[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

Foxface was always looking for new kin to sell to.

She had her wares slung across her back, an assortment of items; from luxurious furs to foods she had procured from Rise & Shine, all attached to various vines that she could carry with her as she wandered the swamp.

A regular had just given her a tip, mentioning a strange group that seemed to be moving through the area and she hadn’t given it a second thought before bouncing off in that direction. Whatever ‘strange’ meant, she was ready to discover it! Because whoever they were, surely they’d have a hankering for some dried rabbit's legs. The perfect snack. She’s never had anyone not purchase a few after a taster.

With her spirits high, Foxface navigated the area, leaping over roots and streams as she sang cheerfully and loudly, hoping to get the attention of any strangers nearby.
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Resenting was out hunting, her favorite pastime. Any opportunity to come up to the surface was a welcome one. Even with the minor inconvenience of having her eyes readjust to light and shapes and colors, the surface was just so much more exciting. She rotated her ears around while drinking in the air, smiling as she began to pick up the familiar scents of her favorite prey. Little ducks and various little four-legged creatures. Which to go after first?

Before Resenting could make a decision, she heard something that was not her favorite thing: singing. Loud singing. The kind that drives prey back under the roots and into rock crevices and tall grass to hide. Right away, she could tell this was not another Zikwa, she didn't have to see the singer to know that. Ugh. So loud and only getting louder! Resenting didn't know what she wants to do. She really only had interactions with her family, and otherwise kept to herself. Of course, she had seen other kin before on other hunting trips, in passing as they walked by while she remained hidden. Her family had never spoken well of other kin. She could leave the area altogether, but then she would get annoyingly far from the cavern entrance. But if she stayed, this hollering could drive away all the prey in the area.

Maybe she should get a bit closer to whoever this kin was before making an assessment. She carefully picked her way between the roots and the grasses, being sure to stay close to the bubbling stream to mask the sound of her footsteps. As Resenting snuck closer, she started to pick up on a scent. What was that? It smelled familiar, and tasty. In a few moments of distraction, her steps became uncareful. Then she realized it was rabbit, but not any way she was used to consuming it. Her breath tightened for a moment when she realized she had gotten so close in her distracted state she could start to see a vague outline of the kin. How could she be so stupid? She hoped that she remained unnoticed, but she couldn't be sure.

Resenting became extra still, and ducked her glowing markings behind some reeds and grasses. Her eyes narrowed to hide their glow.
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

If Foxface hadn’t already been on the lookout, she never would have noticed. Even then she wasn’t certain if the dark partially glowing shadow she’d seen was a kin or not, even if it had seemed vaguely kin shaped.

Her song trailed off and she came to a halt, ears perking forward as she scanned the area. Normally a kin would be fairly obvious by now, if there was actually one. They generally didn’t just disappear into the bushes. Unless they were a Legendary hanging around as a critter or... maybe they were shy and just hiding?

Deciding to trust her instincts, Foxface did a little bounce on the spot and called, “hello, anyone there?”

cashmeresky wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 10:59 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Loud. This kin didn’t even need to be singing to be loud. Now that Resenting was a bit closer, she could smell all kinds of scents from the… doe? At least Resenting thought she was a doe. All the scents and her weak vision prevented her from being sure. She smelled rabbit for sure, then various other creatures, their pelts maybe? And a few other smells she couldn’t quite place. The silhouette of the doe was also lumpy with all the things she seemed to be carrying, so it was difficult for Resenting to make out an exact shape and size. Did she just finish hunting or foraging?

And why was she yelling? When Resenting is carrying as much as she can, she tries to be even stealthier to not attract attention. It hasn’t happened to her yet, but it’s always good to be aware of any thieves. Either way, the doe noticed her presence. At this point, if Resenting tried to leave, it would be impossible not to make any noise.

Resenting had never interacted with anyone outside of her cult before other than her mother and maybe her aunt. But she had been very young so it was barely social experience. I will lead with something friendly and practical she thought.

“Hello. You are loud. This is not good. Someone will steal your… things.” Resenting said with moderate volume. She did not move from her hiding spot but she did stand taller so she could be perceived.

Ruriska wrote:
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

The shift to stand tall caught her attention and all Foxface’s gaze quickly focused on the Zikwa. The other kin was still cast in shadows and surrounded by reeds and grasses but Foxface had figured from the shape and the glow just what kind of kin she was meeting.

“Steal my things?” Foxface replied gleefully. “Oh my! I doubt it! I mean, they can try if they want to.” Maybe Foxface was just lucky but most of the kin she had interacted with were more or less friendly, or at least not inclined to rob her of her goods.

There was no acknowledgement for the ‘loud’ comment.

She began trotting closer, trying to get a better look at her new friend. Hopefully they had an interest in rabbits' legs.

“What a fortuitous meeting this is!” Foxface cried (still very loudly). “I’m actually a wandering trader! Perhaps I can interest you in my wares? Come, come, take a look!” She had stopped not far from the other and swivelled to the side to show what was available strapped to her back.
cashmeresky wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:56 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Resenting was grateful they were on the surface and there were no cavern walls to echo the doe’s loud exclamations. She was talking a lot, and quickly. Try? Try to steal her things? If they want to? Why was she so happy? Is this a trap? Fortuitous meeting? Trade? Next thing she knew, the other doe was quite close to her. Resenting instinctively took a few steps back.

It took a few moments for Resenting to register everything that was said. She had heard about trading before, but had never participated in it herself. Even when she had heard about it, she didn’t see the point? Why wouldn’t one just go out and hunt or forage for themselves and their family? Curiosity got the better of her, and she cautiously stepped forward again and stuck her nose closer to the wares. Her ears pointed directly at the doe in case this was indeed a trap, and she needed to attack. Some things were soft and some things smelled familiar or funny. The rabbit’s legs smelled particularly good. She lingered for a moment longer.

She lifted her head and took a small step back again. “Why trade? Because laziness? What to trade?” Resenting really didn’t have anything to trade anyways. She had just begun her hunt and hadn’t caught anything yet.
Ruriska wrote:
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

Oh, she was cute!

Talk, dark, handsome! Foxface’s gaze skittered up and down, investigating every inch of the Zikwa. The fluffy back seemed like an especially good feature. She was certain it would make for a delightfully comfy pillow.

But there was business to be done and Foxface was always keen for a sale.

“Laziness? Not at all! You see I wander all over to trade these! You can’t get these rabbit legs just anywhere! It’s a Rise & Shine tribe special and since most kin can’t or won’t travel all that way, I bring it to them! In return, they offer me something else. A fresh kill, a pelt, something they’ve gathered. As long as you’re not offering a leaf you just plucked from that tree there, I’m always willing to make a deal.”

It was a delight to discover that this Zikwa was clearly new to the concept of trading and thus prime pickings for a crafty trader.

“How about a free sample?” She twisted her body around, neatly plucking away one of the smaller rabbit legs away from the vine it had been wrapped in. “Hereygo.” The words ran together, smothered by the morsel as she offered it towards the other doe. “Donbeshy.”
cashmeresky wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 9:41 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Resenting was not at all familiar with the terms of barter and trade, nor understood the point of it. Food was food. And things that were not food… what was the point? Trading food for a non-food? Or trading a non-food item for food? Very strange.

Resenting was in the middle of judging this strange idea of trading consumables for non-consumables when the doe offered her the rabbit leg. Free? Sample? She looked at it with a blank expression, but she was very skeptical on the inside. Was this doe trying to lure her in? It was suspiciously similar to how resenting would sometimes fish, dangling some bait into the water before striking.

After a brief assessment of danger, Resenting believed the threat to be low. The other doe was burdened with the weight of her wares. And Resenting was confident in her fighting skills if this doe had bad intentions. Resenting held steady, and maybe uncomfortably, intense eye contact as she leaned forward to take the rabbit leg. The flavor was immediately pleasing, and being so close to the other doe also felt? A kind of way? But back to the leg. Resenting didn’t wish to appear eager and off guard, so she continued to hold her gaze at the doe.

Being so close now, she noticed the doe’s striking blue eyes. This was her first time seeing another kin’s eyes so clearly, besides her mother’s. After all, how often was one nose to nose with another kin?
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

That was some intense eye contact. Foxface was very aware of how unblinking the Zikwa’s red-eyed stare was. It felt very much like a challenge but the Acha remained steady in the face of it. She was unflinching. So utterly certain in her product that she had no reason to look away!

“Mmhm,” Foxface encouraged and slowly let go of her end of the rabbit leg once she was sure the other had it in a good grip. Her tongue darted out, licking away remaining grease. Then she took a step back, giving them both some space.

“Eat up!”

Then she finally looked away, giving the other some space to have a nibble without someone staring at them. With obvious intent, she turned around to fuss with her various vines and furs, adjusting them needlessly, as if she had no care in the world and wasn’t waiting breathlessly to hear if the Zikwa liked the rabbit or not.
cashmeresky wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 12:49 pm
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Resenting kept her eyes on the doe until she looked away. Then she lowered her head to eat the rabbit leg. It was very good, and she had never had anything like it.

She looked up, "Where did you hunt this rabbit?" Surely, her family would want some as well. How is it that this rabbit tasted so much more flavorful than the ones Resenting caught around the area? Then she remembered that this doe mentioned trading, but Resenting had nothing, she had barely started her hunt. Surely there was some way she could get herself some more rabbit legs?

Ruriska wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:59 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

Success! Her trap had been set and bait taken. Sometimes Foxface felt like a spider in a web, just waiting for an insect to wander into her web, earning her the ultimate prize. Except her web was tasty food and her prize was new business.

She did one final and still pointless adjustment (a good saleskin knew how to keep it cool!) and then slowly turned back towards Resenting. “Oh, I don’t hunt them. Not in the traditional sense. I traded for it at a tribe far from here that makes all sorts of great food, then I carry them far far away and find other kin who want to try it. For a small price.”

Her ears perked forward, eager. “Are you moving into the area? I tend to go past here a lot. I could make you a regular stop.”
cashmeresky wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:03 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

Ruriska wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:45 am
"What is the small price?" Resenting was sure her family would like this too. "We are not moving into this area. Only me. I will be here."

Resenting wanders a bit further than the rest of her family for hunting trips, and a lot more time on the surface. If she could do a 1-for-1 trade for these rabbit's legs, it would be worthwhile for her. If she were to hunt now, though, she might have to wander a bit further. The loud singing from earlier definitely scared most prey off in the area.
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »

Somehow, Foxface’s ears perked up even more than before. A lonely customer would always buy well, and might even be in the market for a friend! Foxface was quick to admit to herself that she was very curious about this strange Zikwa and if she could seal the deal for future visits, she’d be happy to take a loss on this one trip.

“Normally I’d ask for something more physical but seeing as this is your first time trading and I can see this becoming a beautiful friendship, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you the rest of the rabbit legs and in return you’ll give me two things. Your name, to start with. Mine is Foxface by the way, great to meet you!”

She was grinning.

“Aaaand you can hang out with me for the rest of the day!” The Zikwa was getting an amazing deal! Foxface considered herself pretty good company. “And next time I do my rounds, I’ll come right back here with more rabbit and we’ll trade properly, for furs or foods or whatever. We’ll work that part out then.”

Foxface looked very pleased with herself.

“Well, what do you say? Do we have a deal?”
cashmeresky wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:31 am
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by cashmeresky »

This whole trade thing was very weird. Exchanging food for company? Resenting was learning new things every moment. “My name is Resenting.”

She walked right up to Foxface. Really close. Close enough to see her as clear as possible. Resenting didn’t know much about non-zikwa, but she knew they largely used sight to connect. Maybe this will make the other doe more comfortable? She wanted to start this trading relationship right.

“Foxface, I accept. I can take them from you now? Let me unburden you.”

She continued to stand really close to Foxface as she waited for the answer.

“And then we can talk about what else you will accept the next time you come by.”

Ruriska wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:25 pm
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[PRP] The Fox and the Stranger [Foxface/Resenting]

Post by Ruriska »


It was a name that was just as intense as the doe herself.

Her blue eyes blinked rapidly a few times, refocusing to the very close and intimate position Resenting had placed them in. Nose to nose, eye to eye. Was this a Zikwa thing? Did they enjoy being as close as possible? She’d heard they didn’t have very good eyesight, so maybe that was it.

She could get used to it. Resenting was very nice to look at.

“You accept?” There was a half second of confusion. Oh right, the deal! “You accept! Of course! Yes, here you go!” She swung around, offering the rabbit legs (and also giving herself some breathing room). “Feel free to snip them loose, I can just get more vines!”

Now that they had the whole day to look forward to, Foxface was going to have to come up with something fun to do. They’d talk, of course. Foxface was great at talking. And they could go for a walk, chase some butterflies, rest in the long grass and tell long stories.

It was going to be so much fun!
cashmeresky wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 2:03 pm
word count: 199
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