[WP-001] How Quaint

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[WP-001] How Quaint

Post by Gl!tch~ »

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She would call it the strangest dream she had in some time.

How Quaint usually dreamed in vivid senses, but sight was rarely her strongest trait. For one tasked to see, it could be frustrating.

But this dream, she noticed upon finding herself away from her home nest, was clear. She could see it all better than she could if she stood there awake.

A monolith stood there in front of her, with other kin speaking and moving about. Searching for answers. She followed their movements and listened to their thoughts as they spoke them aloud.

A kin walked right through her, like she was nothing more than....well, nothing. Curious, she tried to kick a stray stone, with no success.

She had no presence here, and so did not mind being an observer to what was to unfold.

The kin were colorful, and varied. Many sleek kimeti and their pleasing markings. Some other kin as well, with their coats dulled without a glow to them.

And a zikwa. She would follow that kin, one of her kind, the one who should be able to lead the others. But he spent so much time hanging back, and not immediately solving whatever puzzle there seemed to be...unfortunate.

He also had a number of eyes on his face. Interesting. Was the Motherfather trying to send some sort of sign? She could only guess.

As she trailed the zikwa, she touched the stone he touched, though she could not press her will upon it. And then she watched with him as the other kin took charge on figuring out how to make the Obelisk glow. Their logical conclusions made sense, and she in turn wanted to touch each stone that connected with the sequence they spoke of.

Once all the kin stepped on a stone the way they thought would work, well.

Bright light. That was all she could say about it.

More blinding than the first time she left the caverns.

With such a rush, she thought she would wake up from this strange dream and see dawn approaching.

But, as she blinked the spots out of her eyes, the scene remained the same as before. Or at least mostly.

More lights danced in the sky, overhead this time, then disappeared.

None of the kin present seemed to know what to make of these lights, or the stones. They soon left.

How Quaint looked at the stones, then the Obelisk.

She wasn't sure that she could make any more out than anyone else. But they were brought here, and they did something. And now...? The Motherfather's will stayed a mystery to her. But there had to be a reason why she got to see this, and see it rather well, all things considered.
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Re: [WP-001] How Quaint

Post by Gl!tch~ »

She opened her eyes to the light and sound of a new day.

The zikwa yawned.

Her dream stayed so fresh in her mind that clearly this was a memory. What she just did yesterday? Wasn't it? But no. Yesterday she did...something entirely different. And could actually be seen and heard.

It felt so real, that part of her knew she could find this Obelisk. Was that what she needed to see next?

That only made sense.

But if she did...well. She didn't want to go alone. She didn't know why, but she felt better with a group. The Obelisk was so strange, so unknown. Part of her didn't like it, despite being tempted to seek it out.

Complicated feelings were for other kin to untangle; she didn't live in these moments of self-doubt. Perhaps at some point she would wrangle some of her children to go exploring with her.

For now, she needed to figure out what to do for breakfast.
word count: 170
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Re: [WP-001] How Quaint

Post by Gl!tch~ »

She was small, but she was proud. She knew her name, and she knew the dream that named her. The foal looked up with her many eyes at her loving, caring brood mother, and shared the story. She did not skip a beat, she did not hesitate. It was her moment.

After she finished, How Quaint felt breathless. Her brood mother leaned down and nuzzled her lovingly. Now a doe, How Quaint's heart swelled.

How Quaint stared out into the swamp, remembering this moment. This feeling.

She did the same with her children once they could share their names, didn't she? She could only hope they felt as much love in that moment as she did when she was their age.
word count: 123
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