[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Post by Prolixity »

He rested his chin on the top of her head and took a deep slow breath, his ribs rising and falling under her. "I'll hunt for you all you like," he promised solemnly. She wouldn't be helpless, of course, but she'd be less quick as her belly swelled, perhaps less able to catch quick things, and he wanted to be sure she had everything she wanted and needed.

He chuckled at the returned compliment, and was quiet for a few moments. Then, "I'm glad we met."
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 92
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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Post by Beejoux »

She hummed a pleased note, letting her eyes fall closed again as they lay together warm and comfortable. The nervous energy was gone now that she'd told him she had body was loose and relaxed. "So many quick little lizards," she mused, grinning brightly.

He was quiet for a moment, and she was quiet for a moment after he spoke. Letting his words sink in. "Me too," she answered after a handful of seconds, head moving enough to touch her nose to his.
prolixity wrote:
word count: 86
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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Post by Prolixity »

"Full of flavor and crunchy little bones," he chuckled. Lizards were a fun challenge to catch; if that was what she wanted to eat, that was what he'd go after. He was thrumming with a contained energy, contented and excited both.

He met her gaze, nuzzling her gently. "You know, I love you," he said, very softly, almost inaudible. Was it something he'd said before? He didn't quite know; he'd known it for some time now, had lived it thoroughly. They might enjoy other company from time to time, but it was her he returned to, time and again, and unless she chose otherwise, he would continue to do so.
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 116
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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Post by Beejoux »

"The crunch is the best part," she mused, eyes half closed as she listened to him breath, felt the slow rise and fall of his flank against her side and under her chin.

She blinked as his focus landed more solidly on her, meeting the glowing whites of his eyes with arched brows. It was a very serious looking face, and the words that came with it caught her breath in her throat. She knew he loved her, but it wasn't something spoken aloud. Merry tipped her nose up, nuzzling him back. "I love you," she answered back softly, let the weight of the words settle over and around them. Wherever she wandered, whoever else they may share company with, she always came home to him.
prolixity wrote:
word count: 129
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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Post by Prolixity »

The words, returned softly, made his chest bloom with warmth. He'd known, or thought he'd known, but to hear it made it more solid and real. He sighed with contentment, smiling a quiet little smile and tucking this moment into memory to be kept and cherished.

He stretched against her side, making himself comfortable; he would let her choose when they got up. He wasn't going to go back to sleep, but he wasn't at all averse to cuddling a while longer before they started the day in earnest.
Beejoux wrote:
word count: 95
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