Hang the Moon

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Hang the Moon

Post by Lutz »

A Brief History

Hang the Moon was found in her egg on the border between the Swamp and the plains, two different futures before her depending on who took her in. A kimeti found her first - Shadowed Moon - and took her in as an adopted daughter. She was hatched and emerged a nervous, shy thing with a big heart. As she grew so did her care of others, always concerned about their well being and happiness. It was difficult for her to act on the desire to help others thanks to her own insecurities and shyness, obstacles that held her back. Major events in her life - following Steals Fire's instructions blindly, thinking she was helping others in doing so, and working to correct the 'problem' she helped bring around - forced her to become more confident in herself and her abilities. A meeting with a stranger during the Winter Market gave her the final push of confidence and self-esteem she needed, at which point she set out to learn about all the plants and herbs that could help with healing. The path of a healer wasn't one she had anticipated taking, but it lent itself well to her ever-present urge to help those around her.

Why Her?

Hang the Moon has changed so much since she was hatched, going from a shy, uncertain young doe to a confident and friendly adult. Being able to trust in herself and know that she is capable of great things was the biggest hurdle for Hang the Moon to conquer. The Bring Back the Light event was a low point for her as she blindly followed someone who seemed like they were doing something good, only to have more chaos spread as a direct result of her actions. That was the turning point for her: she had to fix what she had done wrong and couldn't go along with what someone who was louder and more outgoing said just because they were more confident than she. Hang the Moon began to trust in herself and in doing so found her true calling, to become a healer and help others. She has started to become a bit of an explorer as well, traveling far and wide in the Swamp to learn from others who have worked in the craft for longer than she and to combine different healing practices. Lately her sights have been set on traveling through the Obelisks to learn more about the kin who live outside the Swamp, how they heal, and how they live in general. Her growth as an individual and as a character are why I think she deserves to be ascended to a Legendary kin.

The Requirements

Naming Dream

Story Contest

Humble Beginnings (1340 wc 5 points)
ORP with Steals Fire (1172 wc 5 points)
Familiar Chase: Dice/Writing Game (628 wc 1 point)
Crafting Helper Prompt: RP/Writing (538 wc 1 point)
Other Worlds: AU Writing/Stories (683 wc 1 point)
Too Bright! (1098 wc 5 points)
By the Tree (1698 wc 5 points)
Status Condition: Confused (1338 wc 5 points)
Grand Feast (1929 wc 5 points)
The Nights Become Longer (569 wc 1 point)
Taking a Break (540 wc 1 point)
Applied Knowledge (1592 wc 5 points)
New Places and New Faces (835 wc 5 points)
Does the Moonlight Shine on Metal? (2319 wc 5 points)
word count: 564
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