[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

Spring was coming, and that was good for Dominant. Winter had been long and quite meagre. When it was cold in the swamp, much of the tar hardened over, at least away from the hot bubbling parts. The harbinger came around less. Food was more difficult to come by than it had been before, and he'd dropped quite a bit of weight. Of course, he didn't LOOK like he'd dropped a lot of weight because of all the thick fur that covered every inch of him, but he could feel it in his condition.

Today was the first day in a while that the weather had let up enough to really thaw even the further edges of the pits, and Dominant was optimistic that the thick, viscous earth would snare him something decent to eat.
word count: 138
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

It had been a bad year, and that was underselling it. At first, Tom had mostly felt furious about everything, and he still carried that low, seething anger like an extra set of teeth. But those teeth felt like they'd cut away his old pals, his old life, his shitty, no-good brother, which had all put him somewhere he hadn't wanted to be. It should have been up to him to sort out the pieces of his life and arrange them into something serviceable again.

He didn't need them. Not really. He didn't need anybody. He should have been free to drift through the swamp (as far as that would take him) like a dandelion seed. Find his own slice of territory. Mingle with the occasional odd and friendly tribe. But things just hadn't gone his way.

One bad run in, that's all it had taken, and it had been very bad. And he was alone, and still not used to fighting on his own. Some stupid, traitorous part of him reached out for a whirl of hooves and teeth that had always danced beside him, and that part had almost gotten him killed. And they were tracking him, he knew it, and he was bitten and beat up and keeping off his back leg and he only had one eye left to begin with.

They were going to catch up with him, and there were two faint scents. One was running water. He could maybe try to lose them there. There had been a lot of rain, and the banks were high. But he was weak, and the idea of swimming with his back hoof wasn't great. The other scent was unnatural, sharp, high-pitched. The smell version of a distant, tinny scream. And he felt like it was a scent clearly labeled: Nobody come near me.

He thought maybe it might be enough to put off his pursuers, but he couldn't be sure. He needed something, anything. He placed his bets there, and headed towards the twisting promise of something unnatural.

The smell grew stronger and stronger until it choked the air, and the trees shriveled and twisted, and the ground grew sticky and foul and terrible fogs hung low and dirty and close to the ground.

Although one part of him was saying danger, the other part, probably the traitorous part that had gotten him into so much trouble to begin with, was saying, interesting. He didn't mind the way the scent burned. It was like a good pepper. It made him feel strange. Slippery. And it was, he didn't know. There was something attractive about it, too. Like it was something entirely new. And maybe there was something glimmering in it, like distant winking stars, like being caught in a dizzy laugh.

But then everything was upside down. The ground seemed to liquidate under him, and he gave a little sharp cry as his back hoof twisted again, and he found he couldn't wrest his hooves up to swim through the sucking, thick goo that had engulfed him.

Tom gritted his sharp teeth, and swore up a fierce storm of curses against every possible manifestations of gods and fates and stars and earth. And he struggled, and he was hurt, and he made his attempts until he was entirely exhausted, and then bitter and alone and out of options, he cried.
Last edited by Toshiful on Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 577
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

Dominant heard Tom before he saw him, drawn to the soft sound of his tears. Normally, he let stuck kin die before he hauled them out and then ate whatever was edible, but this one was different. He was small and fluffy and tragic, and something about the fragility of the Acha and the situation stirred something that Dominant really didn't have much of in his black heart.


He dragged some branches over to the edge of the tar with an easy familiarity, spreading his weight in a way that meant he didn't sink, and headed over to seize Tom by the scruff and yank him out of the tar. Dominant wasn't bothered by the chemical taste of the tar or the wildly dizzying fumes and managed to haul Tom out to the edge, where he licked his muzzle, spitting tar onto the ground as he cleared his airways of the stuff.

"Hey." he said. "You still breathing? If you are, get up. You don't want that stuff hardening on you. I know a place."
word count: 180
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

Tom didn't question anything, grasping weakly at the ground once he was hauled from the tar with a sucking sound. It felt like it was going to ruin his beautiful coat forever, but he was alive, alive somehow, thanks to a kin. Not a kin who had been chasing him.

It wasn't anybody he knew. He thought dizzily that they seemed almost supernaturally towering, even for a kimeti.

His saviour licked his muzzle and he coughed, shivering and sticky but out. He did stand, in spite of all of it, legs shaking and only on three of them, but determined in spite of everything.

"I thought that was it," he said, "and...is there any chance at all my fur's salvagable? Oh, I'm a mess. A thousand thanks. Countless thanks. Thanks for every star and then whatever's after that. Lead away, only not so fast," he said, wincing.
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

Dominant was surprised at the spark of energy that the Acha had as he managed to pick himself up. He'd watched plenty of kin rapidly become too exhausted to move or overcome by the ordeal. Sometimes, pulling them out wasn't even enough. He was pleased at the little Acha and his concern for his fur.

He set his jaw thoughtfully, looking him up and down. Usually, there was nothing more unthinkable to Dominant than any physical exertion. He wasn't even weak; his size, fur, and enormous horns meant he was constantly working hard to exist. Beneath his coat, he was lean and surprisingly fit. He just did everything he could to avoid having to utilise it.

"I've had a better idea," he said, lowering his head and scooping under the Acha's forelegs to flip him onto his back. It'll be faster."

Dominant smelled horrible, but it wasn't an organic smell like rot or flesh; instead, it was the sharp and potent condensed aroma of the tar pits. His fur was slick and oily and seemed to repel the tar that touched it from Tom's fur as he turned and headed away from the main pits, out along an edge.

"Your fur wouldn't be salvageable without help," he said. "You'd have to tear it all out once it was dry. It'd take months to grow back. But like I say, I know a place."

Dominant plodded around treacherous hollows and pits until he reached a pool of murky-looking water. It didn't appear to be too deep, more of a puddle than a pond, but he gestured to it. "Get in," he said. If you need something to lean on, you can lean on my horns. It shouldn't take long."
word count: 302
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

"Oh. Oh, thanks again," Tom said in shaky relief.

Tom slumped bonelessly onto the huge kimeti's back, the weight off the back of his leg a huge relief. Honestly, all of it was a relief. Like this, he was buried in the kimeti's mane. For a strange moment, he thought dizzily that the whole place must have had a scent like this kimeti. Only it must be the other way around.

Tom found it the scent the same, bewitching and sharp and dangerous and he felt the same stir of interest. It was not all this place. There was warmth, and fur, and musk. And, ugh. He was really very dizzy.

"My name," he said, "Tomorrow We Feast On Roses. At your service."

He trembled some at the prospect of having all his fur ripped out. He'd really, really like to avoid that. The kimeti lowered him near a puddle that looked a lot less murderous than the one he'd been plucked from. Probably. It was very murky. It wasn't exactly a mineral hot spring, but the water was pleasantly warm.

He left his chin on Dominant's horns. He was very tired. He could do this much.
word count: 203
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

"Dominant," Dom said before feeling like he had better clarify. My name. Swamp knows why. I'd say I'm pretty laid-back, all told."

Tom's name was elaborate and elegant, poetic in its way, but it thrilled him, too. It promised chaos and destruction of every pretence of beauty. Dominant was not a fan of what he considered nature's snobbishness, little delicate flowers and sprawling trees. He enjoyed watching them starve, burn up, and wither in the tar. "I like your name," he said.

Dominant waited for a moment or two, letting Tom float in the water, but he would feel it as what had felt like squishy silt beneath his hooves stirred up and bubbled around him. "Stay still," Dom commanded as the pool rippled and boiled with eager tar slimes that surged around Tom and nibbled at the tar that covered his entire body. They didn't harm him - or his fur - but consumed the liquid tar-like piranha until he was almost clean.

Dom plopped a hoof briefly on Tom's head and pushed him under the water for a baptism of tar slime across the fur of his face, before once again seizing him by the scruff and hauling him out.

"You can't stay in there too long," he said as he kicked the shiny, black slimes still clinging to Tom back into the water. "The other slime types are more dangerous than the sticky ones."

He hefted Tom onto his back again without asking if that was what he wanted to do and turned away again.

"You can rest and recoup at my place," he said. "For now."
word count: 277
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

"Hmmm," Tom said, "Supreme commander and leader. Some sort of Grandmotherfather. Oh, not bad either," he said.

He froze against Dom, not that he 'd be doing backflips anytime soon.

He became aware of something in the water with him? Fish? Not as firm. It was...a weird sensation. But not bad. And everything bubbled up and like magic the muck and ooze was eked from him, although it couldn't solve all the bruising and sore bits. He was wet, and all his fluff was a little dirty and clung soppingly to him. He'd have to groom everything later. Later, when he'd had some rest.

But his colors were showing more clearly now, brilliant golds, and sparkly berry shades of red, purple, and blue in a pattern like sharp petals in a windstorm. His face was gold, his teeth sharp, his tail and ears both long and twitching.

"R-really," Tom said, "Magnanimous in every respect. ...Thank you, Master Dominant. I would...very much appreciate it."
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

"You won't be weird about my den," Dominant said as they headed in the direction of where he lived, leading them past one of the most dangerous parts of the pits, telling Tom to hold his breath as they crossed a field of noxious fumes. His den was in what appeared to be a small oasis at the heart of the tar, where some kind of rocky outcrop had jutted out into the asphalt and made it somewhat livable. He'd built a small structure using the tar to affix branches together into a bower that provided shelter, covered in slick leaves and foliage.

It was a strange space with hard-packed soil but surprisingly comfortable.

However, it was also impossible to miss that the entire space was lined with luxuriant fur that was much too large to be from familiars, with almost every inch of the place full of what had to be the skins of various swamp denizens.

"They were dead when I found them." Dom said as he shrugged Tom onto a pile of soft pelts.
word count: 180
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

"No no, I'm dropping by completely unannounced," Tom assured him, in case it was a matter of untidyness.

It turned out to be a matter of massive amounts of dead kin.

Tom wasn't in any shape to complain, although from the amount of pelts it seems like he might have ended up here one way or another. It wasn't a pleasant thought at all. He only mulled shallowly over whether he believed the other kimeti, at the moment he was too exhausted to do anything about it if he didn't.

The whole place, in spite of the grimness, seemed strangely sprawling and packed with treasures.

"It really was a close call, wasn't it," he said instead, staring at the ceiling from where Dom had put him.
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

"A lot of kin don't make it," Dominant said. "The pits are more dangerous than they look. It's not that I leave them, I'm just usually a bit too late to pull them out on time. I was on time for you, which has to mean something."

Kin were always coming to the pit and throwing things in, and sometimes, things came back out again on the other side. Dominant put them in his den, mostly because it was a good place to accrue things; even when the tar was at its furthest sprawl, his little spot remained livable. It kept him company in a place where there was precious little.

"You looked like you were in a rough spot even before you hit rock bottom," he said, sprawling decadently on a thick totoma pelt to look thoughtfully at Tom. "Running from your problems?"
word count: 147
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

Tom took a long, deep inhale through his nose, "If you must know," he said, "I was trying to make a new start. But it has all gone funny side up. I thought I'd see the world. But it's not a very large swamp, in the end. And unfriendly to a kin on their own." He looked harrowed, "I was chased. Sorry in advance if I've brought any trouble to your den. It, hmm. I caught the scent of the tar, I think. I thought I might lose them. Got myself into more mess."
word count: 97
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

"Well, you can make a new start now, I suppose," Dominant said. "I saved your life, so you sort of owe me. You can work for me. I have connections too, I can show you how to get out of the swamp, if only for a bit." He smiled.

"You wouldn't be on your own either. You'd be with me. All the time. For a long while."
word count: 69
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Toshiful »

"You've ended up on your own too," Tom said, inclining his head to look briefly about the den. Usually a den's history was in its scent, but the tar layered everything, and the pelts confused matters. It was odd, a kin with a name about hierarchy, alone.

"Out of the swamp," he repeated, finding that thought pleased him immediately. Though he was tired, a sharp smile curved its way up his snout.

The proposal was remarkably...intimate. If Tom had to put words to it. He rolled over in the pelts, damp and cleanish and glad to be off his foot. "With you, hmm?" he said, "I find that to be a highly amenable prospect." It boded well that Dominant wasn't annoyed by him. "I think I could be of use."
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[PRP] What the Tar Gave Me (Dominant/Tom)

Post by Baneful »

"I suppose so," Dominant said. "I've always been on my own. I don't like a lot of kin. There's not a lot to like! A lot of ...pretentious kin around. All flowers and nobility and snobby little tribes. I live here, I only work with one guy, and he's hardly around."

"Company wouldn't go amiss, though."

He smirked at the little Acha's positive response. "I'm glad you are amenable to it. It's not an offer I make a lot of kin. You are unique. Less irritating than most."

He exhaled. "Though I reserve the right - if you do turn out to be annoying - to toss you straight back out of here."
word count: 119
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