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Raven at Night

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:54 pm
by Kinu
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft]☽Oh how the raven laughs at me so
Its eyes like drops from an ink well
Its feathers like obsidian tainted by oil
Look at him laughing, laughing away
Like he told me a joke and clueless I remain.
He caws at me and tells me to fly
Spreading his wings to show me how easy it is
Liar, fool, pest of a beast
Doesn't he know I'm stuck here?
Always stuck here, earthbound, the stars are never mine
I'm a shadow of a shadow
Maybe I'm a dream soon to fade
But my little dove wont let me.

Longing consumes me, fills me with wonder
Questions burn deep in my mind
Wanderlust eats away at me, a ravenous beast.
Perhaps I shall go mad in time
And maybe someday I will try to fly
Scale the highest trees, the tallest mountains
And with wind in my pelt, moonlight in my eyes, I will fly
But my little dove wont let me.

I roam the deepest swamp lands and commune
Ever in prayer, ever seeking the souls of those long gone
They sing to me in the night, they call for me to show them home
Yet this raven, how he mocks me even now
Even in my most sacred of moments
My most deepest refrain
How he yells that we are brothers
That I've forgotten how to caw
Maybe we are, maybe I have
Maybe he wants to watch me jump from a tree so he can eat my corpse
But my little dove wont let him.

The world is askew, I see the horizon
Between this world and the next, on the borders I walk
Leading the ghosts to their final rest
My fellow Kin, so alive, are an endless sea and I cannot even swim
Their communion confuses me, their lives are passing shadows.
I'll roam the swamp on dark hooves
I'll commune with the earth as it whispers to my soul
Maybe I will become the darkness, the deep
A Raven at Night
But my little dove wont allow it.

Rooted to the earth, she keeps me grounded
In her I see the sunrise
In the world and all its night, her flame burns brightly
Her love is the call that summons me from swampsheart.
Let the Raven yell for me to come
Let him scream my name
To her I will return evermore
By her side I shall remain.☾

The Hunger That Lingers

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:54 pm
by Kinu
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☽A feast as grand as any that had ever been seen before lay at his hooves.
Beautiful decadence, candied fruits, glazed meats, towering vegetables, unshelled nuts and freshly picked berries.
His mouth watered at the very sight.
He could hardly wait to sate his growing hunger.
As he began he closed his eyes and sighed.
A soft contented sigh of pure bliss.
A shiver running the length of his spine.
This was magic. In the purest sense.
He continued to eat but he noticed something odd.
The more he ate, the hungrier he became.
His stomach still as empty as when he started.
He made his way through the meats, the candied fruits, the nuts, the berries, the vegetables until only a single apple remained, well, the apple and this lingering hunger.
Defeated, he sat with the last remaining apple.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Until the temptation overwhelmed him and, shamefully, he at that too.
Now all he had was this hunger... The Hunger That Lingers.
Nothing else.
Perhaps he could find another feast so grand and try again.
And so, with determination, he set off to find another grand feast.
Hoping desperately to sate his emptiness.☾

My Own Path

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:54 pm
by Kinu
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☽When the strong waters take you swim parallel, the stream said.
When the hard winds push, push back, the sky said.
When the long road leads you, take the road less traveled, the earth said.
I'll take My Own Path, said I.☾

The Way of Fate

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:54 pm
by Kinu
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] ☽All the kin fought hard. She watched them fight against themselves, against time, against the inevitable laws that bound and guided them.
Sitting on the hill she watched them, she felt alone, outside, but mostly confused. Why did they fight so hard?
Didn't they see how all things came together?
Weaving intricately like a pattern.
She saw the pattern.
The Way of Fate as it wove in and out of their lives and her own.
She found a peace in embracing it.
In letting time flow through her and she through it.
Now, if only she could get them to see it too.
Standing up she willed herself down the hill, towards the others, feeling uncomfortable but duty bound.
She could at least try to show them.☾

A Golden Afternoon

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:54 pm
by Kinu
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☽The butterflies flittered and the Humblebees buzzed.
Golden light shone brilliantly down from a clear blue sky.
Spring was here and the garden was busting with color, scent and life.
She breathed it all in and sighed dreamily.
Every petal glistened with dew drops from the morning mist.
The perfumes of each spreading far and wide across the clearing, creating a heady aroma that made one feel almost dizzy with delight.
She lay down among the flowers and the insects and smiled warmly.
What A Golden Afternoon.☾

Survival of the Fittest

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] ☽They kicked and bit and he fought harder.
They left him alone and he found his way.
They told him he wasn't worth the trouble so he became his own champion.
The harshest this life had to give he'd received with a smile.
This world was The Survival of the Fittest and he was still standing.
He would be damned if he let anyone tear him down and yet somehow he remained optimistic.
Not jaded by the rough deal he'd been dealt. His heart still kind though tough.
You couldn't just let anyone near your soft underbelly.
But maybe some Kin someday wouldn't try to pick a fight with him for once.☾

The Dark Path

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
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A soft scream echoed from the swamp
In the deepest darkness
In the stillest of shadows
He felt a giddiness in his heart

It could have been day
Yet the ancient mangroves choked the light
Kept it at bay
The animals wandered this way and that
Panic and fear in their blindness
He watched, carefully, waiting

They fell, into the water, into the dark and hungry mud
The maw of the swamp, like a great ravenous beast
Hundreds of them, thousands
All around him, their heartbeats like fire in the night
He watched with fascination
As the thick swamp waters slowly swallowed them all

Another soft scream in the vastness
The green fireflies awoke
Shuddering into existence
He lifted his gaze to see

The swamp it shook and shuddered
The great black waters before him parted
Up rose a Dark Path, shiny and slick
He felt it was his, deep in his bones, he knew

The fireflies floated down, kissing his pelt and turning to ash
The others lit The Dark Path to guide him along
He stepped forth and walked through the suffering
As the animals reached for him and squirmed
Monstrous they became in their deaths
Hungry, tormented, twisted and vile

The further into the darkness he walked
The happier he found his soul grew
The surer his steps
The swamp swallowed him greedily as he went
He sighed in rapture at last.

The Greater Good

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] ☽If you fear you're stupid!
For a HERO waits in the shadows.
Ready to pounce on evil.
Ready to do it while looking super sexy.
Ready to help all the ladies,
no.. stop it.. well have someone else help that elderly kin out of the mud pit I'm busy,
in their desperate time of need!
Ready to cuddle!
Ready to save you from cold lonely nights all alone,
well get her boyfriend out of here,
in the harsh, harsh winter.
Never faltering when justice calls or in doing what's right!
It's always for The Greater Good!
Especially the really attractive Greater Good.
I mean when you look this dashing it should be only the best..
I told you I don't do charity drives..
for everyone!☾

One Sweet Bite

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
[imgleft] ... uncert.png[/imgleft] ☽The big apple tree stood high above her, it's branches like a web holding all manner of tantalizing delights.
She lifted herself up as high as she could get, nose pointed upward and mouth open wide to try and snag a bite.
But, alas, she was too short.
Scanning for a lower branch she trotted around the tree, looking this way and that way for a better candidate.
She just wanted one apple.
All the scavengers had picked the ground clean and she had a few bruises already from trying to shoulder the tree in an effort to convince it to give up the goods.
THERE! A big, juicy, glorious apple. So heavy it weighed the branch down.
Hurrying over she crouched and launched herself upwards, headbutting it off the branch and chasing it as it rolled across the ground.
Happy as a clam she took One Sweet Bite and felt elation.
There was nothing like a delicious apple on a chilly fall day.☾

Until We Part

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
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☽They journeyed far.
Over mountains.
Across rivers.
Through snow laden lands.
Side by side.
Shoulder to shoulder.
Never faltering so long as they were both there to give one another the strength to carry on.
When legs wanted to falter.
When breath came sharp and hot in the lungs.
When eyes could barely see for the cold whistling winds that stung cheeks and chilled bones.
Still they pushed on.
Hearts beating in unison and hooves in step.
Synchronicity in strife.
As they crested the final hill the sun, dazzling and bright, shimmering like a thousand diamonds, kissed their faces with intense warmth.
Standing at the peak they smiled, catching their breath, elation rising in their chests.
With a soft voice one companion spoke "How much longer will we be together?"
The other companion smiled warmly, flashing their friend a loving look.
"Until We Part." She replied.
"Whenever that may be."☾

She Who Reads Skies

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu

It wasnt that Beyond was unusual, Beyond was downright strange for a Totoma. It wasn't just the far seeing eyes that seemed to look past whomever she was addressing, the way she would stand on an open hill at night and stare skyward as if waiting, the cryptic wording she used to describe her prophetic warning, calling the coming danger 'The Great Gathering' or 'The Time of the Others', or her insatiable wanderlust. It was these signs and many more that uneased her fellow Totoma. Though her wandering nature and star charting did manage to come in handy for her tribe-mates and she was often sent out on missions to deliver messages to neighboring tribes or to scout areas and chart safe paths they themselves could use, for her knowledge of the heavens was unmatched among her fellows. More often than not she could hear her fellow Totoma remarking that should the sun someday die there would be no other Toto who could 'traverse the Great Beyond' of the night sky and lead them safely through the darkness like she could. She couldn't agree more and her exceptional skills in this area earned her the right to a name at last.


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu
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☽The clouds rumbled and rolled across a dark and dismal forest.
The earth, cold and dusty, eager for a rain which was long overdue.
Still the clouds withheld. As if hoarding their life giving gift.
The trees reached in vain, desperate for relief. The animals panted.
Thirsty for fresh, clean, water. They dug at the dirt and growled in agitation.
Nothing to slake their thirst sprung up.
Despair slithered like a serpent across the valleys.
Even the dead seemed to groan and creak in their graves.
From one such grave sprung a spirit.
A shimmer of deep river blue and silver.
She couldn't sleep any longer with so much suffering all around her.
Gazing to the clouds she crouched and shot upwards into the sky, like a shooting star piercing the large grey mountainous forms.
A streak of blue lightning shot out over their underbellies and all eyes shifted upwards.
A fat raindrop descended, hitting a leaf. Followed by another.
And another.
Soon the heavens groaned and opened up.
Falling like a river. Soaking the earth.
The creatures and plants rejoiced. The rains had come.
The spirit descended. Smiling happily. She could rest once again.
The creatures called her Rainmaker.
From that day forward they honored their spirits.
Those who watched them from beyond.
And once more.. she slept.☾

Rule the Roost

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kinu

He stood atop a hill overlooking a valley of eggs. All neatly arranged and well kept in their warm little nests. A sense of happiness overwhelmed him. He carefully descended, moving through row after row of eggs. Some of them wiggles, some cheeped, all were happy and content under a radiant golden sun. He felt like a king. King of the eggs. Somehow they all felt like his children. Like his wards. Soon they would be hatching and need guidance. He felt deep in his soul that this was his calling. He would answer that call. He would Rule the Roost.

As the World Falls Down

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:56 pm
by Kinu

Perched on a cliff overlooking a vast forest the buck gazed skyward. Stars began to fall from the heavens, the clouds began to melt down with them, taking the color of the sky along the way. All was falling. The World Fell around him. He was the still point in the middle. Head tilted upward. Looking to the heavens. He sighed and his breath turned to mist, enveloping the horizon and causing the sun which dipped below the horizon in the distance to vanish from sight. All was still now.. As the World Falls Down he would not fall with it.

Can't Crow

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:56 pm
by Kinu

The buck ran, fast as the wind, his pelt like feathers. In the distance he heard crowing. Rough and rugged, strong and challenging. As he opened his mouth to respond he realized no sound came out. He couldn't do it! "I Can't Crow!" He exclaimed. Frustration in his voice. The crowing sounded again in the distance, this time further away, he felt his heart sink a little. He'd never crow like that.. but at least his feet carried him as fast as the wind blowing across the plains. As least he could fly!