The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~! OVER!

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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Ruriska »

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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by SkylerKarashi »

Username: Skyler Karashi
Kin Participating: Image Rain Bone
RP Entry: Juggling?? Juggling??? How did Rain Bone find himself in this situation?? WITH FIRE AT THAT! he stared at the sticks, listening to eager requests to get them going. He sighed and shook his head, then got them in the air. Startled, he backed away from the flames. Okay... He could do this. A second try and he was feeliing good. Juggling came to him. This was easy! This was.... what's that smell..? His tail caught the fire! In another state of shock he dropped the sticks again and put his poor tail out. No way he was doing this again.
Dice rolls
[4, 6, 4] = 14
3d6:  [
] = 14
word count: 112
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Scaramouche Fandango
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Username: Scaramouche Fandango
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry: Under the Rose wasn't much of a performer, but the fire juggling seemed so fun that it was hard to resist. However, when he was actually up close and personal with the flaming sticks... they were a lot more terrifying than he thought. At his first attempt, he dropped the stick, which nearly sent him into a panic, because what if the carefully-organized and decorated scenery and props caught fire due to his clumsiness... or somebody else's? The next go, he was determined to not drop the stick, but instead caught the wrong end of it and singed his beard. Still, he was determined not to give up. He gave the flaming stick one last toss and this time, despite his fear and hesitation, he caught it correctly! He gave a little bow, his nose flushing as other kin applauded. The attention wasn't his favorite... but he was still proud that he pulled it off, even if it was just the once.
Dice rolls
[4, 5, 2] = 11
3d6:  [
] = 11
word count: 175
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry:
Laugh Yourself to Death wanted to try this burning stick toss thing. He could juggle these, right? How hard could it be, after all. Finally working up the courage to toss it, he caught it and smiled triumphantly and went right back into another toss. This time he fumbled it slightly but still managed to catch it. Okay, he wanted to try one more throw. Tossing it, it landed oddly and he jerked his limb away from the sting of the burn. Yikes, definitely don't wanna try that again.
Dice rolls
[3, 1, 5] = 9
3d6:  [
] = 9
word count: 98
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Username: LOLLI qAq
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry:
Swallow the Flame Down stepped up to the burning sticks and considered them carefully. She'd been watching Fearful Symmetry since she was young and was endlessly fascinated by the flames. She really wanted to give it a go-

She held the stick firmly and tossed it into the air as straight up as she could. As it came back down she caught it flame first and felt the sting of the fire hit the side of her mouth and cheek. Tears threatened to spill over from her eyes as her pride stung almost as much as her face did and she almost dropped it. Gritting her teeth, she steadied the stick to prepare it for another toss.

This time when she threw it she used a touch less force. Though her catch was clumsy and clearly a mess she did actually catch it and she could feel her chest swell as she allowed herself a moment of victory. It wasn't a lot, Swallow the Flame Down knew that, but it was enough. Certainly enough to bolster one more attempt.

The flame colored doe threw it straight up into the air, it twirled as it flew upwards and she let out an exultant breath of relief ... But as it came sailing back down it wobbled and started to twist unpredictably- She'd thrown it too hard again. It came back down and for a second time she caught the flaming end in her mouth. Her tongue and the inside of her mouth seared and miserable.

She dashed for cold water nearby and sunk her face into it with her mouth wide open. Over the water she allowed herself a bit of a cry before she stood back up, set her neck and shoulders in a proud stance, and breathed the last of her despair out.

She was going to get good at this. Next year she was going to be an established part of the act. She promised.

(Ruri - I don't want a ticket lol I just wanted to play the game with my girl and give her some RP prompting. :lolface: )
Dice rolls
[5, 3, 5] = 13
3d6:  [
] = 13
word count: 363
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Lirilei »

Username: Lirilei
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry:

Close Your Eyes wasn't sure why she thought she could do this but she stepped up to make the attempt nearly dropping the stick right away. Thatr flame was so...right there. It took her a few moments to throw it but she did and even caught it! Feeling confident she did it again, except her catch was bad and this time she dropped it as she shied away from the flames. Too hot!

If you rolled a 3: You nearly fumble and drop it but manage to catch it.
If you rolled a 2: You have some hesitation but manage to throw and catch the stick well!
If you rolled a 4: You scared yourself and dropped the stick. Oops!
Dice rolls
[3, 2, 4] = 9
3d6:  [
] = 9
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by doomsayer »

Username: doomsayer
Kin Participating: Smoldering Ember
RP Entry:

Smoldering Ember walks right up to the pit of firesticks. His is a lineage that has a close relationship to heat and flame, so juggling dangerous sticks that are ablaze should come easy to him. He takes three sticks in his mouth immediately and tosses them up into the sky.

Seeing the flames flicker as they soar through the air unnerves Smoldering Ember slightly as he first throws the fire sticks into the air. This slight hesitation and fear in him causes him to fumble and drop one of the sticks. No matter. Just a small setback. What do these performers always say? The show must go on!

He picks up the sticks again and goes for a second attempt. This time the hesitation is still there, but Smoldering Ember knows what to expect. He adjusts the force at which he tosses the sticks, keeps his body limber so that he can easily adjust for the landing of the sticks, and he manages to throw and catch the sticks well this time around.

But he's not just looking for doing well. He was born to be great. He was born to excel. He takes all he's realized and learned from the last two attempts, widens his stance, and start his throw low to the ground to give himself enough time to properly position himself to catch the stick before throwing the other after it. This time he tosses and catches the burning sticks with ease, other kin looking at him in awe as one of the circus performers shouts in his direction, "Look at him! He's a natural!"
Dice rolls
[4, 2, 1] = 7
3d6:  [
] = 7
word count: 281
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Fasti »

Username: Fasti
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry: Happy and full of enthusiasm, Grained Melon struts to his designated spot, carrying "the burning stick" with him.
Many hours of work and a huge amount of sweat went into this feat, everything is planned down to the last moment.
He took a deep breath and started, clearly feeling the fire from the stick.
As light as a feather, he threw the stick into the air again and again and caught it just as perfectly. Nothing could go wrong, but then a little inattention on Grained Melon's part, he stepped on a stone, was startled by the sudden object beneath him and the stick landed on the ground. Smiling, he tried not to notice that this wasn't part of the plan and walked around the stick a few times. But there! Another stone tripped him and he fell next to the still burning stick. He quickly got up again, nothing had happened.
But then he heard the others screaming, he didn't understand a word, but then he smelled it. The smell of buried hair. He quickly turned his head and could just see the flame that wanted to spread up the tip of his tail. What do you do in this situation? Exactly! You do NOT trample on your own tail!
What does Grained Melon do in a panic? EXACTLY! Trampling on his tail.
The positive thing about it is that he got the fire out, but he can expect some pain in the next few days.
1: You’re a natural! You toss and catch the burning stick with ease!
4: You scared yourself and dropped the stick. Oops!
6: Y-you’re on fire...
Dice rolls
[1, 6, 4] = 11
3d6:  [
] = 11
word count: 287
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Kalahari »

Username: Kalahari
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry: Given an encouraging shove by Prepare For Trouble, Make It Double took at turn at the tossing of fire sticks. Clumsy all the while, but the acha managed to catch the stick every time it was tossed even while complaining about how dangerous the whole idea was. Why isn't Trouble the one doing this, anyway! Double always has to do all the dirty work it feels like.
Dice rolls
[3, 3, 3] = 9
3d6:  [
] = 9
word count: 76
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Kiwi Squirt Bottle
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Kiwi Squirt Bottle »

Username: kiwi squirt bottle
Kin Participating: Image
RP Entry: Explain Yourself had never played with fire quite like this before, but thought she'd give it a try. Her first attempt caught her onfire! Thankfully it was only a little bit, nothing a stopdropandroll couldn't solve. Her second attempt was better, though still left her singed. Not one to quit, she tried once more and.... caught it correctly! She was able to prevent a forrestkin fire
Dice rolls
[6, 5, 1] = 12
3d6:  [
] = 12
word count: 78
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Ruriska »

Rolling the winner for ACT ONE!

1. Skyler Karashi
2. Scaramouche Fandango
3. AstoriaFallen
4. Lirilei
5. doomsayer
6. Fasti
7. Kalahari
8. kiwi squirt bottle
Dice rolls
[8] = 8
1d8:  [
] = 8
word count: 26
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Ruriska »


As everything winds down, the fires are all doused and troupe members appear to cart things away and start rearranging for the next act. The kin who participated are walking away with a new skill and probably some singed fur to show for it.

“Hold on a moment!” Booms Watch Me, as he catches up to Explain Yourself. “You did wonderfully! You’re my top pick for best novice fire performer!” For a second his gaze shifts wistfully to the two Acha. But he promised to be good and ‘expand his horizons’.

“You’ve won a fabulous prize! A backstage tour of the circus! You’ll even get to meet the real performers!” He winks. “Come along now!”
Kiwi Squirt Bottle wrote:
Congrats!! Please take your pick from the PRIZE POOL.
word count: 135
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Kalahari »

Mousy, unassuming, Easy Rhythm doesn't quite look the type to be taming lions, but the slender woman in her grey shawl and gold-rimmed glasses still steps forth to undertake this endeavor. Despite her looks, she doesn't seem frightened of the big cats, rather respectful of them instead. It's a strange sight, but oddly charming to watch her try out the training of lions.
Dice rolls
[5] = 5
1d6:  [
] = 5
word count: 67
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Kalahari »

She's made a surprisingly good start! It's funny to watch as she keeps a hand on her shawl while the other works the whip.
Dice rolls
[5] = 5
1d6:  [
] = 5
word count: 26
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The Royal Rainbow Troupe presents ~ THE NIGHT CIRCUS ~!

Post by Kalahari »

Somehow it's just working? Maybe it's the lack of fear, the relatively mild-mannered way she's using the whip, or maybe it's just pure luck that the lions are inclined to listen.
Dice rolls
[4] = 4
1d6:  [
] = 4
word count: 36
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