Strange Creature

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Scaramouche Fandango
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Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 8:42 pm


Strange Creature

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »


Strange Creature is a strange creature who feels most comfortable when conversing with the swamp’s creatures. She has a deep, abiding love for all things reptilian- she adores the way their minds work and the way they investigate and perceive the world. She understands much of her own world through the lens of her relationship with animals- they help keep her grounded and interacting with what’s real. This closeness to nature has helped her overcome serious trauma; to her, the Swamp isn't just home, it's Home. It's healing, it's heart, it's hope. She sees herself as just another animal nestled in the Motherfather's bosom and relishes her part in life's great dance. She would make an interesting legendary because her approach to the world is one of a creature deeply in love with the swamp. It is her home, and almost more importantly, it is home to the lizards, those delightful embodiments of the swamp’s hidden treasures and the rewards of curiosity, attention, and boldness in investigation.

But lately, she hasn't been feeling so bold. Or so curious. She took a risk that went horribly wrong, and now she's terrified of the open sky. As she works through her trauma, she'll have to come to understand that the world is more complex- and that she is more complex- than she'd ever believed.

As a legendary, she’d be deeply understanding of the high price of fear. She knows what fear can take from you, but she also knows how fear can help. Fear and curiosity are two sides of the same stone, and the balance between the two is how a kin can survive in the Swamp.
Naming Dream

Ascension Points: 298/50

Are You A Werewolf?: 5 pts
Death Grove: 2 pts
Skeletal Grove: 2 pts
Occult Grove: 2 pts
Fortune Teller's Grove: 2 pts
Night Hunt: 2 pts (1069 words)
Hunting a Hare: 2 pts (1 wc + 1 bonus)
Strange Creature vs Unquenched: 6 pts
Strange Creature vs Story: 6 pts
The Mountain's Shadow ORP: 5 pts
Gathering Water: 4 pts (3 wc+1 bonus)
Water, Again: 4 pts (3 wc+1 bonus)
Strange Creature vs BPC: 6 pts
Finale ORP: 8 pts (base 5, 1 solo, 2 bonus from creature prompt)
Stone Soup: 1 pt
A Fated Fortune: 2 pts (starts at the link)
Marshfowl Madness: 5 pts
Fine Feathered Favor: 5 pts
Familiar Feelings: 4 pts
Fine Feathered Favor II: This Time It’s Personal: 3 pts
Rage: 1 pt
Slime CYOA: 5 pts
Hark, A Herald: 2 pts
WP 005: 3 pts (2 from wc, 1 from wp bonus)
Water Prompt: Primordial: 6 pts (per meta rules)
Air Prompt: Chasing Her Tail: 6 pts (per meta rules)
Fire Prompt: Sand On The Wind: 6 pts (per meta rules)
Earth Prompt: Steadfast: 6 pts (per meta rules)
Algae, Brah: 2 points (1 from WC+1 from meta)
Woody and Buzz: 2 points (1 from WC+1 from meta)
Durophagy: 3 points (2 from WC+1 from meta)
Fishing for Beginners: 2 pts (1 from WC+1 from meta)
Self-Defense: 1
The Origin of Light: 1 pt
Sparring with Story: 5 pts
What Is Family?: 1 pt
Crafting a Disguise: 1 pt
Wasteland Wanderers: 2 pts
That Was Easy: 1 pt
Mail Call: 1 pt
Dragon Class: 1 pt
Lizard Wizard: 1 pt
The Swamp Building Sucks Now: 1 pt
Harsh Words: 1 pt
Lion Taming: 1 pt
Lion Taming 2: 1 pt
When Your Double's in Trouble: 1 pt
The Strange Creature: 2 pts
Spreading Cheer: 1 pt

Someone please save her: 2 pts
She'll save her own damn self: 2 pts
Turtle trauma: 2 pts
Troubling turtle: 2 pts
Spirit Guardian: 2 pts
Home: 2 pts
A gourd, lit from within: 2 pts
A shadow flickering in the distance: 2 pts
Spectral Bonding: 2 pts
Pond Scum Salad: 2 pts
Skywatcher: 2 pts
Sunsetter: 2 pts
Eyeing the Eagle: 4 pts (I figure that even if the kin's in animal form, she's still a kin- she's a character in the piece, after all, and she's fully rendered)
Suddenly from the bushes!: 2 pts
Heads Up: 2 pts
Flop: 2 pts
Unsure: 2 pts
Air Support: 2 pts
Hidden Treasure: 2 pts
”It’s not so bad, when you’re not alone.”: 2 pts
Evening Run: 2 pts
A Nightingale Sang: 2 pts
Steeplechase: 2 pts
Stick the Landing: 2 pts
Sleep: 2pts
Something is wrong with that familiar: 2 pts
Crow carcasses litter the grove: 2 pts
Something has left a trail of ooze behind: 2 pts
Drawing a familiar: 2 pts
Hiding in the shrubbery: 2 pts
It's good to have friends: 4 pts
Algae Nap: 2 pts
Breakfast of Champions: 4 pts
Fishing for Beginners: 4 pts
Giant Tree: 4 pts
Cross-Cultural Communications: 4 pts
Primordial: 2 pts
Motechaser: 2 pts
Examining an Iguana: 4 pts
Dragonrider AU: 2 pts
Drama: 4 pts
Snuggly Serpent: 2 pts
Deathclaw Buddy (AU): 2 pts
Unhand Me!!! (AU): 2 pts
Dating Sim (AU): 2 pts
Shadowplay: 2 pts
Bonding: 4 pts
Tuckered: 4 pts
Grooming: 4 pts
Frolicking: 4 pts
My Little Dragon: 2 pts
Lizard Squad: 4 pts
Fixing a Friend (AU): 4 pts
Missing Pieces (AU): 2 pts
The Strange Creature (AU): 2 pts
Catching Snowflakes: 4 pts
extremely bad crocodile dream: 2 pts
Wintermas!: 2 pts
Last edited by Scaramouche Fandango on Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 921
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