Hole Dweller: Legend of the Sun

Write stories as told by your kin, either to fill Legendary requirements or just for fun.
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Tara de Draiocht
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Hole Dweller: Legend of the Sun

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Image The fluffy doe took a deep breath and opened her eyes with a sense of calm. There were a few kin lounging around a shaded area as it was an awfully hot day.  A cute little voice popped up in the crowd, "Dwellie, I was talkin' wif my broth'rs this mornin' and they said the sun was buggin' their eyes...What's the sun?"

Hole Dweller turned towards the young kin in question and settled in a cool patch of grass. "Well, that is a very good question." She began in what Under the Mountain liked to call her 'storytelling voice'.  "There are many stories that I have heard but one that I find true to what I believe is that the sun comes from fireflies." Hole Dweller looked away from the foal to see that more kin were turned towards her to listen to the explanation. 

" 'reflies?" the foal replied with a wrinkled nose.

"Why yes," Dwell nodded her head. " Long ago a band of kin and light bugs roamed the swamp. As much as the night can be fun, this particular clan of kin were slowly getting fed up with all of the darkness. The only time the light came was when the fireflies bottoms-" A giggle broke out in the crowd. "- lit up!"

"This darkness is depressing!"
"Our gardens and plants aren't growing!"

There was so much uproar that something needed to be done! Enough was enough!" Dwell paused for dramatic effect. "And so a brave voice called out of the crowd, very much like this one we have right here, ' I have an idea!' A doe emerged from the darkness shining from all the light bugs that surrounded her. 'Brothers and sisters, listen to what is coming to be!' From that point on a plan was born. The general idea was to have the fireflies sore above in the sky for which the light bugs readily agreed to do with some bargaining. They requested food, which were insects, that the kin would catch and feed to them.

Hence, there began the legend of night time and day time. The fireflies would work with the kin and the kin would work with the fireflies. The fireflies would bunch together to form a warm circular pulsing light. Then throughout the day the bugs would slowly get tired and travel softly back towards the earth. And so this continued for many, many years. It was and still is a beautiful unlikely friendship between two species. To this day some kin say they can see the sun break apart now and then. That is what the sun means to me."

"......Wow," the foal was in awe at such an interesting story. "I'm gonna talk about this 'tory wif all meh frands!"

This caused Hole Dweller to laugh under her breath, babies were just the most innocent and precious things the world had to offer. "I hope you enjoyed listening to one of my favourite legends. I would like to rest my voice for a bit so enjoy your day everyone!"

word count: 508
word count: 516
I hope you find your peace
RIP Zoey, Grandparents and Uncle

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