[META ORP] Called To The Caves

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by peanutbutter »

Dusk laughed softly, giving Fierce a gentle headshake. "Don't worry about it, if it wasn't yours then it would've been one of the others," he said, thinking back to the groups of them that just seemed to roam the bay. He had thought about getting one, perhaps after this whole journey was over. It might be nice, to have a companion.

Then again, if Fierce was apologizing for his two, it might be a large amount of work as well though.

He let the conversation shift as Fierce introduced them, grateful for his friend (hopefully? could he call him that? was it too soon?) there to do the talking. It was one thing to introduce himself to someone else that he saw near daily and worked with. This however, was clearly out of his comfort zone, and he shifted slightly, uneasy. What if he said the wrong thing, or looked mean, or a million other things that could happen?

He especially, of all things, did not want to talk about his dreams.

"Hello," He nodded back, instead of answering the question. "Pleasure to meet you."

That was the right thing to say, yes? He envied Despair, in that moment. He too wished he could just be behind Fierce without saying a word.

@kuropeco @Nashawryn
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by HuniPi »

[imgleft]https://www.matope-swamp.com/images/max ... uncert.png[/imgleft]Heart and Home saw more and more kin gather, though she did not recognize any of them. In times like these when she didn't see anyone she knew, well, it just meant this was an opportunity to make new friends!

She didn't think it wise to simply insert herself into a group already deep in a conversation, so she wandered through the enlarging herd and couldn't help but spot a doe on her own.

"Hello there," she greeted warmly, making sure to approach from where the other kimeti could see her. She almost paused at the sight of the scar on the other doe's shoulder but instead ended up focusing on it, "Oh my word, you look like you've been through quite an experience! I hope this journey isn't too perilous."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by lilacfishie »

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... slexic.gif[/imgleft]
Deadly Nightshade was listening intently to the conversations going on around her, trying to gather as much information about the journey ahead, and her travelling companions, as she could. It was a little amusing watching Real Big Fish hop between each newcomer with the energy of a young lamb. As she watched the crowd, the few pairs of firefly eyes on kin and familiar shape alike were not lost on her. This must be quite the event to bring so many of those touched by the Motherfather together. She only hoped that meant their strength together would outweigh the challenges they faced. Before she could continue down that train of thought, a voice brought her back to the present.

Focusing her eyes back to the immediate area, Deadly Nightshade found her face to face with another kimeti doe, who was staring down at her ruined shoulder scale. The doe looked rather young, and Deadly Nightshade didn't recognize her. Glancing down at her scarred scale for a moment, she looked back up with an ear twitch. "Ah, I earned this during the battles at the previous Obelisk in the mountains. There was a great battle against feral beasts while the Shattered Obelisk filled all in it's range with bloodlust," she hummed, remembering the feeling and the battle once more. "Each Obelisk seems to hold different qualities, though," she added, "So it will be quite interesting to see what the influence of this one is, especially enclosed in the deep caverns below.." After taking a moment to look the young doe over, Deadly Nightshade asked, "Is this going to be your first Obelisk excursion?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by HuniPi »

Heart and Home audibly gulped in mild concern and worry. "Oh, y-yes, I've only been having dreams of obelisks. I've not actually travelled too far from my den."

She was starting to wonder if it had been a mistake for someone so inexperienced as herself to go to one of these expeditions. But she was here and there was safety in numbers, wasn't there? Surely there was a reason why she found herself answering the call, perhaps it was time she discovered whether she was made of sterner stuff.

"B-but I hope to expand my horizons while not being a burden along the way." She chuckled wryly, "I'm Heart and Home, by the way, I hope it'll be alright if I turn to you for advice on this journey?" She stared at the older doe with her big blue eyes.

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by lilacfishie »

[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... slexic.gif[/imgleft]
Deadly Nightshade pondered while she listened to Heart and Home speak. This was the first time she'd travelled far from her den? Well then. "Well, you certainly chose quite the event to venture out on. I'm sure that the culture of the Zikwa below will be quite the change from our lives here in the Swamp," she mused. "I have dreamt many times of all the Obelisks in this land, but only travelled to the Shattered Obelisk in the mountains. I look forward to seeing just how different this experience is and what hunts are to be had down below," she added. After a pause, the older doe turned her head to sweep over the crowd around them.

"The thing I do know about Obelisks is that it pulls at all who travel to it. You would only be a burden if you chose to help in no way at all, trust," she said. Facing Heart and Home again, she straightened up a bit. "My name is Deadly Nightshade. You may turn to me so long as you don't hinder my hunts."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by HuniPi »

Heart and Home took in the older doe's words and felt comforted by them. "I would love to hear more about your journey to the Shattered Obelisk. That is only if you have the time and if I'm not bothering you!" she hastily added. She definitely appreciated Deadly Nightshade's matter of fact tone and Heart and Home hoped that one day she too would be mature and capable enough to provide the same reassurance to other kin.

Now was not that time. In fact right now, the kimeti doe would happily settle for not being a ball of nervous energy. "And if there's anything I can help with, I'd happily do the more tedious tasks."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by rexcorvus »

Fierce was relatively certain that, if given the opportunity, Strength in Numbers would have not only already thrown herself into the caves but also would have led the charge forward, without any sort of regard as to what exactly she was getting into. It was somewhat of a relief that Dusk had not yet passed any judgement on this particular aspect of Fierce's life, but maybe that was because of the fact that Dusk himself had a daughter who sounded (at least to Fierce) similar in some regards.

He let out a small snort of resignation at Dusk's reassurances, but didn't get a chance to do more than that. Fierce's eyes drifted over Despair's long rows of sharp teeth in contrast to her grandmother's sleek hair and wondered if his grandchildren would garner the same sort of reaction. The mention of dreams, however, caught his attention; Fierce glanced over at Dusk for a moment, tail sliding across the ground beneath them.

"I was not there for any of the others," he said, after a moment, gaze returning to Hidden Beauty. "But I've had dreams. Some...less nice than others, if I'm to be honest."

He didn't really want to get too deeply into them; it felt somehow too personal, but he did add, "They all had obelisks in them, as far as I can remember. In different places, like fields or mountains. It felt quite real."

@Nashawryn @peanutbutter
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by SerinaNight »


The buck had been sitting on the edge of the group for quite some time, struggling with whether or not he was going to go. He obviously felt some call too, he was here after all, but despite coming all the way here he was wavering. Shadowed Moon had always felt responsible for his herd, his children especially, and leaving them for who knows how long felt... wrong, somehow. They didn't actually need his help, really, they could take care of themselves, but he still felt like he would be abandoning them if he just left. This was different from a wander in the swamp, what if something happened and they weren't able to get back? He'd heard stories of past expeditions getting stuck, or struggling to return home, and it worried him. The buck shook his head and sighed again, at this point he'd gone over the same thoughts so many times he'd lost count. He wasn't really getting anywhere, stuck in his own head like this, but it also felt wrong to bother one of the other kin gathered together. Shadowed Moon couldn't tell if he was holding himself back on purpose, or if this was another sign he shouldn't go. Obviously some of his concerns were real, but he could already tell he was getting stuck in his own head a bit. How much... it was hard to tell without an outside word. However, getting that outside opinion was a bit difficult, as he'd rarely done that, ever. Especially not from another normal kin like him. It just seemed rude to put your problems on someone else, unless it was their calling obviously.

Not that that hadn't taken him some time to get used to, the idea that it was okay to talk to others about his problems. That strange dream, like the one that drew him here, was a good example. He'd only managed to talk about it that once, and it was sort of an accident. The buck signed again, his thoughts moving on to the dream he'd had that drew him here, probably triggered by the eagle cry that he'd heard echoing overhead. The buck had been half asleep, dozing under the mid-day sun after a long and fretful night walk, when he'd heard the sound. It seemed to push him into sleep, and he found himself staring down at the moon, a clear full moon surrounded by darkness. Confused, Shadowed Moon tilted his head and leaned forward slowly, eyes locked on the moon below his feet. His nose gently tapped the cold, wet surface of the water before him, sending ripples through the moon and breaking the illusion. The buck stepped back, taking in the sight of the glistening rocks around him, the gentle dripping of water echoing through the cave. The gentle illumination of the cave moss was not enough to light his fur up in such a way, and the buck looked up, his eyes finding the long and hollow hole above his head leading to the surface. He could not see all the way up, but the light from the moon lit his fur and reflected from the rocks he was now surrounded by. The buck looked down at the small puddle below his hooves, now still, and the moon stared back at him. The buck had awoken to another eagle cry, confused but with a strange sense he should follow that sound.

Which he did, and eventually found himself here, at the gathering filled with kin. It was than he was struck by what he was doing, and he choose to stay away from the group. Settling in the shade Shadowed Moon had simply sat and pondered, he'd left without saying anything to anyone, and the strange pull from his dream spawned by the eagles call was more confusing than anything. Was this right? Should he stay? Sighing again the buck looked up at the sky, remembering the rocks and the moon beneath his feet, and wondered if it had really been anything more than just a strange dream.

@Scaramouche Fandango
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