[PRP]A Wandering Heart...[Flirts with Love x Languish]

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[PRP]A Wandering Heart...[Flirts with Love x Languish]

Post by Vashtya »

It was hot and muggy, the air so heavy that it felt oppressive to merely exist. Wrinkling his nose, Flirts with Love couldn't help but wish that the coming fall would hurry itself along. He was usually all about embracing the moment, but...

He found himself wandering far from his home territory, on the lookout for a shady copse of trees, or perhaps a crystal clear pond to while away the afternoon in. Stepping gingerly over a rather large log, he misjudged how high he needed to lift his hind leg, and tripped. He managed to avoid falling over completely, but stumbled roughly into a nearby tree, scraping his shoulder and prompting a grimace and sharp hiss of pain.
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 122
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[PRP]A Wandering Heart...[Flirts with Love x Languish]

Post by Beejoux »

It would be a pond the lost buck would find. A creek fed pond with a willows forming natural curtains along half of the bank, and a rays of sun streaming down to glitter across the calm surface. Idealistic and serene, a wonderful place for a wayward traveler to rest and recharge.

What they wouldn't know, not at first, was that they weren't alone there. Someone was watching at the slender buck stumbled into the clearing, into the tree. Hear that sharp intake of breath and the pain laced within it.

It was almost too perfect.

"Are you hurt?" A smooth voice asked off to the side, followed by the appearance of an elegant buck slipping between the trunks of narrow trees. "That sounded like it stung."
vashtya wrote:
word count: 131
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[PRP]A Wandering Heart...[Flirts with Love x Languish]

Post by Vashtya »

...Well, that was embarrassing. Of course, someone would come upon him at this moment. Struggling to collect himself, even if only marginally, he straightened and turned to look in the direction of the other kin's voice, stopping for a beat as he took in Languish's appearance - the other kin was stunning.

"Just a small scrape, I think...more embarrassing than serious." he replied, hoping that his hesitation wasn't noticed. "The price of being careless, I suppose." he went on, his posture relaxing slightly as he attempted to gloss over the awkward moment. "Thank you for asking, though, the concern is appreciated."

Looking around, he took in the clearing that he'd stumbled into - the water looked like the perfect place to cool off. Semi-reluctantly, he pulled his gaze away from the tempting sight of the water, turning his attention back to Languish. "I hope I haven't disturbed you; this seems like a lovely spot, and if you were here seeking solitude..."
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 168
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[PRP]A Wandering Heart...[Flirts with Love x Languish]

Post by Beejoux »

A softly wet little smile touched Languish's muzzle, slender tail swaying in slow arcs along his ankles as he wandered in closer. "You're not hurt, though," he mused, looking the other buck over. "That's the important bit, I think." A prick to the pride was such a mild thing.

Blue eyes landed on the scrape I question, lingering there for a second or two before flicking up again as Flirts commented on the pond. "Only a little, but it's alright. This is actually mine and my brother's territory, but if you're in need a rest, please, stay. Be my guest." A nod of his head gestured towards the pond, sent the long tail of his braid swaying.
vashtya wrote:
word count: 125
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