[WP-001] Hidden Beauty (fin, 527 words)

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[WP-001] Hidden Beauty (fin, 527 words)

Post by Nashawryn »


Hidden Beauty is nestled down in her bedding, sheltered by her rose bushes while Bee Mine, her Humblebee, rests nearby. It had been a fair day, though the night now brought a chill with it. She slowly drifted off to sleep, though the peace of it all was not to last.

Hidden found herself in a dream, a strange one about the Obelisk. She'd heard about it from other kin, of course, but had never bothered to go see it for herself. She watched on in the dream as kin gathered together and headed towards the Obelisk. The sight of the Obelisk gave Hidden Beauty great unease. She watched on as some of the braver kin started touching the Obelisk and the rune rocks around it. This action made her heart beat hard in her chest with anxiety. She sees kin tracing their hooves over the carved parts of the stones, and watches the stones light up and dim and light up again depending on who has touched them. The kin have started talking to each other. They discuss the stones in the ground and the dreams they'd had before coming on this trip. Dreams that they had only just remembered. That gave Hidden an odd twinge, their discussion of dreams. This was her dream now, not theirs. She wished they'd stop talking of dreaming. The kin begin to figure out the stones, talking with each other about how to get the glow brighter on the Obelisk. Even though she was dreaming, Hidden Beauty kept returning her eyes to the form of the Obelisk. It was grand, and also terrifying to her. She was curious about it but felt that even trying to approach it would be a large mistake for her to make. Soon the kin figure out what they needed to do to brighten the light from the Obelisk. One by one, they step on the correct stones. Each correct guess makes the Obelisk glow a bit more. Once all the stones have been stepped on, it begins to glow brighter and brighter, and soon Hidden can hear a roaring noise. A noise that shouldn't be there. Everything goes bright and Hidden can no longer see the other kin in the area or the Obelisk. When the light of the Obelisk begins to clear, Hidden Beauty can see eleven points of light, leading away to who knows where. She has an ominous feeling that this is only the beginning of it all. That those lights that point away from this Obelisk lead to further mysteries.

Hidden Beauty gradually wakes from what some would call a dream and others would call a nightmare. The rest of her day is spent nervously looking around for the kin that had visited her sleep the night before. She feels almost as if one of them might pop up behind her at any moment. Hidden has the suspicion that she will dream of the Obelisk again. Perhaps not the one in this dream, perhaps other Obelisks. After all, she knows that other Obelisks have been found after that first one. The next night, Hidden thankfully doesn't dream of an Obelisk.
Last edited by Nashawryn on Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 533
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