The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by seru_ame »

He had been wandering the swamp, alone, for what felt like ages. From time to time, the kiokote had meandered with this herd or that, but none really felt like he fit in with them. Especially when all he had to offer was the strength of his body, and no name. The last group he'd traveled with had moved on in a way he'd already wandered, and so, parted with him.

It was something he had grown distressingly accustomed to. His hooves picked their way, and his mind sank into blissful silence, over roots and half-sunken marsh. His ears picked up at this sound or that, but nothing yet drew him.

Nothing in all of the Dreaming had called him, either. He had hatched, and found himself aching from foalhood for purpose. That, that was why he wandered. Now, grown, he ached to stop just... roaming aimlessly. "Motherfather, please, let this be the day."
Beejoux wrote:Meeting time meeting time, consider this a flashback???
word count: 167
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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by Beejoux »

Perhaps it would be.

Thearge kio wasn't the only kin out wandering that bright afternoon. There was another out desperately searching, but it wasn't purpose they were after. Instead, the delicate looking acha was seeking answers, or treatment. Something.

Protect Me had been a small foal, smaller than the reach of their siblings. Their mother had called him sickly, and really there was no arguing that. The petite buck was always tired, often unwell. Prone to fever and pain.

No healer he'd visited could tell him why or off more than a temporary relief, so Protect Me had left the desert, venturing towards the plains. Hopeful they would find something there. Of course the journey wasn't an easy one. The small buck was exhausted, hooves dragging through the tall grass, eyes down cast and unfocused.

He didn't see the sudden dip in front of him, and when his foot caught in the tangled grass the acha tumbled, rolling down the hill with a little yelp.
seru_ame wrote:
word count: 173
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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by seru_ame »

That yelp of pain and surprise snapped the kio's head up, made him surface from his prayer in confusion. He saw a feather-tipped tail amidst the chest-high grass, disappearing, and scowled in confusion. His hooves shifted, carried him towards the sound with his head lowered.

Better to watch his own feet, if that stranger had fallen in.

And stranger he was. This acha was a sight to behold, a soft pink and graceful teal, well-formed horns and dainty limbs. A crest.

And he looked to be in a bit of a bind. "Lo, friend." Low, too, but that felt rude to point out.
Beejoux wrote:A muse, it stirs!!!!
word count: 113
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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by Beejoux »

Protect me just lay there for a long moment once he'd come to a stop, waiting for the world to stop spinning, and to gauge of he was injured or not. Hehe he come to Abby solid conclusion on the matter an unfamiliar figure approached look down at him with a soft greeting.

"Hello," he offered back with a bit of a questioning lilt to his voice. Had the kio been there the whole time? How had he missed him? He must have been more tired than he'd thought. "Did I disturb you?" He wanted to know, frowning softly.
seru_ame wrote:
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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by seru_ame »

The Kiokote watched the dainty acha on the ground for a moment, and slowly shook his head no. "How could you have? You're... in a field. it's not like it's... mine?" he blinked, canting his head before lowering his face some, leaning over the buck some. "You need help up?" he asked, resting his weight on his forelegs carefully and leaned his neck down to offer him some leverage.
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 74
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The Story Of He and I [Pledge Myself x Protect Me]

Post by Beejoux »

"I suppose that's true, though if you'd come here seeking quiet and solitude, neither is present, now," they pointed out reasonably. Perhaps the field didn't belong to the kio, but Protect very much believed they could have been a bother. That didn't seem to be the case, at least.

As the Kio knelt down, offering to help them up, the acha gave him a thoughtful look before hooking a hoof over that sturdy neck. "Thank you."
seru_ame wrote:
word count: 83
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