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[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:40 pm
by Lirilei
"It's more I push myself all day, and don't stop to eat soon enough so by the time I think to eat I'm too hungry to be patient." he gave a wry look as he admitted to it. He just got hyper focused on hunting for shells, and helping secure them onto kin who wanted one of his little treasures. It kept him surprisingly busy and he enjoyed every minute of it really.

He listened to Fish talk, and gave a thoughtful nod of his head. "No you have a good point there. I'll have to see if I can find something like this once I finally make my way back." finally. Not immediately. He was in no rush to head back after all. He'd barely been here, barely explored and home would still be there when he decided it was time to go back to it. Not that he'd left much beyond some shells there and he could always find more of those in the long run so really there was nothing pressing to send him back any time soon.

He finished his fish quickly enough, bones spat out before he was on his hooves and moving back onto the waves to let them clear him of the residual mess left behind before he shook himself with a grin. That was better. He'd catch more in a bit but he wasn't stomach growling hungry anymore at any rate. That was good enough for now.

Izaeah wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:19 pm

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:38 pm
by Izaeah
There was a small tip of his head as he paused, chewing through the bite he'd taken as he listened to the other. "I suppose I wouldn't really know how that feels. There's not much to my days other than chasing fish around, making sure the area is clean and just soaking in the warmth. At least, in this season."

No real reason for him to push himself to the point of forgetting to eat, and then hunger just taking over, in a way. He finished his fish, picking up what little remained by the tail to drop it back into the water. He knew that other fishes would feast on what he'd left, not that there was much, but still. No point in wasting. Dropping it all back into the water meant he could rinse up a little as well, though there again, with the leaf he'd used, there wasn't much needing to be rinsed off.

Fish shook the water off as he came back out of that very water and actually stretched just a little with a small yawn. "It almost sounds like you need someone to remind you to stop every now and again to focus on yourself and not on what you're doing." It was one way of looking at things, really.

"How far away is home?" Fish had never really felt the need to chit-chat with anyone else before, but this one had caught a fish fairly well and he found himself almost comfortable in his presence. It was a first and something he wasn't going to spend too much time thinking on, there was no real need for that, not really.

What mattered was that, just then, he felt fairly comfortable with the fact that what he considered his personal space (though it wasn't really his) was being invaded by a stranger. They had shared a meal, they had talked... and he didn't feel the need to just turn and leave.
Lirilei wrote:

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:47 pm
by Lirilei
"Oh. That sounds nice. I keep myself busy. I hunt for and gather up various shells and stuff, and well I set up a small sort of thing where I attach them to kin's tails, or manes as decorations. It's hit and miss how busy I am, but I always make sure I have plenty on hand for the busy times." but all of that had been left behind when he'd gone exploring. He could always collect more he knew.

He got himself out of the water and shook himself off, hearing Fish's words and laughing. "You might be right about that pretty fishy, don't have anyone to do that though. Not unless you're offering to do it...?" well hey he could be for all he knew, but just as easily he could be teasing. At least he wasn't assuming anything in the end right? Right.

The question of home earned a narrowing of his eyes and a very thoughtful walk. "Uhm...well I ran into you when I did...and I left well...really early yesterday. I had to stop and sleep somewhere...and kept going at sunup. So it's a day or so that way." and he turned and tipped his head in what seemed like the right direction. "I think anyhow. I spent a lot of time swimming...then I'd get out of the water awhile and then back in. So maybe it's closer than I realize but swimming made it take longer?" He seemed thoughtful still. "But no I think it's almost a whole day and part of a next away from here. That's probably the other reason I was so hungry. I didn't each much on my way here."

Izaeah wrote:

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:13 am
by Izaeah
"It sounds like an interesting way to keep busy, at least, maybe. I don't much like to be too near others for long periods of time, at least not when there's more than one at a time." In a way. He still wasn't fully sure he liked being near others one-on-one but, so far, this one wasn't bad company and he really didn't feel the need to walk away just yet.

Fish breathed a quiet little note of surprise at the question. Was he offering? He couldn't imagine offering that, could he? He didn't know this one, though he was interesting to be around so far. He didn't want to leave his beach, however. At least, not for long periods of time. He'd tried before. He needed the water in ways he couldn't fully explain, even to himself.

"I don't... know." He was offering an honest answer, at the very least. He didn't know. He needed more time and found himself baffled by the idea that he gave it thought at all. Did he want to give it more time? What a strange thought.

Tipping his head, Fish eased closer a little, just taking in the way the other moved, the way he talked. He looked in the general direction being pointed and wrinkled his nose a little. That seemed like such a long distance to cover. Was there water nearby everywhere? He pondered asking that very question but didn't. There didn't really seem to be that much of a need, he wasn't planning on leaving his beach, was he? Not really.

"That sounds like it's a long way away. I've never been very far from the beach."
Lirilei wrote:

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 2:12 pm
by Lirilei
"Oh it's rarely more than one at a time. Usually at most three. But one kin at a time is easy. But it was steady and they liked how it looked a lot and just made me feel good for making them feel good, if that makes sense?" it was a simple thing to be happy and proud over, but there he was.

"That's okay! Most don't know, when it comes to me." he was a little too much at times, and he was okay with that. So he just took it as the pretty fish teasing him in the end and that was okay with him.

"It is a long way away. But there's beach and water all the way there. Maybe it's all connected and one big bit of sand and water. I don't know, I'm not an eagle and can't fly and look at what things look like down here from up high and my imagination isn't that good to even think of how it could look. Maybe it's broken up I dunno." he flicked his tail in thought.

"Well for now, I'll stay here with you if that's okay. A few days at least so I can rest and stuff before I go back. But I won't get in your way. I can just go a little further away so I'm not bothering you or anything really." it was the least he could offer, to not be in the others personal space.

Izaeah wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:13 amI thought I answered this months agoooo

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:49 pm
by Izaeah
Just for a brief moment, Fish looked back towards the water. He wasn't ignoring the other, he was just trying to understand how it felt to feel good when it came to helping others feel good. He was such a loner that being around others was just one of those things he rarely ever did, so he couldn't really imagine, not really. He breathed a little noise, turning his attention back over.

"If it made you feel good, then that's what matters." That much, at least, he could put into words.

Fish almost found himself apologizing, but he didn't really even know what he was apologizing about. Instead, he shook his head slightly, shaking off the feeling physically as well as mentally. What a strange buck the other was. Not in a bad way, then again, he was so unused to the presence of others that maybe they all were strange to him.

Maybe he was the strange one.

"I wouldn't know about how it all looks. I'm more of an under-the-water kind than an in-the-sky one. I'd much rather be wet and floating than, well, dry and sort of floating too. I know I can always make my way safely back to where my hooves can reach the ground when I'm in the water, I don't even know how I would manage in the sky." The thought was honestly a little frightening.

He tipped his head, a small smile offered this time, as well as something that could have been a shrug of sorts. "You can stay for a few days to rest, that's fine. You don't have to go anywhere further off, it's strange to be around someone new, but I think you'll realize I'm pretty boring and you won't want to stick around that long."
Lirilei wrote:

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:41 am
by Lirilei
Treat gave a bright smile at those words, a bob of his head in agreement. It was a very good thing to help others in his opinion. He liked seeing others so happy, it made him feel slightly accomplished for such a simple task really.

"I only go under the water for fish, or shells. Can't say I've spent much time in the water otherwise. As for flying I think it could be neat but weird. I think I'd rather be in the water if I had to decide honestly." not that there was a choice to be made, so water was just fine really.

The agreement he could stay earned a cheer and Treat did a little sort of happy sort of dance kicking up his hooves, sand flying around as he did. "I'll try not to be too much in your way but uhh...I'll probably end up in your way. So just tell me to move and stuff." at least he could admit he'd be in the others business a bit. "Nah I think you're pretty interesting, you look like a pretty fish after all!"

Izaeah wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:49 pm

[PRP] Not So Little Fish {Little Fish x Treat You Better}

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:45 pm
by Izaeah
"Well... you can go under the water for the shells, I'll go under the water for the fish." While innocent, those words, one could have almost looked for a deeper meaning if they tried. Perhaps, Fish was offering to keep this one fed while he was intent on sticking around. And Treat sticking around didn't really sound like a bad idea, not in the long run. A loner by choice but... maybe there was a kin out there who could help him learn that the presence of one or two others wasn't a terrible thing.

Stretching his limbs and shaking off the very few remaining droplets from his tail, Fish looked back towards the water a moment. He felt the desire to smile; it was a strange desire, one he never really gave much thought to. What need was there for a smile when there was no one around to see it, really?

Maybe he really was strange.

He did huff a laugh, however. If Treat thought him interesting, he was in for a boring surprise, at least as far as Fish saw himself as. Let the other decide, however. He didn't mind. "You stay as long as you want and if you get to be in my way, I'll tell you. And if I get to be too boring for you, you tell me."

All in all, it was a good way to go about things, he felt like. A good way to meet a potential new friend.
Lirilei wrote:
Lirilei: 2,594 words
Izaeah: 3 650 words