NOTES :: Got rolled for first pick in July 2023 Discord game! Super lucky, 'cos he was my only pref. Ironically, cloudbows are mostly white (also, even though I'm completely aware of how they look like, it was quite some time later when I suddenly remembered he's actually a snow leopard, not a clouded leopard oops).
PEBBLE [ 04.11.2023 ]
A tiny pebble that Faltering stumbled over but thankfully avoided squishing, or he would have faltered very hard indeed. He has come to find the presence of his little companion soothing.
NOTES :: August 2023 Breeding CC thread mixer roll! I've had my darling Corpsebloom in there for years as all of her big pairs fell through, and she could not have rolled a more perfect match!
...has found out thy bed of crimson joy: and his dark secret love does thy life destroy... - The Sick Rose Spoiler
NOTES :: I RLC'd these two from Maxx for my birthday…two years ago. x_x But I mean it's not his fault our dad-unit declined and died for one of those two years. (Again, don't worry Maxx will delay only his and my kin like that...) If you know anything about me, you probably knew these rosebun twins were basically inevitable. They're a kind of alternate take on my original plantzik CYO quests from 2016 that I still hope to get someday; I'd originally meant to enter these two for the latest CYO too.
...o rose thou art sick. the invisible worm, that flies in the night in the howling storm... - The Sick Rose Spoiler
NOTES :: I RLC'd these two from Maxx for my birthday…two years ago. x_x But I mean it's not his fault our dad-unit declined and died for one of those two years. (Again, don't worry Maxx will delay only his and my kin like that...) If you know anything about me, you probably knew these rosebun twins were basically inevitable. They're a kind of alternate take on my original plantzik CYO quests from 2016 that I still hope to get someday; I'd originally meant to enter these two for the latest CYO too.
NOTES :: September 2023 CC Thread Pick! I decided to go alien 'cos he's a little green buck with deely-boppers, and one thing led to anything and everyone was aliens. :O
NOTES :: April 2024 CC! I love this rainbow giftbox pair and kept putting them in, and they were actually picked! Crevice was my first pick, but I couldn't look away from Splay, and Ami let me keep her too. QAQ<3
Mistress of the elements, if the element is sand. So adept and discreet with the bone-whip of her tail, it is easy to believe her manipulation of the sands is by will alone. Imperious and exacting, but also reasonably reasonable.
NOTES :: March 2024 CC! Linden Wood and Price were peanut butter and grape jelly Angel/Demon Totoma counterparts from Advent 2023 so ofc I had to keep putting them in till they made perfect pbj sandwiches!
NOTES :: March 2024 CC! Linden Wood and Price were peanut butter and grape jelly Angel/Demon Totoma counterparts from Advent 2023 so ofc I had to keep putting them in till they made perfect pbj sandwiches!