[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

The acha barely gave the caught fare a glance, instead keeping her gaze locked on Ember. He was certainly her type in physical terms, tall and large with noticeable muscles. But she wasn't certain if his attitude could keep up with her. Right now he was, for all intents and purposes, acting more like an older brother to her and to Sun-Cursed.

Her eyes seemed to darken as she openly studied him, the corners of her mouth curving into a sultry smile. "I definitely am in the mood for meat, just a different sort. Maybe I can show you?" She batted her eyes at him, her tail lightly pressing against his leg before trailing it upwards.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Sun-Cursed had told him during their walk last night that Steals Kisses was just more affectionate than most kin, that her physical touches didn't mean anything serious. But this was definitely not that. He had to take an immediate step back.

"I'm sorry. It's not that you're not a lovely doe, and you do illicit something in me, but I think this is highly inappropriate behavior. Sun-Cursed is my friend, and you're her guest. I barely even know you to even suggest that we do that kind of thing."

He closes his eyes for a while as he tries to take control of his body's involuntary functions. When he does, he looks at Steals Kisses again. Not angry, but gently pleading.

"Can we please just start over? I will establish that those activities are beyond my boundaries, and I would like for you to respect them while you're here where Sun-Cursed and I live."
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses' instincts made her want to sulk at the rejection but she managed to keep that coy smile on her face. "So what you're saying is while I'm here as Sunny-Bunny's guest, we won't get to know each other that way?" To her credit, she didn't try to close the gap between them. He had already made his stance clear and while the acha enjoyed teasing kin and maybe pushing boundaries, she wasn't going to so blatantly cross them.

"Alright then, maybe in the future. Maybe once you're more comfortable with me and we're as familiar with each other as I am with Sunny-Bunny? But if that time never comes, that'll be alright."

The acha knew better than to dwell on things too much for too long. Smoldering Ember wasn't her first no-go, and she didn't think he'd be the last. Although speaking of no-go, "How well do you know your territory? Like, how many places there are that something can lurk in?" She didn't want to give too much detail because she couldn't give too much detail on what she meant.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember had to blink a few times in quick succession at the sudden shift in conversation. He's glad she dropped her advances and that she acknowledged his declaration of boundaries, but she shook off his rejection so quickly and so nonchalantly that he couldn't help but be a little jarred that she so easily changed the subject.

That statement about being comfortable with her when he would be as familiar with her as much as Sun-Cursed was made him question whether Sun-Cursed was actually aware of her friend's... predatory leanings. But that was a discussion he would have to have with her when Steals Kisses was no longer staying with them. He didn't want to broach the topic only to make things awkward for everyone involved.

Taking all of that into consideration, Steals Kisses' current question about his territory now occupied the forefront of his mind. "I would say that I'm quite familiar with the territory. It's a shared space between everyone that lives in the area, kin can pass through anytime and none of us have any problems with that. I guess there would be a lot of places to "lurk", if that's how you want to put it. There are lots of mango trees with interiors not big enough to live in comfortably, but definitely big enough for a kin to hide in. Why do you ask?"
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

The acha pursed her lips and looked to be deep in thought, "So it's normal to feel like there's something around but not see it?" Kisses wasn't sure what sort of creature it was, perhaps an especially stealthy animal. "I can't give you more than that because I may just have sensed someone passing by."
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember furrowed his brow as he looked at Steals Kisses actually serious for the first time since she's arrived at their den.

"Even if it's commonplace to have people going in and out of the area, it's not good manners to hide yourself from the kin whose dens you pass through."

Thinking that Steals Kisses may share some sort of odd sight with Sun-Cursed--which would explain their otherwise curious friendship--Ember opted to take this seriously.

"This thing that you feel but don't see, is it something you only experienced when you arrived here? Or is it something that you've felt before? If I went around with you, do you think you can try to pinpoint it?"

The presence of something that may be a threat to the kin in the area, to Sun-Cursed and her familiars, and to him, was most definitely something he would put effort and time in to look into.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

The seriousness didn't leave the acha's expression, "I felt something like it before during my travels, but usually I'd find whatever it was that was watching me." She didn't elaborate any further on what these prior discoveries were, instead her voice dipped into a low whisper "Not to sound like I'm blaming Sunny-Bunny for this, but I really only started feeling and kind of noticing it whenever I spend time with her."

She glanced back to the sleeping acha, though it was concern on her face rather than any sort of disdain.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

What Steals Kisses said put things into perspective for him. Sun-Cursed's injurious misfortunes, her feathered serpent and bunny being terrorized on the day she moved in, and this eerie feeling that's been nagging at the back of his head all throughout his time with her--it could all be explained by the fact that there was something out there watching her. But without actual proof to discern its intent or even its existence, all he could do was to remain vigilant of this threat.

"If that's the case, then I'll be extra careful. I promised her that she would be safe with me while she lived here. And I will extend that promise to you for as long as you intend to stay.
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by HuniPi »

Steals Kisses couldn't stop the crooked smile from forming on her muzzle. "Sunny-Bunny's so lucky to have met you when she did," she murmured softly. Though Kisses usually carried herself in a youthful manner, in this moment there was something worn and old in the back of the tri-colored doe's eyes. But she blinked it away hastily, masking the haunted look with a playful smile that crinkled the corner of her eyes.

"I'm flattered, and I'm more than happy to hold you to that promise." She stepped past Ember to head outside, still giving him the space he requested. "Though right now, I think I'd like to go cool off. I'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

A beat.

"More than usual at least."
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[PRP] Moving Woes (Sun-Cursed x Smoldering Ember)

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember followed Steals Kisses' form with his eyes as she left the den to cool off until she disappeared from of view. He then looked to Sun-Cursed, soundly sleeping in her side of the den around her menagerie of colorful familiars. He wondered if she had any inkling of the danger that Steals Kisses described. He felt uneasy at the fact that he didn't notice until it was pointed out to him. He wonders if he actually does have what it takes to keep her safe. The last thing he would want is to not live up to the promises he made to her.

Walking out of the den, he nudges Grove Guardian to come with him as he makes a thorough scan of the area and any possible hiding spots. It would do him well to be more vigilant. Maybe his efforts could help not only him and Sun-Cursed, but also his neighbors and other visitors.


The large Kimeti has been tipped off. The tri-colored acha doe decided to meddle and now more of them are aware that he was watching. He would have to move more often. Find new places to hide.

He was already digging mud holes under the roots--the hollow trunks of the mangroves simply didn't give him a proper vantage point from which he could gaze at her beautiful glowing face.

But no matter how thorough the large Kimeti will be, he will be even more stealthy. He welcomes the challenge. And if ever he does get found, he could just kill him and take her.
word count: 268
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