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.:|The Hollow|:. [Kinu's Herd]

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:23 pm
by Kinu





Kin -
Rolling Mist
Dream Song
Turning Path
Deep Ruin
Grinning Moon
Steady Ground
Sapphire of the Desert
Stalking Bear
Blooms at Night
The Lady Doth Protest
Tattered Moth
Winter's Howl
Elder Tree
Raven at Night
The Hunger that Lingers
My Own Path
The Way of Fate
A Golden Afternoon
Survival of the Fittest
The Dark Path
The Greater Good
One Sweet Bite
Until We Part
She Who Reads Skies
Rule the Roost
As the World Falls Down
Can't Crow
Song That Soothes
For the Birds
Beneath the Waves
Die Well
Path Keeper
Little Tree
Only the Stars Remember
Soft Heart
Rules the Sun
The Faintest Glow
Forget to Live
Grave of Beetles
First Sun
Catch Me If You Can
Now You See Me
Now You Don't
Rain Falls Softly
Witching Hour
Drag You Down
Follow the Sun
Strong Roots
At My Mercy
Bleed For Me
Run For Your Life
Crooked Forest
Moonlit Flight
Starry Eyed
Even Lovers Drown
The River Runs Gold
Head Trip
Starry Dance
Blood Moon Lullaby
Old Ways
Valley of Corpses
Tart But Sweet
Drifting Lillies
Strange Tides
Watches Over
Firefly Keeper
Beyond This Life
In Flight
Blood Trail
Fragments of a Dream
Flowering Thorn
Echoes in the Dark
Darkest Desire
When Souls Dream
A Charmed Life
Our Sacred Dead
Eternal Judgement
Path to Dusk
Adventure Awaits
Lovers Revenge
A Night With No Moon
Ill Met By Moonlight
Falling Stardust
Deep Currents
Not Just Pretty Words
The Hour of Death
Will I Wander Far
Fortune Teller
Lichen Glow
Here I Come
Petals of the Sun
Lead You Home
Groovy Kind of Love
Inner Power
Down to the Marrow
Locked Away
Root Magic
Blood Moon Rituals
Wild Fern
Witch of the Lost Sea
Can't Sleep a Wink
Clever Boy
River Carver
Bobbing at the Surface
Risk It All
Don't Touch
This Wretched Mischief
Where the Rivers Meet
The Crossing
Heads Will Roll
Soft as Down
When Stars Fall
Led By Stars
Heart Of Truth
Follow Your Heart
Tell Me A Story
Along Came a Spider
River Pearl
Mouth Full of Feathers
Broken Moon
One Summer's Day
Will to Endure
Light Up The Night
After the Flames Have Gone
Final Burn
My Heart is Broken
Shapes in the Rain
When Worlds Collide
Bouncing Beetle
Throw Cares Away
Song of the Deep

Please, don't post in this thread. If you'd like to contact me I'm on Discord:

Kinu - Discord ID #1079



Moss-Flower gazed over the assortment of Kin settled around a bonfire. It was a warm summers night with a perfect breeze rustling pelt and mane. She smiled softly as a new couple raced up the hill and gave an apologetically nervous chuckle. Quickly finding a place to rest and listen before the story began. She loved this. Some nights she felt so inspired to tell old tales and sing old songs. The travelers, journeyers, and guests seemed to enjoy it as well.

This was an old, old story she remembered her elders telling her at the great tree. And now it would continue its journey into a new era.

'The Wandering Trader'

"Welcome, my darling guests, my seekers of respite, my soul searchers from afar.. In this life I assume you have heard your fair share of tales and lore. Tonight, I would like to offer a new tale." Her eyes glinted in good humor as the firelight danced across the faces of each and every kin. "I bring you a tale that has long been told at the Great Tree. One that all kin should know. For if you know it, should you ever cross paths with the Kin, you will be prepared. Long before our time.."

"Her ears perked upright and she had to stop her mouth from falling open. It was him. She was certain of it. Though she never believed she would see him with her own eyes. To be honest she thought the stories had been false. Fantastical tales to soothe a restless child with an overactive imagination. But here he had been. And she wasn't the only one to have seen him.
She stepped forward carefully towards the place he had been standing not moments ago, her softly glowing gaze scanning the area for any traces that she hadn't been dreaming. And yet here were the signs. The hoofprints. And there, in the water, orbs of fruit bobbed and rolled across the waters surface. Offerings to the underworld.

It was said that The Wandering Trader traveled between this world and the next bringing treasures, creatures, and foods between them. His appearance foretold that something new and undiscovered would soon find its way to Matope or that something had been taken. And, with the little legs she'd seen wriggling about in the basket, she had a good idea as to what it might be. She remembered her Grandmother telling her that to receive a smile meant good fortune and long life. Though if one were to approach the Buck,with a mind to try and haggle for his exotic wares, it could spell disaster and misfortune would certainly follow a Kin for the rest of their days. Or worse.

She felt her heart beat steady and strong in her chest, excitement flushing across her petite frame like a warm summer breeze. It was really him. And this was one of his portals. It looked just like a normal pond. Smooth, glassy, dark, with thriving green plants and algae. But it was almost unnervingly still. She only now realized there were no frogs here, no insects darting about or kissing the surface for a drink, and no fish. The fruit remained floating about the ponds surface. That too sent a chill. Fruit was an offering to the portals gatekeeper to open and close the gate. It was only enough for his own passage between portals. To follow him would see a Kin trapped in the otherworld forever. Never to return.

Moss-Flower blinked and shook her head. Goodness. She was becoming quite morbid about the entire thing, a silly little filly. Maybe it was just a kooky kin trying to hold his breath for as long as he could. Any minute now he'd pop his head up and laugh and splash his fellows. The thought made her smile faintly. She stood at the edge of the pond and watched. The fruit did not move. No creatures could be seen or heard returning to the still water and the remaining kin who had witnessed the spectacle seemed to have lost interest and moved on. But she stayed.

Minutes passed, she felt herself growing more and more restless, but still she stared at the water. Half with concern, the other half a growing wariness. Finally she sighed, the water probably connected to another area, he'd likely swum through. No magic portal, no mystical trader, just an impish Buck playing a prank. She exhaled sharply through her nose and began to turn away. Until something stopped her dead in her tracks. The fruit. One by one she heard a strange sound, like when a fish swallows a bug that has come to rest upon the waters surface. Her gaze sliding back she watched in shock as each fruit was pulled beneath the surface. Gone. All gone. The water returned to its former stillness.

The fur along her spine rose in a cold kind of terror. What would do that? Images of great, otherworldly beasts flooded her imagination. Her brows furrowed and she stepped backwards quietly, carefully. Bowing her head in respect she turned and began to walk away at a brisk pace. Better safe than sorry. This was a moment she wouldn't soon forget. Though it lit a flame in her breast. If this story was true, how many others were true? Kin Lore and Storytelling was such an ingrained part of them all. Most tales were fantastical and metaphorical to give understanding to many. But which ones were truly metaphors and which were tales rooted in eyewitness truth that sounded too fantastic to be true but were told as seen? Her head swam. She wanted to know. To find out. This was only the beginning...

Inspired by the Below the Surface: Summer Event Prompt -
A mysterious figure with a bundle on their back is kicking fruit into the water. Their makeshift satchel wiggles. There's something inside of it- whatever it is, it's tiny and has four legs. The kin turns to you, its smile blinding and alluring. It turns back to where they were staring and walks calmly into the water to never resurface again.

A crowd gathers in shock at the absurdity of it all. Where did the kin go they all wonder.


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:29 pm
by Kinu



Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:29 pm
by Kinu



Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:29 pm
by Kinu



Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu



Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu


Rolling Mist

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu
Rolling Mist | Mist
☽Clever | Thoughtful | Mute☾
┅┋Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jan 6th, 2012 | The Trickster
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - A gift from and be blue and Phoenix Songbird. Fffffff.. THANK YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH! <3~
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - [PRP] The Hive [Swarm/Rolling Mist], [PRP] Once Upon a Time.. [Tangled Web/Rolling Mist]
┅┋Finished RP - [SOLO] WP 11, [SOLO] WP 12, [ORP] Claiming the First Obelisk, [SOLO] A Memory from Stone Imparted, [SOLO]SWP1, [SWP6]

Dream Song

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu
Dream Song | Song
☽Kind | Nervous | Soft-Spoken☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jan 8th, 2012 |  The Trickster
┅┋Tribe - The Mothers Club
┅┋Received - Gifted by Ruriska and Fea Line. Thank you both so very much! Gah. ;___; <33~
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - [PRP] Parenthood and Other Adventures. [Tracks/Dream Song]
┅┋Finished RP - [ORP] Mother's Club [Adoption Day!]

Turning Path

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu
Turning Path | Turn
☽Strong Willed | Competitive | Short Sighted☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jan 8th, 2012 | The Trickster
┅┋Tribe - Rise & Shine Co.
┅┋Received - A gift from Gilded Dragon and Amizade. You guys are amazing. Thank you so, so much! <3~
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - [SOLO][WP10] - Homesickness

Deep Ruin

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:30 pm
by Kinu
Deep Ruin | Ruin
☽Deceptive | Heartless | Vain☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Feb 3rd, 2012 | The Firefly
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - Omgomgomg.. gifted from SilverShieldWolf and Sinbari. Holy crap. Thank you so dang much! o: <333
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - [PRP] Reunion at Dusk. [Wings Sleep/Deep Ruin]
┅┋Finished RP - [SOLO] WP 11

Grinning Moon

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:31 pm
by Kinu
Grinning Moon | Grin
☽Intellectual | Snobbish | Critical☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jun 9th, 2015 | The Twins
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - Contest held by Huni Pi. Thank you so much! <3
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - [SOLO] WP 11

Steady Ground

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:31 pm
by Kinu
Steady Ground | Stead
☽Confident | Protective | Cocky☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jun 12th, 2015 | The Twins
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - June CC Breeding 2015
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - None

Sapphire of the Desert

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:31 pm
by Kinu
Steady Ground | Stead
☽Flirty | Spirited | Artsy☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jun 11th, 2015 | The Twins
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - Crystal Acha Flaffle! <3
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - [WP10] - Homesickness

Stalking Bear

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:31 pm
by Kinu
Stalking Bear | Freddy
☽Calm | Observant | Distrustful | Psycho
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jun 22nd, 2015 | The Three Horn
┅┋Tribe - None
┅┋Received - FnaF Contest held by Moonstone Dazzle. THANK YOUUUU~ <33
┅┋Pets - None

Written Word

Stalking Bear is a quiet, calm and mindful individual. He prefers to live in the present and take each day as it comes though this desire to live in the here and now stems from his horrid past and the heartbreaking abuses he suffered. He rarely speaks, and when he does it's often sound advice, though he is exceptionally wary and distrustful of strangers and keeps to himself quite often in the presence of unfamiliar Kin. The only kin he finds any comfort in are his friends with whom he can become quite jovial and warm, though still shy or bashful in his own manner. His bond with them is exceptionally strong and he thinks of them more as a family than as simply some chums who suffered similar abuses, even if they are all a little off in one way or another, they are at least off together. He has a bit of a protective streak when it comes to his close friends and hardly minds bowling over another should they become hostile. He also has the most stubborn disposition when it comes to things he finds an injustice, this also may stem from his early years and the fact that there was no-one to keep him safe. Though despite this he would often like nothing more than to laze about all day in a warm sunny spot, or be in the presence of his like-minded fellows enjoying the cool shade as he can be a bit lazy to be sure, it must be the bear in him.

Surviving the horrors of abuse at such a young stage in life left Stalking Bear with more than his fair share of problems and while he may be calm, cool, and collected there is always something more sinister brewing beneath the surface of this Totoma and his unsettling eyes tell a horrific story mere words could not. First off he is not your typical lunatic. Stalking Bear is highly intelligent and exceptionally cunning therefore come nightfall, when something inside of him snaps, it brings forth a very predatory nature, a special kind of hunter. Choosing to stalk his victims and analyze them for lengthy periods of time, everything he learns he uses against his prey and instead of simply attacking he toys with them for as long as he possibly can before making his final move. You may find him humming a frightening tune through the pitch black darkness permeating his chosen hunting ground, or creeping through the night very close to his prey so only the terrifying glow of his eyes may be perceived, or even hunting with his ragtag group of misfit 'friends'. One thing is for sure he enjoys scaring the wits out of the unsuspecting and his intentions feel sinister. What other horrors lurk beneath the surface? Time will tell and you may just find out for yourself. If you are unlucky enough that is.

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - [SOLO][WP10] - Homesickness

Blooms At Night

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:31 pm
by Kinu
Blooms at Night | Bloom
☽Quiet | Inquisitive | Sweet☾
┅┋ Naming Dream
┅┋Birthday|Zodiac - Jul 13th, 2015 | The Three Horn
┅┋Tribe - The Friends
┅┋Received - The Mothers Club adoption event! Thank you so much Rurikins. ;___; <3~
┅┋Pets -
(Nimble Cert)

Written Word

┅┋Ongoing RP - None
┅┋Finished RP - None