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Queen Bee

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:27 pm
by sheepcakes

-Attention hog, gossip, giving/helpful (only to get attention)
-Motivated, creative, excellent memory


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Rage Inside

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:37 pm
by sheepcakes

Rage wears the mask of a calm, kind, happy buck. However it is just a mask for under it he is full of rage and dark thoughts. He is full of an intense rage and hatred toward nearly everyone. Often his mask slips resulting in harsh words meant to hurt. Violent and brutal thoughts slither through his mind, taking an almost physical effort not to act out on them. This control slips as often as his temper, actions so violent they scare even himself. Rage Inside feels alone in the swamp, that none understand him.


Home Range
The Vale

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Grinning Spectre

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:39 pm
by sheepcakes

He hears voices and sees things. They show up in the corner of his eye and dart past or just lazily float there, and when he looks at them they vanish. Usually with a giggle.


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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:41 pm
by sheepcakes

No is a stoic kin, keeping her emotions leashed as tightly as possible.


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Take on Anyone

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:43 pm
by sheepcakes

Take on Anyone has appointed herself protector of her siblings, and any other Kin that needs a protector. Even if they don't feel they need one. She'll issue a challenge to duel if she feels it is needed, but will not duel to the death. Nor will she duel a smaller Kin, unless they can prove they are just as strong. But that wouldn't keep her from stopping a smaller Kin from bullying someone.


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Blood Singing Over Stone

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:46 pm
by sheepcakes

Aka Bloodsong
Loyal, passionate, ?
Stubborn, hot-tempered, overprotective
As a lamb, Blood Singing Over Stone's mother adopted a Kimeti foal, just hatched and all alone. Raised as another sibling, the two became very close. His favorite sibling, he always made sure to include her and helped her learn the ways of the Totoma as best she could.
As young adults Blood Singing Over Stone defended his sister from two lynxes, earning his name. To give another connection between them he chose a more Kimeti name that matches her's - and still retains as much Totoma as possible. His wish is to share as much of both Totoma and Kimeti cultures between them as possible. Since she was raised as Totoma, Blood Singing Over Stone suggested they travel deeper into the swamp so they can learn and experience Kimeti culture as well.

His mother adopted a kimeti foal, when he was a lamb, and raised her as another sibling. The two became close, she is his favorite sibling, he always made sure to include her and helped her learn the ways of totoma's as best she could.

Fast forward to adulthood and Water Dancing Over Stone was attacked by a pair of lynxes. He came to her defense, fighting fiercely to kill them. Realizing he had done something that could earn him a name, he started thinking and decided he'd like a name matching his sister's name. Blood and stone were chosen for obvious reasons, there were many bloodied rocks after the fight. He chose singing due to the sounds the blood made when it hit the stone. His mother has tried to get him to choose a more Totoma sounding name, but he's determined to have one more connection to his sister. Water Dancing Over Stone and he are so close he's willing to take what ever ridicule may be tossed at him (and challenge any giving it) in an attempt to share something of the Kimeti's ways with her. As he and his mother shared the ways of Totoma's with her.


Home Range
Where ever Water Dancing Over Stone chooses to reside.

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Water Dancing Over Stone

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:48 pm
by sheepcakes

Loyal, compassionate, playful
Stubborn, overprotective, rash
As a newly hatched foal she was adopted by a Totoma. Raised as a sibling to the lambs the Totoma doe already had, Water Dancing Over Stone became very close to one of them.
As young adults he saved her from a lynx attack and took the name Blood Singing Over Stone. Shortly after the two left their mother and other siblings to more fully explore the swamp and learn about the Kimeti. Water Dancing Over Stone has the ancestral memories that are part of Kimeti heritage, but she wishes to learn these things first-hoof. Her wish is to take the best of Totoma culture and Kimeti culture and blend them together.


Home Range
Where ever she finds Kimeti willing to share their homes, stories and traditions.

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Walk This Road

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:50 pm
by sheepcakes

As a youngling she found a path and started following it, curious where it led. As paths do it meandered and led to other paths and roads, ever curious she kept right on following. She let nothing stop her, traveling through sun and storm, fighting off any hungry predator, in the hopes to find the road's end.

By now she's sure there isn't an end, but is content to keep right on following. She's seen some sights, had some adventures, and heck is still young enough to see and do much more. Wherever this road leads her.

Walk This Road is curious, wanting to see everything. She can usually be found wandering Matope's main roads, but she enjoys the side paths as much. Don't try to stop her though, she'll fight you. Or talk your ears off about everything she's seen. Really depends on her mood.


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Shut the World Away

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:52 pm
by sheepcakes

Shut the World Away believes it is his duty to gather all the creatures, including Kin, in the swamp and hide them away to keep them safe. Each creature he catches is buried or shut up in a cave. He frequently goes back to check on them and is set into panic when he sees they have escaped, or worse, died.


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Twilight's Dawn

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:53 pm
by sheepcakes

Twilight's Dawn enjoys hunting, the meat is always welcome, but so too is the rush of the hunt. She does make it a personal rule never to hunt what will not be eaten, by her or Dawn's Rainbow or another. She also enjoys gardening, mostly plants that are decorative, but she knows enough about herbal medicine to stop a mild infection or get rid of minor pains. She's a hard worker, and partier too, with a strong sense of what is right and wrong. And sense enough to know what rules can be bent, and what ones should stay rigid. She is not all sunshine and rainbows, however, some event, or events, showed her just how dark her soul can get. The punishment she meted out was just, given the crime, but it was a harsh thing and left a scar on her heart. She has spent a great amount of energy trying to be sure she'll never be in that spot again. Never to forget, though, if she forgets it would he too easy to repeat it. This is shy she came to the swamp, she'd heard stories, rumors, and thought such an easy place to live in would make her task even easier. To that end she wears the mask of a lady, at least when it suits her, playing at being proper and courtly flirtations.


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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:55 pm
by sheepcakes

Monsoon has a stormy personality, in the sense that he's calm and peaceful and gets excited/angry/sad easily, rants & rages or mopes about or prattles on endlessly about x thing until he's tired himself out. Sometimes to find that he's all alone, the other Kin having left for some quiet.
He loves all his family, but his twin Mistral is his favorite.


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Grasping Earth

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:57 pm
by sheepcakes

Grasping Earth has a curiosity about everything, and a morbid fascination with death (probably because he's a Zikwa). He can't leave anything dead (kin or animal) without putting it to rest. He also can't leave any bush unexamined or stone unturned, he must examine every bit of the overworld, learn every bit of knowledge he can.


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Shakes the World

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:00 pm
by sheepcakes

passionate, caring, headstrong, flirty
Shakes the World dearly loves life, meeting each new day with excitement and energy. Family and friends are especially important to her, enough that she'd give up almost anything for them. She's got a tendency to rush into things without giving the consequences full thought, trusting her wits to get her out of trouble. Once she's set her mind to something, be it an idea, belief or anything else, one would be hard pressed to change her mind.
Calms the Sea is the love of her life.
Ruin and Rebirth is their adopted daughter.


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Yam Flower

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:01 pm
by sheepcakes



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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:03 pm
by sheepcakes

Just a little bit in love with himself, also adores his family. Falls 'in love' with beautiful does (and bucks) as easily as he blinks.

Tribe: The Outliers

Home Range
The Outliers have their own territory. The edge of the boundary running through the water is where Sorrel's garden is.

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