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Trek to the Caves (Leg 3)

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:49 pm
by HuniPi
Because I done goofed the code the first time x.x
Nashawryn wrote:Image
colored by Maxx

Trek to the Caves (Over)

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:58 pm
by HuniPi
The sensations and experiences in the caves feel almost like a blur as everyone emerges from the slices of darkness. Most kin may feel like they should be showing new battle scars or have lingering thoughts of encountering strangers in a strange land. For some kin, they find their search for lost kin fruitful and return with their missing charges. And others find strange-looking familiars that decided to stick around (or stick on them in some cases.)

Heart and Home is grateful for the company and the help. She hopes she and her family were able to give your kin an experience worth remembering during the Winter Market. But now it is time to go back to the Swamp. The obelisk awaits.