[Solo - Obtainment] Sea of Tears [fin]

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[Solo - Obtainment] Sea of Tears [fin]

Post by Nashawryn »

"The swamp is gone as you open your eyes. Beneath you, sand—warm and fine—cradles your waking form. Around you, the repetitive break of waves attempts to lull you back to sleep, but there is an urgent sense of doom that wells in your stomach. Lifting your head, you see that you are trapped on a sandbar that is quickly being swallowed by the sea. Beside you, a whale shark wails and you know that this creature is the only chance you have to survive. Do you befriend this animal or is it a fiend? Are you even a kin or are you a whale shark, too? Do you survive?"

(500 words)
Last edited by Nashawryn on Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 113
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Re: [Solo - Obtainment] Sea of Tears

Post by Nashawryn »

One moment Sea of Tears was sleeping in her area, surrounded by her fish plus some extras (She kept them for now, but she was getting rid of the extras in her Winter Market booth, you see). The next moment, as she opened her eyes, she found herself in a different place. A place of warm sand and water. The waves of the water were so soothing to her, trying to lull her back to sleep. It was hypnotic to her, as she'd grown up around the sounds of water lapping and splashing around. But she felt like something was wrong. A dreadful feeling. As if there was a problem with where she was currently located. She started looking around herself more carefully, checking for where this dreadful feeling was coming from.

As Sea of Tears looked around, she realized she was stuck on a sandbar. For a second, she imagined herself as a fish stuck on the sandbar, but that isn't what she was, really. Just a normal Kimeti. Stuck. On a sandbar. On a sandbar that the water is quickly reclaiming for the sea! That's when she noticed that there was a whale shark large fish beside her. It wailed at her and she realized this big fish is the only way Sea of Tears would be able to survive. She looked at it wide-eyed, noting the gentle and wide face as she started towards it. She just knew that it was friendly and she wanted to make friends with it. Any fish that approached her was definitely friendly in every way and so she decided to follow it.

It takes her through the shallowest areas of water that it could traverse while swimming, showing her in its own way how to get her back to the main beach area. She rubbed her head against its smooth side, enjoying the odd feel of the larger-than-normal fish she'd come upon. Eventually, they made their way back to the shore, or as close as the fish could get to it without ending up out of the water itself. She felt sad to leave it by the water. That's when Sea of Tears was suddenly surprised when it started floating. In the air. On its' own. So very odd. Sea of Tears smiled and bobbed her head at it, indicating to it that she'd like it to come home with her. To join her collection of other fish in her living and sleeping area. Even if it is larger than all the others, she's sure there won't be any problems. ...Okay, there might be problems. Maybe she'd have to expand her living area for it a bit. Or a lot. She wouldn't know until they got back, of course. That, of course, is when Sea of Tears actually woke up. Safe and sound in her own living space, surrounded by all her different and odd-looking fish. She had survived, with the help of the whale shark great big fish.
word count: 512
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