[B] New Buds

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[B] New Buds

Post by peanutbutter »

Above all things, Waiting for Roses was a true romantic.

His naming dream had been about it after all - the intense smell of roses, the wait that he had, and then the deep feeling of being loved and adored. It was no wonder that it carried over into his waking day, crept into his thoughts until it was his sole purpose for existence. There was no doubt in his mind that he was made for love, and that he would one day find his one.

However, despite his name, he was not exactly practiced in the art of patience. Sure he could wait around and see if he would stumble upon them - perhaps a bit more literally in his case than others - but that seemed so... drab. True love was romantic and sought for, like in the stories he had heard. He had to go out and search for them, rather than waiting around! So a dalliance with a doe here and there was expected, otherwise how else could he be expected to find his One True Love?

And a dalliance was had - only this time, it had resulted in children. Roses was not unfamiliar with the concept, yet he had never expected them for himself. It was both an exciting and nervous thought to him - would he be a good dad? Would they turn out alright? In any case, he knew for certain that a good start would be a blessing, and so he carefully picked his way through the swamp in search of one of the mythical does and stags he had heard of. Hopefully they would be easy to find - perhaps he could hear them coming. That would be nice.
word count: 283
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