[RP]Beetle Battle Brigade

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[RP]Beetle Battle Brigade

Post by seru_ame »

Oh, but a beautiful day in the swamp. Not necessarily a beautiful part of the swamp, the soil exposed and rocks bared to the sky. Ideal, however, for finding creatures to train against. Not for himself, no, no! Nose-horn dug in underneath one of those self-same rocks, and chucked it to the side. Underneath, unfortunately, was simply a salamander that stared at the gleaming dark chitin and blood-red on iridescent blue-green fur before scuttling for its pitiably moist existence.

Never Back Down huffed, lifting his head and tipping his head with a sigh. "What a coward..." he rumbled, and then moved, slowly to another rock, glancing over his broad back. On one of the spikes, he could see the pale blue beetle scurrying over his spiky hide. "Don't you worry, Baby Blue, trust and believe me, yeah?" He crouched, and flipped yet another rock, and paused, humming thoughtfully. There was a larva, but. Fighting a child was no good- "Mmm, but not here."
word count: 168
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[RP]Beetle Battle Brigade

Post by Ruriska »

The quest for strength was never-ending, a constant battle of wills. Both The One and Only and his trio of beetles were more than capable; in fact, they worked harder than most kin the swamp. Constantly training, always seeking the next high.

And today was no different. They were out and about, enjoying the thrill of living, seeking opponents and doing pushups every few hundred steps just to keep the blood pumping.

It was a good day and it was about to get even better. Because as The One and Only came around a large mangrove, he saw the Totoma. Those proud beetle horns caught his attention immediately and his brows shot up, mouth a big O.

Fantastic, brilliant, so COOL!

“HEY, HEY YOU!” He yelled.

The three beetles on his back clung on and he bound forward to introduce himself.
seru_ame wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:15 am
word count: 152
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[RP]Beetle Battle Brigade

Post by seru_ame »

Hoof beats, loud and unafraid. Even louder, that bold voice braying for attention- impossible to ignore, and Never found his mouth quirking at the corners at the sheer enthusiasm of the greeting. Up came his great, horned head, and he turned about face to meet the newcomer head-on. His stance was almost languid, calm, but there was a quiver in his shoulders that betrayed some emotion.

"Well, hello to you, too!" Never barked back happily. The little blue beetle on his back scuttled about, and he had to turn his head and offer it his horn before it got somewhere he couldn't track. It stilled on his forehead as he swung his attention back to his new companion. Kiokote, bright with a glorious mane and bold, clean markings- there was something moving on his back, and Never strained to try to get a better look without stepping forward. "How goes it?"
Ruriska wrote:
word count: 155
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[RP]Beetle Battle Brigade

Post by Ruriska »

Before the enthusiastic Kiokote could crash into his new buddy, The One and Only dug in his hooves and skidded to a halt a mere few steps from the Totoma.

“So like, I totally had to stop and tell ya that you’ve got one hell of a STYLE!” He tossed his head back, grinning. “I dig it!”

The guy looked just like a massive beetle someone could find under a log, even the colours delightfully bright and flamboyant. And there was a cute little beetle shaped lump in the middle of his head!

“I’m The One and Only! You wanna hang out?”

Wait- was that beetle shaped lump an actual beetle?

His excitement levels ramped up even higher.
seru_ame wrote:
word count: 123
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