[B] An Un/Wanted Favor (Sunlit Rock & King of Shadows)

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[B] An Un/Wanted Favor (Sunlit Rock & King of Shadows)

Post by SerinaNight »

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The doe was resting in a clearing near a small babbling brook, fixing another lovely piece of amber to Amber's shell using sap as the turtle munched on some grass. Sunlit Rock still hadn't managed to find one with something inside, but truthfully she wasn't particularly attached to owning beautiful things for herself, though it was always nice to be able to see them every now and again. Either way, more beauty in swamp was always a good thing, regardless of which kin possessed it. Though it would be nice to have some new trinket to admire at her leisure, so perhaps she would visit one of those upcoming kin gatherings to peruse what others had to share...

Her thoughts drifted as she finished up her work, and Amber eventually tottled off into the stream. Sunlit Rock began to absentmindedly kick a few small rocks into the water, as well as grabbing and tossing leaves out before the turtle, who slowly meandered after the splashes, mouth snapping open and closed as she tried to chomp up the floating leaves. The doe tilted her head, squinting in thought, her expression reading more annoyed then confused as she kicked another rock. Why was it some kin had so many more children than others? It was annoying enough having to deal with that whole process, but the best way to get something done was to do it yourself, and so far she'd created some lovely kin with which to grace the swamp... but it felt like it could be more effective. After all, her father had managed twice the number of children in half the clutches she had.

Was she doing something wrong? It's not like there was much variation in the process, and she wasn't exactly capable of the 'love' part (though she doubted that had anything to do with it). Was there a way to get more results from the process she was missing or was it entirely up to luck? She hoped it wasn't based on how much time was spent together, that would be... annoying. Obviously some kin she might be able to stand for that long but having to play partners even once sounded painful at best. Then again, her father barely knew the mother of his first clutch, so she supposed that wasn't it. With another sigh, the doe kicked another rock into the water. Wasn't there some easy way around it? Something to guarantee a larger clutch with minimal to no work?
Baneful wrote:
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[B] An Un/Wanted Favor (Sunlit Rock & King of Shadows)

Post by Baneful »

Normally King was at home in the fairy tribe in winter, but this year things were different. He was displaced, handing his metaphorical crown over to another while he dealt with motherhood. He was pleased about it, not distressed, and it inclined him towards a more warm and open frame of mind. Despite the strangeness of the swamp, he found a pleasant area, and spotted a doe toying in the brook.

He stepped forward, aware he was difficult to miss, making no real effort to sneak up on her. Besides, he was hardly in a position to move with athletic stealth.

"You seem troubled." He said to her, smirking. "Those rocks not working out for you?"
word count: 116
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[B] An Un/Wanted Favor (Sunlit Rock & King of Shadows)

Post by SerinaNight »

The doe turned toward the voice, ready to make a snarky comeback before pausing and staring at the kin before her. An Acha, if their stature had anything to say about it, but she's never seen one quite so... fascinating. While she'd seen some interesting kin in her time, especially after the darkness had taken over the swamp and left everything much brighter, her own father included, she'd personally never seen one so adorned. Though could what was obviously part of one's own body adornments? Either way, the dull-yet vibrant purple-blues of the kin before her, the subtle yet eye-catching pink glows, the literal wings, luscious mane and branching horns all seemed to hold their own appeal. She really needed to go to another one of those festivals, if this was the type of kin that had taken to wandering the swamp as of late. It was almost a pity she's missed so many, assuming this wasn't some lucky fluke.

Sunlit Rock finally responded to the Acha's initial query, in a much better mood after the obviously long pause she had taken to drink in this other kin's features. "Now you are, by far, the most alluring kin I have ever seen. I'm Sunlit Rock, to call is a pleasure... is an understatement."

The doe tilted her head to look the Acha over again, obviously pleased. "No, no I'm struggling with a problem of a little more... intimate nature." The doe purred, a teasing tone entering her voice. "You wouldn't happen to know how I could find myself in possession of a most exceptional clutch, now would you?" An amused smirk crossed her face, before she added, "The larger, the better."
Baneful wrote:
word count: 297
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