobs, these get divvied out.

While the Nasties do their own work most of the time, that's not to say that their dirty deeds don't come dirt cheap. If you need a bad job done badly, these kin might be able to help. Do you need to annoy someone away from their fishing hole? Got some neighbors you want run off? Need a heckler for your nemesis? Need a nemesis? Need a nemesis for your kid? Need to make yourself look cool by beating someone in a staged fight? Need warm bodies for a scheme of your own? Someone will be absolutely happy to do that for you. You just have to bring them something of ostensible value to trade. Food is always accepted. They won't take commissions for things that are particularly violent (they won't kill anyone, for instance) because that would be way too much work and it'd be crossing a line, even for them. But if you need a nuisance, a nemesis, a major annoyance? Look no further.

In addition to the external traditions the Nasties sort of adhere to, there's a few personally traits they really exemplify as well. A Nasty never works hard or honestly; they live off scams and scrounging. They are often lazy and sluggish, and the motto don't work harder, work smarter partially applies to them. They'd much rather just not really work. They also cheat and deceive in order to prevail. They borrow from the trickster archetype, but where a trickster tricks for the trickiness of it, the Nasties do it because they can. They also tend to cry that things aren't fair when they're beaten, but don't feel the need to ever play fair themselves.
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Scaramouche Fandango
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Public Enemies

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Should your tribe or kin wish to contract the Nasties, one only has to ask. They maintain a list of satisfied clients and are happy to give references!

If you'd like to declare the Nasties your enemy or your tribe's enemy, go for it. They're quite proud that anybody would consider them a threat. But please tell them by posting a declaration of war, annoyance, etc. in the thread... they could really use the confidence.

Furthermore, individual members of the tribe might declare a nemesis. This can be a kin they know, or just somebody they saw once who looked kind of snooty at them. It can also be a concept. No two kin can share a nemesis, and not every kin has to declare one! The nemesis relationship is well-respected by the tribe; other kin won't heckle, bother, steal from, or otherwise mess with your nemesis. That's your nemesis, and to violate that sacred relationship would violate the tribe's code of honor among thieves. Also, while romantic interests are typically taken pretty lightly with lots of teasing and bawdy jokes, nobody will ever, ever mock you for mentioning how attractive or noble your nemesis is.

Nemeses will be listed below, so that everybody knows what's what!

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Join Us!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

So, this all sounds good to you? You wanna throw your lot in with the Nasties? You think you're tough enough, punk? Do you? Do you!?

Yeah, you're probably tough enough. Come on in!

Code: Select all

[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Kin name: [/b]
[b]Kin uncert: [/b][url=matopepage][img]uncert[/url][/url]

[b]Eyes or Muscle? [/b] (If your kin isn't an adult yet, put Scamp)
[b]Why should we let you in?[/b] (One to two sentence explanation in first person perspective of the "crime" your kin committed. Exaggeration and full-out lies are encouraged.)
[b]Catchphrase:[/b] (If you don't have a catchphrase, one will be provided for you.)

[member=18]Scaramouche Fandango[/member] 
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Nasty kin, don't mean a thing.

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Oh you nasty kin!

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Nasty kin, don't ever change.

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Oh you nasty kin!

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I don't like no nasty food,

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I don't like a nasty fen,

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Scaramouche Fandango
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The only nasty thing I like is a nasty kin!

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