[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

Post by seru_ame »

An ordeal had been survived. A warm pelt and a packet of berries for his troubles, Abandons Fear picked his way carefully out of the Winter Market. Stiff legs carried him only a short distance- not too far, so his Eagle wouldn't lose track of him, not too close, in case somebody tripped over him. He tucked his legs under himself, to stop them shaking noticeably, and closed his eyes, taking a long, deep breath. The fur was heavy, comfortable. He could relax, maybe eat some of the dried berries. It was a thoughtful gift- although, perhaps, too kind for a stranger.

A flutter of wings overhead, and a slender bough bent under the weight of a dark eagle, who peered down at him quietly. "Fat lot of help you were. Coward..." Abandon rumbled up at Dead Eyes, and turned his head aside. Another flurry of feathers, and the weight settled onto one of his horns, and he felt the eagle's beak tease and preen at his skullplate, tweaking his ear. "I'm not going to forgive you, and I've no meat. Seek your own meal. Brat."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

Post by Beejoux »

It had been a very worthwhile venture, participating in the gift exchange. His stomach was full of good fish, and he was taking his leave of the booth with a bounty of trinkets, all of which he'd managed to sweet talk -- or bully -- a lemur or coon into helping him string onto the hide lace that held the antlers together still. This new creation he had resting loopsided on his head, the wing and the skull bumping softly against the side of his neck as he walked.

His intention was to go check on his and Sea Love's sacs, but he paused when he noticed the big totoma that'd bright the gift he'd reversed up receiving. He was laying off to the side, an eagle on his horns and his gruff voice rumbling out an insult.

With a light chuckle Brother Shark wandered over. "What'd the eagle do?" It was casually curious, carried a thread of humor.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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So caught up in his scolding, Abandons didn't register the approaching Kimeti. Dead Eyes, to his immense discredit, did not alert the totoma, either, so, when Brother Shark spoke, Abandon jerked his head around sharply to peer at him like a wild animal caught by a predator. Of course, that sent the eagle up into the air, taking wing to leave him with an indignant shriek. He didn't leave wholly, simply clinging to a nearby bough. Abandon flicked his gaze after the bird, and then refocused, sighing.

An honest question, nothing harmful in the tone. After a long pause, he sighed, and forced himself to be calm.

"He- Mm... Left me."

Abandon looked to the fetching earring, and his tail flicked some. "Good look."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"Oops." That one word was soft, but laced with amusement. He hadn't made to startle the big buck, but he'd take the subtle sense of pride that came with managing it. Toothy smile just a little pleased.

The makeshift hat wobbled a little as the kimeti looked up at where the eagle had settled and he let out a curious little hum.

"Rude of it," he suggested, before that compliment got an even toothier grin. "You like it?" He shifted on his hooves, standing straight and tall. "All that hard work, I couldn't leave it behind."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"He's always rude. Thinks cleaning my scales and bringing snacks makes up for it, but-" Abandon growled softly, and then huffed, stretching out his neck and tossing his mane. He didn't, honestly, seem to be too bothered, right then. Honestly, away from the crowd, he was almost 'normal'. And this was, perhaps, the most he'd spoken since he'd arrived at the Winter Market. Overhead, Dead Eyes leaned down, and called at Brother Shark, almost a warning, and Abandon rolled his eyes. "Little late for you to be protective."

Abandon rose up to his full height- big as you please, but his steps bordered on dainty as he left behind the berries for a moment. He approached, and leaned in a little to get a better look at Shark's head-dress- nevermind the teeth bared at him- and sniffed at the feathers. A satisfied nod, and he stepped back. "The knot-work looks good. I'm glad. Hardest part was threading the sinew through without tearing the leaves..."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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Shark let out a bark of a laugh, head shaking as glowing eyes flicked briefly back up at the eagle. "Could be worse. Least it doesn't see your ankles as chew toys." The buck snorted, rubbing hind leg against the back of another. There were small nicks and cuts, fresh and healing, half hidden by the short hair on his legs.

He blinked back at the totoma as he rose up to his full and impressive height. Shark didn't feel small often, but the large mountain dwelling kin could do it. He shifted on dark hooves, long tail flicking against the ground as he swept it well out of the way. A lifetime of learned habit. The piecemeal headpiece wobbled a little on his head when lifted his chin to look up at the other buck, watching at he circled, examining it. He smirked at the compliment, perfectly willing to accept the praise, even if his involvement in the construction was reduced down direction. "Thank you." It wasn't going to stay a hat, but it worked perfectly for his purposes now.

"So, what'd you end up getting?" Since it wasn't Brother Shark's shell. He glanced down at the pelt the totoma had resting on.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"No, just my skull plate," Abandon chuffed, and tipped his head to look at Shark's legs. He frowned a bit, ears pinning back a bit thoughtfully. "If you need something for those, I know somebody who tends wounds. Might know how to dissuade biting."

Abandon settled his weight on three hooves, tipping one to rest one leg. He tipped his head back, and nosed the fur on his back. "This fur, and some berries-dried and fresh," he explained, and then turned a bit. "Still hungry? I don't mind sharing. I didn't. Actually plan on getting... Anything from anyone... " he tapped his hoof a little nervously.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"Good luck dissuading a shuppy from biting." Fisheye could, but Brother Shark had to wonder if the doe was magic. She certainly had a way with the little blighters. They listened to her. Or at least hers listened to her. Shark was yet to meet a shup that listened to anyone else.

He looked up at the fur on the big totoma's back, It was a nice pelt, looked soft and warm. He stepped in closer, touched his nose to the fur, feeling and smelling all at once. "A nice surprise." When he stepped back again it wasn't quite so far back. The mention of food keeping him close. "I could eat." He could always eat. "And no? That'd make you extra nice, then. Bringing a gift as nice as you did not knowing you'd get something back." It was a level of kindness towards strangers that Brother Shark couldn't manage to wrap his head around.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"A... Shuppy? I do not think I have seen one of those." A simple statement. Curiosity coaxed his tone up at the end, cant of the head. What did that look like? He did not know where to begin with it, besides that it sounded sort of like a puppy. Puppies bit. That would make sense.

"Ah, yes. It is large, and clean." It smelled faintly of the berries, and of Abandon- woodsmoke and fresh water, a hint of mint. The buck focused on Shark as he drew back, and- was that a smile? A chuckle, certainly, deep in his belly. "I should have made it two fish, or perhaps a fish and bird. Ah well. Come, sit. I do not need much." He drew back then, circling around the berries and then folded his forelegs first before sinking down fully and nosing the berry push forward.

"I do not often take gifts. I prefer to provide. It... Pleases me, I guess. Which is why I came to watch," he murmured softly.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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"Lucky you." He laughed, sending the leather string with the feathers and bones flipping back over his ear, out of his face. The antlers wobbled precariously. "They're like pups, and shark's. Chompy little monsters that seem to have taken a shining to my tribe." The disdain was heavy.

"They're all over the coast where the Cres lives." He was eyeing the berries, watching as the totoma lowered that lumbering frame down to lay almost daintily beside them. With a little hum Shark sank down across from him, head dipping to sniff at the fruit before he stuck his tongue out to lap a few up to crush between sharp teeth. He eyed the pelt again, then turned his focus to the other buck. "That's very generous." It was hard to imagine himself in that position.

"You live in the swamp?" He sure hoped that was the case. That the totoma hadn't wandered down from the mountain hoping for a fun outing, only to be trapped there by The Ache.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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Abandons Fear had not seen a shark before, but the disdain in Shark's tone made it seem like a contempt-worthy creature. He eyed the precarious wobble of the antlers, and frowned some. A tribe, the cres. The coast. He had never been to the coast. He had some vague idea of the sea, from-

A dip of his head, and he, too, took some berries into his mouth- the dried ones, tucked into his cheek as his ear pinned back. "Makes me feel somewhat better. My accidental herd has a couple cloud-heads in it. Wouldn't know their hind from their horns. I leave them food and go back to wandering. So far, they haven't died."

The totoma's tail thumped softly against the ground, and Abandon grumbled softly. "I have for a few years now. I miss my crag." Was it any better to have been caught by the Swamp years ago, than today? "Does the ground ever truly feel solid here? Is it better on your... Coast?"
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

Post by Beejoux »

Ah, the guardian sort. Shark nodded, more in acknowledgement than understanding. It was true he had a protective streak where his kids and their mother's were concerned, but his sense of care and obligation didn't extend far beyond that. He supposed he probably wouldn't leave another kin to die, but it was hard to say what lengths he'd go to to keep that from happening.

Talking about the coast was easier, and the kimeti buck brightened. "Sort of. Parts of it are, parts of it are sand. Worth it though. It's at the edge of the swamp where it empties into the ocean. Have you ever been?" If he'd lived there a few years, maybe he had.

It was good thos wasn't his first trip to the swamp, Shark hadn't wanted to be the one to tell him he wasn't leaving again.
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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There, a lighter topic. It was getting easier for Abandon to talk to the buck. He relaxed, chewing his berries and spared a glance up as some snow fell onto the pair- Dead Eyes had likely grown bored with his lack of anxiety, and was off to hunt a meal for himself. Good. He turned his head back down, eyes half closed as he considered. "I have not, not yet. But, on cloudless days, I used to be able to see it from a tall peak. I usually try to course north- it gets far too hot in the summers here," he huffed. He far preferred the winter- perhaps that was why he was so chatty. He nosed the berries over to Shark, and studied him thoughtfully. "Perhaps I shall come and see your ocean up close sometime..."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

Post by Beejoux »

He looked down at the berries nosed towards him and bowed his head to snap them up, humming a pleased note at the sweet taste of them. They were juicier than the ones he'd used to decorate the gift he'd brought.

"You should," he answered back with toothy grin. "Lots of fish and other tasty things. I could show you around." And he paused there, living the taste of berries from his maw before piping up again. "I'm Brother shark, by the way."
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[p]Abandons Fear x Brother Shark

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Abandon considered, for a moment, the implied offer there. Was he offering to show him the way to the ocean? Well- "I'd appreciate that. Usually, if somebody shows me the way once, I'll be able to find my way back and there again without difficulty." Plus, it would give him time away from the herd, and to get to know this fellow a bit more.

A rare impulse for Abandon, indeed.
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