[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Beejoux »

Its dusk when the music starts to play, energized and alive. It's an invitation, a lure, drawing all visitors from around the Canopy. Flickering firefly lanterns light the paths, each marked with a bright array of colorful flower petals scattered across planks and logs. Nearer, the delightful aroma of cooking food fills the air. Succulent roasted meats, roasted vegetables, sweet baked desserts it's all leading to one particular place within the. Village.

The long house is situated between the village and the marketplace, supported by an ancient looking tree. This night it's lit up with lanterns and torches, and parts of the roof have been drawn back to allow in a gentle breeze and a to give an unobstructed view of the sky as the light melts to night.

Inside musicians are playing on a platform in one corner, drums and stringed instruments, and varying flutes and chimes. Keeping up a rowdy and high energy sound that begs for dancers to take to the floor before them.

At the center of the room a large pig is resting in a spit, suspended over an open fire pit. Around it, tables so ladened with food their legs creak from the burden of it. Stews, and stir fries, and noodles tossed in sauce and meat. Curried rice and more vegetables than can easily be counted. Baked fruits, tarts, sweet breads as well, and pitcher after pitcher of sweet and strong smelling juices; some benign, some fermented enough to leave one quite tipsy.

Everyone is welcome here, to drink, to feast, to dance, or just to socialize. Serpent of Paradise (Merry, here) is there already, dressed in drapes of blue and glittering gold. Eager to greet her guests and share in the revelry.

[This party is open to all visitors of The Jungle Canopy! At various points in the festivities there will be small games such as drinking or dance contests, arm wrestling, or other fun party games guests and partake in.

Please, come in and enjoy!]
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Astoria »

Black Dragon aka Koku here, wasn't feeling entirely social. Long black hair was pinned back with a pretty cherry blossom pin and her pink eyes scanned the room, looking for a familiar face. She had high hopes for herself when she had followed the sound of music and the scent of food but once here she found herself suddenly shy. Retreating to a somewhat quieter spot to better observe she contemplated an attempt to dance. She spotted one of the tables littered with breads and other sweet treats she made her way over to it and grabbed one of the tarts and promptly shoved it in her mouth. She found that food always seemed to calm her nerves in social situations, plus if she was chewing she couldn't talk right? So, win win? As she munched on the pleasant treat she scanned the table for other delicious things to put into her mouth to avoid a social interaction at this particular moment.

It wasn't that she hated socializing. She just felt very out of place right now and figured once she ate and maybe had something to drink she'd be more inclined to join in the festivities. As she grabbed a few more things she heard a lively tune that she found that she enjoyed and did a little sway to the music as she turned to go back to her "safe space" she realized someone else had been in close proximity and she had failed to realize it and promptly bumped into them, almost dropping her food. "I apologize for not realizing you were there." She stated not sure what else to say. Looking at them rather apologetically she hoped they weren't too upset. (there's a fun set up for someone if they wish)
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Illusei »

Misted Lake (Dew here) followed the music to a festive scene. There weren't many there yet - though with such lively music and tempting food, she's sure that will change soon. She decides she will stay a while. There might be interesting kin to meet.

This was certainly different than where she usually roamed - trees taller than she'd ever seen and a village among them. Looking about herself, she realized she too looked different. The patterns on her usual body rippled across her arms on this one, and long blue hair cascaded down like a waterfall to a lake. Turning her attention to the food, she nibbled, taking small pieces of this and that. Delicious. Satisfied, she turned to the dance floor.

She frowned. It was too empty and she intended to change that. She swayed her way towards the musicians, letting herself be lost in the beat of the vibrant music. Suddenly, she felt someone bump against her. Initially mildly annoyed to be interrupted in her silent revelry, Misted Lake's annoyance died quickly when she turned to see the other's apologetic face. What a beauty, Misted Lake thought, noting the pretty cherry blossom pin and dark hair.

"I apologize for not realizing you were there." The other spoke.

"What's a party without a little chaos?" Misted Lake extended a hand. "Dew. And your name?" When the other took her hand, she pulled her onto the dance floor.

"Come dance. Have fun." She looked about her, encouraging the others to join them in a circle. "Now who would like to show off some dance skills?"
Astoria wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Aria Starstone »

Fire Across the Sky, known here as Uri, strode into the long house, his vibrantly streaked hair hanging fully loose for once, long enough to brush his upper thighs as he moved, his eyes running across the room with curiosity, seeing who was there and deciding where he wanted to go. He noted two others, apparently talking, near one of the tables of food, and made a thoughtful sound, before he moved to gather himself a plate of noodles, rice, some meat, and vegetables, before he moved to find a large nook filled with cushions, benches, and other places to lounge, eat and speak with people if anyone desired to join him.

He set his plate down on a small table next to a large cushion, and then carefully draped himself across it, settling so that his long horns were pointing towards the wall, with no concern that anyone passing would risk catching on them. Once he was settled, he began to eat, while watching anyone and everyone who came in, and if anyone came close, giving them an inviting smile... The kind that suggested he was more than happy, and open, to have companions join him, rather than the kind that implied he might be looking for a rather different evening.

As he relaxed, his foot began to tap along with the music playing, one hand gently moving up and down, almost like he was trying to conduct, though it was obviously an absent minded habit, something he was doing without even noticing.
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Lutz »

It was hard to ignore the pull that this festival had. The smells, the sounds, the atmosphere...it was too much to resist! Hang the Moon - Feronia in this place - was unable to resist the pull and found herself walking down the lantern-lit paths to the source of the tantalizing aromas and upbeat music. It was hard to keep the smile off her face as she watched others already enjoying themselves, dancing and eating and chatting. She kept to the edges of the dance floor for the time being, trying to find someone who might want to chat for a little. Although she had grown leaps and bounds in the recent months, she still wasn't the type to try to be the center of attention or to jump right in to a dance party. She had to work up to that, gain a little bit of social courage either through making a new friend or getting used to the new situation.

She passed a table with drinks and took one more to have something in her hands than to actually sip, though she did give it a little taste. Mm...fruity.

She spotted a man sitting alone, his vibrant hair drawing her in. She gave him a little smile in return before deciding he would be a good companion. He seemed to be having a good time by himself but his demeanor invited her over. She slid by a very enthusiastically dancing couple to head into the sitting area, motioning at the spot next to him.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice warm but soft.
Aria Starstone wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Beejoux »

Oh, but Merry did love a party. The energy was just electric, and she would have sworn she could feel it resonating straight down to her core. It was early yet, but she was pleased to see a few adventurous folks already in the long house when she fluttered in through the open ceiling, landing with a delighted trill and a soft tap tap as her hooves hit the wooden floor. The band was playing, the food was out and smelled amazing.

Everything was perfect.

"Hello everyone!" She called out fearlessly to the room at large, twiddling pale fingers at the two pairs of conversing kin should see presently. They seemed to be enjoying the food, and she'd certain take some time.to enjoy it herself, but not just yet.

Instead she reached for a carved wood mug and some strong, spiced something inside it, drinking deep of the honeyed brew inside as she moved through the room.
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Baneful »

"Oh, I love a good party," Will said as he joined the feast. He was a stocky man with strong jet-black wings folded against his back. His body was mottled with strangely shaped scars. He had a set of rabbit-like ears, sharp dark claws and a small tail, but other than this, he appeared mostly to be an average-looking human with brown hair and intense blue eyes.

Sauntering over to one of the tables, he procured himself a drink, his gaze flitting about the room.

"Seems like a wonderful place for people to make poor decisions."
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Dizzy_Kat »

One of those poor decisions was happening across the room. Though fueled not by spiced beverages but merely youthful exuberance. Speed Racer, Zariste here, was having an absolute blast. Human-esq from the torso up, through the trees door his wrinkled skin had melted into soft scales of yellow and green and his legs disappeared in favor of a long powerful serpents tail. It hadn't taken him much time at all to figure out how to move and once he did he climbed.

Today, drawn by the lights and sounds of the party, he was climbing the rafters of the longhouse. Hanging from only a couple coils of tail, the young boy was attempting to convince one of the musicians to toss him a small hand drum. "You're not using that one! Let me try! Please! Please please? I won't get in the way see!" He swung overhead from his tail, fully reveling in the ability to defy gravity in such a new way.
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Aria Starstone »

He glanced up and noticed a stranger approaching... A lovely lady, but he was very sure he had never met her before, here or otherwise. He gave her a warm smile at her question, and gave a welcoming wave of his hand at any and all of the empty seats in his nook... After all, encouraging others to join him had been his goal. He rather liked being around others, having conversations, friendships and laughter. "But of course, please do! I am more than happy to have the company of a lovely lass like yourself."

His tone was entirely friendly, not flirty, and when he called her lovely, it was a statement of how he perceived the facts.

Now if she chose to take it as flirty, that was on her, but he certainly would not object. He just was not in the mood to make anyone uncomfortable, especially not so early in the evening. He just wanted to have fun, make friends, and see how the night went. "I am Uri... What might I call you?"

He might have continued but a cheerful voice rang out across the lodge, greeting everyone who was here already. He turned his head to see who it was, and smiled brightly at the colorful woman who had spoken. Not being shy at all, he called back "And a Good Evening to you as well. Lovely festivities, so far!"
Lutz wrote:
Beejoux wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Prolixity »

His name here was Iyat, and he was finding the party and the evening thoroughly enjoyable. He wore loose black pants, gathered at the ankle, and not much else over fine, short grey fur scattered with scales that were an almost iridescent lavender-grey. His snakelike tail swayed to the bright beat of the music as he ate a fresh fruit; it was sweet and tangy and not quite like anything else he'd ever had. When it was gone, he licked his fingers clean and moved out into an open space to dance, sinuous, pale eyes half closed as he focused on the music.
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Totem was overwhelmed in all the best ways- The smells, the sounds, the sensations ... It was all too much and not nearly enough. She fluttered her wings as she moved cautiously through the other revelers with her tail moving about before her in a soft sweeping motion to feel for any nearby obstacles.

She happened to be just close enough to hear someone mention dancing and she nearly launched herself through the roof in excitement.

"Oh," Totem exclaimed a touch too loudly, "I have dance skills!"

She swiveled her head and body in the direction of the one that had asked. She hoped. In her enthusiasm she nearly toppled over food and possibly another person.
Illusei wrote:
Astoria wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Beejoux »

Good timing put her close enough to hear the bemused observations of a stocky man with tall ears and she flashed him a grin. "I certainly hope so." Bad decisions, good ones, wild ones.

Someone had yelled back to her and Merry hoisted her mug high with a joyous bark of laugh and delighted trill. Not quite a toast, but the spirit was there as she tipped her mug back and drank deep of it's contents.

And then she spotted him, because of course she did. "Excuse me." With a flick of bright wings and flip of her tail she was moving swiftly towards the dancefloor and the monochromatic man that was dancing there, a pale hand lighting up on his hip to announce herself. "You're here." She'd leaned in close to his back, speaking near his ear to be heard.
baneful wrote:
aria starstone wrote:
prolixity wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Prolixity »

Someone touched his hip, and he looked back, his face lighting up with a wide grin that exposed sharp teeth as he heard a familiar voice. "I'm here," he agreed, and turned to catch her hand, bringing it up to kiss the back of it. "Food, dancing, my favorite company, what's not to like?" His eyes glinted with a bright amusement. "I think I'll stick around a while."
Beejoux wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by Lutz »

Feronia gave a smile at the welcome and took a seat on one of the smaller cushions, folding her legs a bit to sit on them rather than taking up room like her new companion. She sipped her drink as he introduced himself - Uri - and before giving her own name she glanced to the colorful woman who called out to the group at large. She must be the one hosting this fabulous party. If she had the time later she'd have to go and thank her for doing so.

"Feronia," she said, giving her name after Uri had called back in return. "A pleasure to meet you, Uri, and thank you for being so welcoming. I wasn't sure I'd find anyone here who wouldn't mind sitting with a stranger." Although her confidence had grown, Feronia wasn't the type to shove herself into a situation where she didn't feel as if she'd be welcome. Everyone seemed to be pairing up in groups of two or three as if they knew one another and she didn't want to step on any toes.
Aria Starstone wrote:
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[ORP The Canopy] Grand feast [open!]

Post by CelestialRequiem »

It didn't take long for Shiny to find her way over to the drinks. Yes, there were countless sights and sounds and smells and tastes to enjoy about this incredible new place, but first and foremost, she needed a drink. You couldn't properly appreciate a good party without an equally good drink in hand (which, conveniently, also meant you could appreciate the fact that you had hands now!!). And now that she had one, it was time to partake in the other offerings this fine establishment had to offer. She made her way over to the growing crowd near the musicians and pondered on whether to socialize or show off the moves this new body had.

Honestly, it was all an awful lot to take in, this whole Limitless Forest thing. If Shiny were one to spend more than a few moments thinking about anything it might have been overwhelming. But she wasn't. She was really more the type to strut out onto the dance floor, drink in hand, and start bustin' a move. Her hooves (only two of them now!!) clacked against the wood as she swayed and pranced and spun around, tail flicking behind her to counter balance the erratic movements. The short waves of her blonde hair swished around her face in a manner not unlike that of the knee-length, chiton-style dress she wore. Shiny laughed freely and without a care in the world, clearly already thoroughly enjoying herself and she hadn't even finished her first drink yet!
Last edited by CelestialRequiem on Thu May 16, 2024 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 257
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