Trek to the Caves (Over)

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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by anemosagkelos »

Username: anemosagkelos
Participating Kin: Appetite
Preferences: re-roll, I just wanna play with friends :3
word count: 17
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by anemosagkelos »

Water: waterfall, You find a safe spot to gather water and are able to take your time. (+2 tickets), 5-6 – A lot but you're going to have to boil it first (+1 tickets)
Dice rolls
[2, 1] = 3
2d4:  [
] = 3
[6] = 6
1d6:  [
] = 6
word count: 35
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by doomsayer »

Username: doomsayer
Participating Kin: Smoldering Ember
Preferences: cheetah, foxbun, owlcat
Tickets for this Prompt: 4

Prompt 2: Water
Dice 1 (4): You follow a stream and it leads you to:
Even – Waterfall
Dice 2 (2): Complications
2. You note unsettling ripples approach you whenever you try to gather water. (+1 ticket)
Dice 3 (4): How much water gathered
3-4 – Not only is there a lot, but it's extra refreshing! (+3 tickets)

With the task of fishing perfectly accomplished and the fish caught deposited in the proper place, Smoldering Ember rushes off to do another task--this time to gather water for the thirsty. He chooses a stream that has considerable current, noting that the speed of the water indicates an elevated source. His insight is rewarded when he reaches the end of the stream to find a waterfall! This way, it will be much easier and faster to fill the containers he has with him. He scans the white water that falls at the base of the waterfall and notes some unsettling ripples. After throwing a rock and waiting, he concludes that it might just be an odd underwater rock formation that is causing the disturbance in the surface since nothing has come out to jump at him. As planned, he fills his containers with speed and efficiency--and takes a sip or two as well since he's already here--then makes his way back with a hefty amount of clear, clean, extra refreshing water!
Dice rolls
[4, 2]+[4] = 10
2d4, d6:  [
] + [
] = 10
Last edited by doomsayer on Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:59 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 250
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by doomsayer »

Username: doomsayer
Participating Kin: Smoldering Ember
Preferences: cheetah, foxbun, owlcat
Tickets for this Prompt: 2

Prompt 3: Firewood
Dice 1 (2): Deep in the caves there is a massive tree that broke through the cavern roof. How do you get there?
Even - You find the gathering spot unassisted.
Dice 2 (4): Complications
You smell something fragrant. (+1 ticket)
Dice 3 (3): How much firewood gathered
3-4 – Enough to cook two meals, tops. (+1 ticket)

After gathering some water is done, Smoldering Ember notes to himself that he is feeling a bit winded, but he wants to be able to get all the tasks done before he settles down to rest. He wants to live up to his own expectations of himself. He wants to make his mother proud. So he takes a deep breath and takes off once again to gather some firewood. Luckily, he had been listening to his mother's story about a massive tree here in the caves that managed to breach the cave ceiling in order for sunlight and other vegetation to grow. Following her description of the place, he tracks the location of the big tree without much difficulty and without need for assistance of other kin. Before he arrives at the tree line though, he smells something fragrant and his stomach growls, reminding him that he skipped his mealtime in order to rush straight into this task. He notices because of this that he is slower, both in thought and movement, and that his hardheaded industriousness may have backfired on him again. He shakes off the feeling and start for the tree, picking up firewood as he goes. After a while, he feels that his exhaustion is catching up to him. He would have liked to gather more sticks, but he acknowledges that he is at his physical limit and that if he does not turn back now, he may be found exhausted and helpless by other kin here in the shadow of the big tree. He does not want to embarrass his family, so he makes the sensible decision to return with at least some firewood.
Dice rolls
[2, 4]+[3] = 9
2d4, d6:  [
] + [
] = 9
Last edited by doomsayer on Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 356
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by HuniPi »

Forward by Choice had always acknowledged Heart's many other children, albeit vaguely. While he had never gotten to know them to the depth he did his own offspring, he wasn't going to turn any of them away if they approached him.

At first he thought it would just be about the division of labor during their brief stay in the caves but when the young buck asked him of his intentions in accompanying Heart, the totoma was taken aback. He wasn't offended by the inquiry. Not yet at least.

"I'm accompanying her because she'd asked me to. And like you I intend to help her however I can," he said. "We journeyed to the caves before the Winter Market so you needn't worry about her getting lost."
doomsayer wrote:reply when you can <3 I also assume Eighty Seven was like "No tnx" when asked to join the trip

Dreams of the Blue Veil had been having a bit of difficulty adjusting to the caves. After living in the Swamp her whole life, suddenly being unable to see the sky was jarring for the totoma doe. While she tried her hoof at the chores to distract herself, it wasn't very successful as all it did was remind her that she was inside a cave.

She did, however, appreciate the presence of other kin. So when Shrine offered some extra algae, Dreams happily accepted "Oh! Yes, thank you. This is my first time having algae, I'm more used to moss. And ooooh, that is a real haul you have there!"
AstoriaFallen wrote:reply when you can <3

Heart and Home was going around the camp, asking if everyone was alright, if they were settling in well, did they have enough to eat and did they need her to go get them some food or water. Pretty much overworking herself despite having a cadre of family members (mostly) eager and willing to take some of the burden off her. She couldn't help it, after the recent kerfuffle with the light disappearing, the visions of elseworlds, and the whole digging up the glowing rock that was against the MotherFather's will, the kimeti doe felt like she wasn't doing enough.

On a good note, it spurred her to actually follow through with her plans of the trek, instead of simply daydreaming and talking about wanting to plan a trek.

But now that she'd done it, now that they were here, she had to find something else to pour all that nervous and guilt-ridden energy into. A pale acha boiling water caught her eye and she trotted up to them, "Hello there, are you doing alright here in the caverns?"
anemosagkelos wrote:reply when you can <3
((Also, all relevant tickets have been counted up to here))
word count: 475
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Astoria »

HuniPi wrote:
Shrine couldn't she she'd NEVER eaten Algae before, as she lived in a cave herself, but it probably wasn't her favorite thing in the world. It was quite refreshing though, especially after some hard work. Looking over towards the red and blue Totoma she gave a small smile. "I too, am more used to moss, it's probably my favorite of the two, but Algae isn't the worst thing ever. I don't want to say it's an acquired taste, but I know there are plenty who don't like it's texture." Motioning for the toto to take her fill of what was left of her haul.

"My name is Shrine. This is quite the trek isn't it?" She asked.
word count: 129
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Ryuukishin »

Username: Ryuukishin
Participating Kin: Lost Apathy
Preferences: Foxbun, Cheetah
word count: 11
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Muffinsbaby »

Username: Muffinsbaby
Participating Kin: Unlife
Preferences: Opting out of prizes this Leg
Dice rolls
[2, 3] = 5
2d4:  [
] = 5
[5] = 5
1d6:  [
] = 5
word count: 14
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Muffinsbaby »

Prompt 1: Food - (even) Algae Harvesting
You get the strangest feeling that someone (or something) is watching you. (+1 ticket)
5-6 – A generous portion, enough to feed a second kin (+3 tickets)
Chores? She supposed she could do chores. Food gathering seemed simple enough, though it was hard to see in the dimming light of the cavern theyd travelled deeper into. Where the ground wasnt soft, her hoof-falls echoed in the arrhythmic pattern of her violent gait, slim legs seeming to stab at the ground with each step.

Fishing seemed to be a little more strenuous than she desired, so she stuck with finding edible algae that some were arriving back with.

Used to being on the fringes of groups, she chose to remain as such and wandered a bit farther than the others for her little hunting excursion. She was no stranger to the feeling of being watched, it seemed a constant blanket of shivers over her skin. Currently, however, that feeling turned sharper, as if the shivers had turned into teeth dragging their way across her skin to make her bleed anxious blood onto the floor. Her head tilted this way and that, unfocused gaze sweeping as erratically as her gait, keeping an eye out for this dangerous energy.

Skipping and skirting her way at the edge of each watery pool she came across, she happened upon some slightly bioluminescent algae and nearly squealed in glee. This may be edible, she supposed, and she wasnt shy about eating her fill to find out. How fortuitous, perhaps, that she came back, unharmed, to the group. She shook and an amble amount of that same energy fell with sick, satisfying plops onto the ground around her.

Another insane giggle escaped her and in a breathy, high voice, "Oh my. Enough for another. Who would take food from me, I wonder?"
Leg 1 - 1 ticket, Leg 2 - 5 tickets
word count: 320
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Lirilei »

Username: Lirilei
Participating Kin: Reluctant Hero
Preferences: royal blue, purple, teal (Defiant Song as the name)
word count: 18
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Tiarana »

Username: Tiarana
Participating Kin: Hollyhock
Preferences: Purple, Royal Blue, Teal
word count: 12
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Kalahari »

Username: Kalahari
Participating Kin: Image
Preferences: Royal blue, purple, Teal, foxbun, owlcat, cheetah

Deep in the caves there is a massive tree that broke through the cavern roof. How do you get there?
Even - You find the gathering spot unassisted.
You smell something fragrant. (+1 ticket)
This should last your visit. (+2 tickets)
Total: 3 tickets
Dice rolls
[2, 4]+[5] = 11
2d4 1d6:  [
] + [
] = 11
word count: 57
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Avatar Art Credit: kittycat-fiend

Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by Niyaru »

Username: Niyaru
Participating Kin: Noble Star
Preferences: Royal Blue, Purple, Foxbun, Owlcat, Teal, Cheetah
You find a short-cut and are able to get a headstart. (+2 tickets)
You got a lot but some mysterious creature stole most of it when you weren’t looking (+1 ticket)
Dice rolls
[3, 4] = 7
2d4:  [
] = 7
[1] = 1
1d6:  [
] = 1
word count: 50
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by HuniPi »

Ayt, gonna roll 5 winners!
  1. doomsayer
  2. doomsayer
  3. doomsayer
  4. doomsayer
  5. doomsayer
  6. doomsayer
  7. Fasti
  8. Fasti
  9. Fasti
  10. Fasti
  11. Fasti
  12. AstoriaFallen
  13. AstoriaFallen
  14. AstoriaFallen
  15. AstoriaFallen
  16. AstoriaFallen
  17. AstoriaFallen
  18. AstoriaFallen
  19. AstoriaFallen
  20. AstoriaFallen
  21. AstoriaFallen
  22. AstoriaFallen
  23. AstoriaFallen
  24. AstoriaFallen
  25. AstoriaFallen
  26. AstoriaFallen
  27. doomsayer
  28. doomsayer
  29. doomsayer
  30. doomsayer
  31. doomsayer
  32. doomsayer
  33. Ryuukishin
  34. Lirilei
  35. Tiarana
  36. Kalahari
  37. Kalahari
  38. Kalahari
  39. Kalahari
  40. Niyaru
  41. Niyaru
  42. Niyaru
  43. Niyaru
Dice rolls
[8, 6, 41, 12, 7] = 74
5d43:  [
] = 74
word count: 49
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Trek to the Caves (Leg 2)

Post by HuniPi »

Rerolling 1
  1. Ryuukishin
  2. Lirilei
  3. Tiarana
  4. Kalahari
  5. Kalahari
  6. Kalahari
  7. Kalahari
(ignore the d4, it's meant to be a d7)
Dice rolls
[2] = 2
d4:  [
] = 2
[3] = 3
d7:  [
] = 3
word count: 20
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