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Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 7:26 pm
by Toshiful


info: A nervous gentlemen who enjoys fashion and travel. Has the heart of an adventurer, if not always the courage. Enjoys indulging in mysteries. Very fond of spiders.

info: ♂ Cognizant, secretive, helpful when it suites him.
There is a pool of water, deep and still, and in this lonely land the shores are coarse, but the water is soft. Above there is a distant and cold sun, the promise of light, but it feels dizzying and strange. To look too long invites madness.

The air feels like poison, each breath a torture.

In the deep of the water is a comfort.

The darkness holds its own promises.

Far from that sun is a nether world.

Further, further down.

Into the below. The underneath.




Old and hidden secrets coil their inky tendrils. No light, no breath, no senses. Only hunger is left. The world above laid bare. Knowledge gained only in the dark.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 7:28 pm
by Toshiful

your ghost

info: A faint and wispy memory, the faded scent of a loved one. A wish.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:30 pm
by Toshiful


info: Rolls in like an obscuring fog. A dark gift. Cunning but with a light-hearted attitude.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:33 pm
by Toshiful

black seed of melancholy

info: A poet whose subjects are exclusively despair and dread.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:25 pm
by Toshiful

complete the circle

info: A high arbitrator of ritual. Cool, composed, calculating.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 1:50 pm
by Toshiful

follow the light

info: Was once a sad member of the fairy tribe who is on the thin side, trying to be a responsible member of the Unseelie guard but that secretly wants to Taste All The Things. Eloped with Boar to the Seven and is as indulgent as he likes. Has business ambitions.

info: clever and lucky.
wrote: Follow the Light and Charm

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:14 pm
by Toshiful

crown of protection

info: The boss. Enjoys gambling, racketeering, long walks on moonlit shores where you can see the light of the stars.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:19 pm
by Toshiful

dark carnival

info: A comedic entertainer with a voracious appetite. Likes to see big smiles.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:26 pm
by Toshiful

soul choir

info: A singer with a ghostly and hypnotic voice.

info: ♀ A kindred spirit, their voices and hearts are joined.

info: ♂ A powerful solo, a unique sound.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:54 pm
by Toshiful

false sun

Serious and a little mysterious, thoughtful for a totoma. Enjoys spending time in nature and listening to singers.

In the early spring, the butterflies were moving, and the forests were so thick with them that every tree looked alive, and you could hardly walk on the ground without treading on tired and sluggish travelers, unfolding like flowers to bask and recover in the sun when the weather was fair.

A new Totoma had arrived in the tribe, appearing with the weather and the butterflies, and they promised ease and prosperity. With charm and wit, they accumulated a following. Many of their words were new and pleasant. They talked of being together always. They talked of  another distant and beautiful land, beyond the swamp. They claimed the land was full of Sunlight. They claimed that you must die to be carried there. They talked of how difficult it was to arrive, that only the most faithful could see such a place. They did not talk about where they had come from, or what had become of their old tribe or friends.

It was another Totoma, unsure, who one day noticed a group of butterflies swarm into a ball, so tightly together that they became dark, not resting but spinning and spinning in a maddening wind, so much that they looked like a single lurching creature, and without warning the hulking mass twisted itself not towards the Sun, but into an open fire.

The event pressed heavily on his mind, and he could not help but see it as a sign of their own danger and impending doom. Armed with dread, he shared the Sign of the False Sun with any who would listen.
Like waking sleepers, the tribe began to realize the danger that they had fallen into. Together, they drove the stranger from their lands, but the stranger took with him a handful of his closest followers. The butterflies and their loved ones seemed to disappear at once, and the trees and ground felt empty and quiet.

Later on patrol beyond their regular borders, they discovered a field of flowers, and in it the remains of those who had gone with the stranger. These bodies, at least, they could return to the swamp. But the stranger's body was not with them.

For his part in the events of that spring, the Totoma received his Name, False Sun, to honor his instincts and in memorial to those lost.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:08 pm
by Toshiful


info: Sweet, sleepy, head is in the clouds. Drifts through life with an easy nature.

info: ♀ fluffy and cuddly.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:09 pm
by Toshiful

field of reeds

info: Precise and reserved, an artisan who especially values old stories and the treatment of the dead.

the way is open
info: Solemn and dutiful.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:26 pm
by Toshiful

wood anemone

info: Soft, quiet, observant. A graceful spy. Likes to stay hidden.

info: sensitive and attentive.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 6:24 am
by Toshiful

cherry blossom festival

info: Sweet, soft, and sentimental. A happy kin who loves her family and takes life a day at a time.

Re: ↑ toshi ↔ kin ↓

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 5:06 pm
by Toshiful


info: Passionate, love in fair weather and dire circumstances. Sure of herself.

info: Has an attitude. Ferocious.