[META ORP] Called To The Caves

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Kalahari »

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... lahari.gif[/imgleft] As she watched, more and more kin of all shapes and colors joined into the growing herd, some of which bore the familiar shapes of zikwa that reassured her she would have good company once they'd descended into the depths of the caves. While she mostly held back from interacting, hesitant to leave the shade of the tree for brighter areas, it seemed that others were going to partake of the shade as well. A dark, dark Kimeti, kind to dark-adapted eyes but thus difficult to make out most details on, with a fluttering companion she easily recognized as a bat when it had flown for a brief moment, has come close enough that she can make out a little more of their markings, as well as how the bat rests on their back in spite of the sharp scales dotted along it. Well, that mane must provide some comfort, but she doesn't know how the creature tolerates such a prickly resting place. Zikwa are nice and smooth in comparison, at least most of her kind were anyway. Tentatively, she tilts her head and thinks to speak.

"Your bat is very lovely. They must be very sleepy right now."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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I Always Come Back paused and stared at the raven that approached him, bristling slightly. He wasn’t a stranger to attracting opportunistic animals with his smell and he pawed the ground with a hoof, narrowing his eyes at the handsome bird. “I wouldn’t.” he said to it.

Scavengers, he expected. What he didn’t expect however was a very pale and pretty doe to speak to him. He used the same hoof he’d been pawing the ground with, the one that didn’t have any gaping wounds on it, to sweep across his ears and smooth out his fur.

“Hello.” He said, in a cheery and welcoming sort of tone.

“Sheer curiosity.” He said. “I’m always in pursuit of new knowledge.” He said. “The kind of thing other people don’t want you to pursue. I create. I invent new things, try new combinations. I look to make the swamp better for all of us. How could I resist something like this?”

He inclined his head to her.

“What about you? Why have you come?”


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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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Chain of command. Dominant hated working for anyone, but he owed a damn debt and had to do whatever he was told or run the risk of ending up (quite horribly) dead. That was why when the Harbinger, who rarely spoke to anyone looked at him and said. "Follow the call." as a strange bird flew overhead, he was forced to do so. Dominant HATED walking, he hated travelling, he hated anything that wasn't eating tar toasted dead shit he pulled out of the pits. Energy was effort, energy was hard, especially when he had a set of horns on his head that weighed a ton and more hair than anyone should ever have been forced to bear.

But he went, because the way the boss had looked at him had told him that it would be INCREDIBLY unwise not to.

And now he was here, panting and out of breath in the middle of a lot of kin who looked a lot fitter than him, and a lot cooler temperature wise. Away from the tar pits he gleamed like a mother of pearl, slick with residue, but even that could only do so much to keep him from being way, way too warm. While they paused to gather, he collapsed down to the ground like a pile of discarded sticks, letting out a low groan of petulant objection.
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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The stag's ears pivoted as he was addressed, and the rest of him followed shortly after. The intent gaze of the doe addressing him was a little - well, not unnerving or surprising, perhaps, but very noticeable.

"Ah, yes, I did. A summons of this sort is simply not to be denied, I have learned. My name is Wildflower Breeze," he added, lowering his front end in a creaky bow. "Who might you be?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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As she hauled her shell through the crowd, Traveling Cat caught sight of a kimeti with far more horns and hair than was reasonable shining darkly in the sun - but only briefly, before he collapsed to the ground with a groan. Ears flickering in consternation, she changed direction and made a beeline for him.

If he looked up, an especially fuzzy brown face would hover into his field of vision, peering down with a mix of curiosity and concern. It asked around the vine in its mouth, "Hey, are you alright? Why'd you fall over? Why," it asked as its nose scrunkled up, "why do you smell like that? What is that?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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Dominant cut a very dramatic picture when he lay on the ground, as if he'd been practicing the most decadent and elegant way to languish for a while, which he had. He let out a heavy sigh of despair. "I'm not all right." he said. "Not all right at all. There's going to be walking. I can feel it. I hate walking."

He closed his eyes and covered his eyes and snout with his big hooves.

"I smell like this because the tar gets into your fur. I normally live at a tar pit. Everything out here smells wrong. Too minty."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Anhelisk »

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... uncert.png[/imgleft] One thing was universal, both inside and outside of the swamp. And that thing was injury. Tincture had heard the rumors, and that had had them packing their things. Packing, and enlisting help from those they could, to create a large batch of herby, fat-softened beeswax inside a half of a turtleshell, another set of turtle shells packed with their specially prepared honey and the heaviest, cleanest clay they could manage, as well as a couple large bundles of carefully-preserved large leaves, and long, long measures of cord and rope. It was hardly a good representation of the best medicines that Tincture had available at home, but their most effective treatments were ones that didn't store particularly well, or were too... difficult to travel with to bother.

[imgright]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgright]Besides, if someone needed something more than a simple poultice, they were in trouble. A honey poultice would help with infection, clay would soothe inflammation and draw unwanted fluid away from swollen limbs or rashes, and the beeswax... well, that was useful for stopping bleeding in the worst of cases, and wouldn't dissolve in water like the other two would.

They walked along carefully, keeping an eye on the fit young buck who had passed the word onto them, and who had volunteered to help them carry their things.

"--almost there... now we just have to find her, or my other mom, she always knows where mum is. Mom? Mum--? Tincture didn't let themself laugh as the large kimeti turned on his hoof, swinging his hefty burden as he tried to navigate this crowd.  Hey, where's Real Big Fish gotten to? Or Oath? I'm trying to find my moms, has anyone seen them lately?"
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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She tilted her head at this weird buck, writhing picturesquely on his own hair. Dropping the vine in her mouth, she said, "Walking's a little unavoidable, isn't it? I guess swimming could have been easier, with as much extra weight as you're carrying, but there can't be water everywhere, otherwise this wouldn't be a swamp, it'd be an ocean."

Her tail twitched back, forth, back, forth. Now that he mentioned it, she'd heard rumors about a great stinking pit of sludge bubbling away somewhere in the swamp - and the kin or creature that lorded over it. She'd been occupied investigating some other things until now, but... "I haven't seen that tar pit yet! It's too bad we're already going somewhere else, or I'd ask you to lead the way... At least, I assume you're coming on this journey too, despite your complaining?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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"It shouldn't be." he said miserably. "Usually, I don't have to walk far at all. Scavengers come to eat other, stupider scavengers. I mostly wait and think." And hallucinate, but he didn't really mention that to people outright, they didn't normally take it as the enlightenment it clearly was. "I think things would be better if there was water everywhere, the swamp deserves it. Just getting here I had weird plants in my horns, burrs in my fur, dirt in my hooves. It's disgusting. Foul. Atrocious."

He rolled onto his back with his hooves in the air, kicking them out in a walking motion at the uncaring sky, as if he might walk the clouds.

"I MUST." he said with theatrical tragedy. "I must come. If I don't, terrible things will happen to the people I care most about."


"I must pursue this incredible foray into the unknown and be the hero of my own tale, to rescue the person most deserving of a loving and successful life."

Also himself.

He paused and gave her a sidelong grin that revealed a razor-sharp set of teeth the same colour as his iridescent horns.

"I can show you the pit when we get back, if you'd like."

A long, equally shiny crane picked its way over and fished a stone out of his fur, tossing it aside, he didn't even acknowledge it was there.

[imgleft]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgleft]

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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Her ears had swiveled fully forward by now, her attention held by this dramatic mess of a man. He certainly talked a big game. She had a sneaking suspicion he might be absolutely full of it, but at least he was entertaining about it. And to have a guide to the tar pits later may well be worth putting up with him, should he prove to be more than just whiny.

Abruptly, she turned in a neat little circle and settled onto the ground next to him. As what was presumably his crane set about to preening him, she said matter-of-factly, "Then it's settled. This adventure, and then the next." She nodded, pleased with this arrangement.

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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Dominant gave the doe a thoughtful, upside down look. The crane fussed with a twig that had gotten snarled up in his tail.

"A deal." he said.

"Say." he added. "You look a bit like a Lynx. How are you with that tongue?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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Her ears swiped right back again, and she squinted at him exasperatedly. "Not a chance. With the way you smell, my mouth isn't getting anywhere near you."
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Tiarana »

[imgright]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... ow_tia.gif[/imgright]Murkcrow's dreams had grown, yet again, fitful and strange, a confusing haze of darkness punctuated by mysterious glows and dimly glittering crystals. But the dreams were so vague, lacking the usual vividness of the dreams he had always received from the Motherfather, that he questioned if they were truly a message for him. Until finally the eagle flew overhead, screeching its summonses to all who would listen. Grumbling a little - it was late in the year, he needed to prepare for winter - Murkcrow gathered up his sand dog, the little bundles of dried meat, fruit and nuts he had been storing for the coming season, and the tar slime (which was pretty useful for carrying all this food), and set off.

Murkcrow arrived at the gathering a bit late, it seemed - so many kin were already here. He gazed gloomily at the yawning cave mouth for a long moment - the open places were where the buck felt most comfortable - before looking around to see if he recognized anyone. He spotted a familiar face (it was hard to forget the kin who seemed more tree than animal), and sidled next to Story. "Coming for another adventure? I would not expect you to have much appetite for it after that horrible mountain."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Baneful »

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Dominant gasped as if she'd bitten him rather than simply spoken. "I smell excellent." he said. "Normal. Everything else smells wrong. Unnatural. It's the swamp that's the problem."

He waved a paw vaguely in her direction. "I mean, I wasn't going to say, but you smell downright musky. I was just being nice about it. Refined, civil kin don't tell other kin that they stink."

He righted himself and tossed his hair, sending the crane tumbling, where it irritably flapped and re-settled its wings.

"Hey everyone!" he called, raising his voice loud enough to irritate anyone nearby. "She's COMPLETELY RUDE. There, I said it. Rude." 

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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Cat rolled her eyes. Childish, too. Whatever, she could deal with childish.

"You're the one who asked me to lick you on the first day we met," She said, sticking her tongue out briefly. "I'm just saying I'm not interested in getting a mouthful of tar, whatever-your-name-is."
word count: 63
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