.:|The White Crane Tree Tribe|:. -Open-

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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.:|The White Crane Tree Tribe|:. -Open-

Post by Kinu »

The Journey of the Summoned wrote:❧The night sky lies so very vast above you, littered with stars which burn like opalescent gems and burdened by a pregnant moon so large you feel as though you could almost reach up and touch it. Silver white light casts its glow down upon all of Matope, blanketing it in a shawl of enigma and alighting the leaves of the trees above in silver fire. Your weary hooves carry you through the swamp as you journey to a place you once heard of in a legend, or perhaps it was a song.. you can barely remember the words but you knew ever since you first heard of its existence that you had to see this place for yourself. And now here you are. Taking the pilgrimage through dark waters which, when disturbed, cast upwards the old and earthy scents of long decaying plant matter. Through groves of ancient mangroves so vast and large you fear they may just choke the sky and were it not for the path beneath your hooves you would most certainly lose your way. The path that, by the moons light alone, guides you to a place most sacred. Fear and excitement grip you and fight for dominance the deeper you move into the swamp lands. The low hoot of an owl in the distance urges you onward 'Keep going.' It seems to say. 'Fear not.' And so you push yourself onward into the shadowed wilderness outlined by an eerie silver glow, the path ahead a radiant white in the moonlight. The moment you begin to doubt your decision is the moment you first see the faint light in the distance. Your heart flutters in your chest as the closer you get, the brighter the light becomes. At the end of the road two giant mangroves guard either side of the path and with their entangled branches form a gateway of sorts through which the luminescence spills. Holding your breath you step into the light and find yourself in a place mere words can hardly dare to describe. Time appears to stand still within this place, so mesmerizing the legends hardly do it justice, and you feel an instant peace overwhelm you within the presence of the magnificent giant. Welcome, honored guest, to the White Crane Tree.❧

Mission Statement - "Our mission is to provide you a place of refuge from the darkness. A safe haven in the midst of strife. A healing touch against the grip of illness and harm. Our goal is that when you leave our fold you find yourself rested, healthy, and rejuvenated; mind, body, and soul. May the motherfather guide your journey.."


[imgleft]http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/image ... uncert.png[/imgleft]❦The soft hollow sound of hanging driftwood chimes striking together alerts you to her presence. Her hooves make not a sound as the female Kimeti appears, like a spirit made flesh, from the darkness and into the soft flickering light to greet you. Her presence is warm, her aura radiating a general sense of peace and pure intent. Her bright, glowing, eyes regard you respectfully and her demeanor suggests she is eager to make you feel at ease. "Welcome to the White Crane Tree." Her rich voice exclaims, flashing you a smile. "Do you seek refuge from the outside world? A night to refresh your weary bones? A healers touch? Or perhaps you have journeyed here from afar to seek communion.  What you search for may very well lie within our keep." Deep within those alluring eyes lies something enigmatic and otherworldly, as though holding a secret only she is privy to.. and likely so. They regard you almost humbly, her head inclining on a graceful arched neck as her ivory moss-adorned antlers glint in the soft light. The room within the tree is lit by fireflies, well kept, and flitting contentedly from perch to perch though so numerous that night holds no power here. "Come, allow me to show you what lies beyond." With a knowing smile she turns, her delicate head motioning you to follow as the soft clinking of driftwood urges you onward.

The White Crane Tree, as well as the Three Springs of  Legend, have been family maintained and operated for generations, stretching as far back into myth and legend as any Kin can remember. The springs themselves have long been considered a sacred place and many a kin have heeded the call and made the journey here simply to bathe in their healing waters and commune with nature, and with the motherfather. The Springs consist of one hot spring, one mineral spring, and a heated mud pit. Due to the mud's origin, flowing in from the mineral spring beside it, the mud is rendered clean, therapeutic, and warm. Some claim the trio of springs to represent the stages all Matope kind face, Birth, Adulthood and Old age. Others find the sacred trio to have a deeper and far more spiritual meaning, thus stories vary on what exactly that meaning is.

The White Crane Tree is one of the largest in all of Matope, an ancient in its own right, with roots that stretch beyond imagination and branches that seem to rise ever upwards. Stories tell that when the motherfather shook its pelt and sent their fleas into the skies one fell down and birthed the White Crane Tree. Others insist that it was planted by the motherfather themselves and therefore holds a strong healing magic, still others believe it is simply a tree from foreign soil carried here on the wings of a crane and therefore its size and species are unnatural in the swamp. One thing is for certain, The White Crane Tree, and the Three Springs of Legend, are both the fuel of legend and song, a magnificent giant and a place of refuge for all who dwell in Matope.

Last edited by Kinu on Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 986
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.:|Tribe Announcements|:.

Post by Kinu »


06/19/17 - - Tribe member emblems updated. c:
01/15/16 - Our Grand Opening Event starts NOW! Click HERE to join the PARTAY! <3
01/14/16 - Grand opening event starts tomorrow! HOORAY! xD
09/20/15 - Most thread information added. Still have a few locations to write up, banners for members to be made and will be adding a visual map as well as custom banners soon! Grand opening to be held next week. c:
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.:|The Histories|:.

Post by Kinu »


A Brief History of our Bloodline and How the Tribe was formed -

Taken from the Legend 'The Tree of the World' - wrote:"When the first member found the tree.."

Tattered Moth began again, clearing his voice and gazing down upon his audience who listened with rapt, eager ears.

"His hooves aching, his vision dancing, his body sore and weak from the many sleepless nights which had plagued him since the vision grew stronger. Being led by dreams (some say it called to him as far back as his naming dream) and a soft whispering wind, he knew deep within his heart that he had been summoned by something far more powerful than fate alone. The moon was full that night and seemed to almost guide him along through the darkness. A thick, oppressive, beast of a night that entangled his legs and did everything within its power to steal away his hope. "Turn back." It hissed softly in his ear. "What you seek exists nowhere on this plane.. your pilgrimage is a fools errand." He could not falter, he could not fail, his spirit tore through the doubt like teeth through soft roots. "Be gone you foul beast." He demanded, his voice strong and sure. "Trouble me not with your poisonous lies." The shroud lifted then, falling back like a wounded serpent slithering beneath a rock. He found himself before two mangroves, their bodies twisted and arched, an ethereal light spilling from within their keep. As he stepped through he found the very breath stolen from his chest, his eyes widening at the marvel before him. Time seemed to hold no domain in this wondrous place and the sheer beauty lifted every sorrow he had ever known, every pain he had suffered, and every doubt he had ever held within his heart. Standing before the great giant he knew in his soul that some far more ancient power slumbered within, its influence radiating not only from the natural titan itself but from its keepers as well. The Three Springs which adorned its grounds like glimmering sky fleas. His purpose was clear to him then, the reason he had been summoned by this mighty enigma. He, and those who remained long after he had shed his mortal coil, would become guardians, emissaries, and students under the influence and guidance of the great tree, the springs, and the teachings of the Motherfather. Thus he settled. His bloodline soon heeded his call to stand together and unite under the tree as one body and as the family flourished, so too did their knowledge of the curative and restorative arts."

The young gazed, wide eyed in wonderment. Their curiosity peaked by this fantastic tale. One Kimeti, a doe of soft blue pastel, chimed in softly.

"And what of the secret that lies at their heart?"

Tattered Moth, his eyebrows raising incredulously, seemed to pause a moment as though startled or surprised by her inquiry. The others turned to look her way and then swiftly back up to their elder in eager anticipation. Breaking from the moment the older male chuckled in good nature and smiled almost mischievously, lightening the mood as he did.

"That, my dear, is a tale for another time."

While the full Legend paints a beautiful picture of spiritual journey, and holds a special place in the hearts of all who find solace beneath the shelter of the great tree, as time went on the explanation of how the family came to reside in this mystifying place became rooted more in lore and symbolism than actual truth, though some family members, mostly the elders, do still remember how their ancestors came to reside here. Outside the realm of legend and song the family is said to have originally established their presence under the White Crane Tree to better house and protect themselves during the period of great strife and war between Kin, the hard times that most kin now believe to be myth and legend (See The Legend of Black Dog/The Black Dog Cycle). The family found solace in caring for the injured and the weak, those worn and wounded from battle, and thus established themselves as proficient healers (Though they remained neutral and vowed to heal any and all who sought their help.. so long as the individuals seeking their care observed and respected their peaceful ways while in their keep). Once peace again reigned within Matope, and the lands were safer, family members began to strike out on their own to explore and settle. By the time the last members had sated their wanderlust and left the tree only a handful of family remained. These Kin continued their vigilant watch for any who needed aid though they lacked the large numbers needed to heal as efficiently as they once had. As time moved forward, and the youngest began to take over for their elders, they came to the realization that while they still enjoyed the useful art of healing they also wanted to offer the rest of Matope the opportunity to experience the wonders of the White Crane Tree and The Three Springs on a much grander, and far more personal, scale.

They yearned to impart their wealth of restorative knowledge upon all who sought their guidance and shared their belief that life, and the world around, is a sacred gift and a precious blessing from the motherfather, one not to be taken lightly, or for granted. After much deliberation, and with the blessing of their elders, they decided to form a tribe open to all who desired to learn the healing arts. A tribe for those kin who's spirits shone brightly against the dark night, who desired to help any and all in need, and who yearned to not only fight against the ailments of this plane in their many forms but to grow closer to the natural world as well. New Tribe members would be trained in the old ways and learn the curative arts in a form they felt spoke to them. Once they had been properly qualified each member would begin to practice their chosen skill, aiding the tribe in providing Refuge and healing to those in need and, should they so desire, be guided on a spiritual journey to grow closer to the swamp, the natural world, and ultimately the motherfather. In addition to opening their stores of knowledge to newcomers, the tribe also began to create specialized spa treatments, tinctures, and goods in keeping with their traditional practices and herbal recipes. The rest, they say, is history.

Once you join this Tribe, dear wanderer, you become a part of our family. For the work that we do binds us by the very heartstrings of fate. The sense of community, loyalty, and care exhibited by our members continues to keep our tribe thriving and strong to this day. We are one body, the healers of the swamp, the guiding lights in the deepest night.. you have heard the call. It is up to you alone whether or not you will heed it.

Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1180
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.:|The Territories|:.

Post by Kinu »

The White Crane Tree -
❧Whether a fallen sky flea, a seedling blessing from the motherfather, or even a gift from foreign soils, the White Crane Tree is a spectacle to behold and its size is not exaggerated by all kin who behold its splendor. The tree itself sits upon a large, open field of tender grass and is exceptionally massive, towering above the treeline like a colossus and shadowing all others in its wake. The trunks circumference would take an unimaginable amount of kin standing nose to tail tip to circle it even once though no kin have ever organized such a feat. The bark is smooth and always cool to the touch while the color is of soft ashes, though some claim that this is only at night and that during the daytime it is a soft cream or, in the right light, even a faint dusky rose hue. The full, exceptionally beautiful, canopy spans a great distance in all directions and reaches ever upwards towards the heavens as well as out towards the four corners of Matope, as though trying with all its might to cover the world in its protective embrace. The leaves are teardrop shaped and a soft green which, at night, are coated in a fine silver, moth-dust sheen and while the seasons may change the leaves never fall nor do they change color. In fact the tree seems to hardly be disturbed by the world around it at all.
The Three Springs of Legend -
❧A winding, narrow, path lit by so many fireflies one could not possibly hope to count them all and lined by strange, white stones guides you from the great tree down to where the springs reside. While they may lie at a distance from the tree itself they are sheltered beneath its enormous branches still and are hidden from prying eyes by thick reed beds surrounding each spring, concealing them and affording privacy to those who wish. The springs lie in a fan shape beneath the great trees canopy and are very large in size, easily accommodating several Kin at once without worry of feeling cramped or intruded upon. While each spring is separated by thick reeds they are all connected by small pathways, these paths allow easy accessibility from one spring to another and are buffered by reeds on either side. In addition, each spring has its own pathway back towards the great tree to minimize disturbances to other guest should one want to return to the Refuge. The waters are surrounded by white or grey stones and all areas are lit by the bright glow of thousands of fireflies who make their homes in the reed beds and leaves of the great trees canopy.

The Hot Spring - Steam rises in rolling plumes from the crystal waters of this most beloved spring. The first of the trio, it is said that the heated waters and thick steam draw toxins and impurities from the body and troubles from the mind, as well as the soul. Surrounded by smooth, grey, stones large enough for Kin to seat themselves upon, should the heat prove to be too much, the spring is easy to access and even easier to while away the evening in. Be it for health, spiritual, or even romantic reasons. This is also the only spring that borders the weeping willow fields, a breathtaking sight which lends an even more charming and enigmatic air to this very relaxing spring.

The Mineral Spring  - The earthy smell of minerals is what first strikes the senses as you approach this spring. The water appears to roll in soft, almost hypnotic, bubbling waves and retains a beautiful blue tint, like crushed aquamarine. The healing benefits of this spring, as well as the cosmetic benefits, are numerous and many have found relief and restoration within these beautiful blue waters. The healing benefits include, but are not limited to, stress relief, mind and body rejuvenation, aiding with mineral deficiencies, pelt/horn/hoof health, skin disease/ailment healing, pain relief, chronic ailment management, and so forth. If you desire more in-depth information on what this spring can offer you in regards to health/beauty Moss-Flower, or trained staff members, will be happy to answer any and all questions.

The Mud Pit - For those who feel up to a new experience, or a little adventure, the Mud Pit offers many benefits as well as a bit of excitement for those looking to indulge their senses in the new and exotic. The minerals infused into the mud from the Mineral spring provide a large dose of health benefits though many Kin seem to simply enjoy the Mud Pit more for play than for relaxing and unwinding. Younger Kin especially enjoy romping about the edges while older Kin may prefer to soak themselves at the Pits center. The pit, while being deep, is still shallow enough that an adult Buck can wade to the middle and still touch solid ground, though he will be immersed up to his chin. While there is no way to rinse yourself once you have finished with the third spring you may simply wait for the mud to dry and shake your pelt free. The faint dust coating that remains is light and nourishing to the pelt and will fall away completely by morning.
Greeters Hallow -
❧The great tree has a large opening in the trunk which developed naturally in the early stages of its life and grew to such a size as to allow entry within the trunk itself. While not completely hollowed out it has been worn and smoothed by hoof, horn, and time, thus creating a large room of sorts. This room is where all guests are first received, their stories heard (to understand their needs), before finally being checked in and lead to their first destination. The single opening serves as the only entrance or exit from the tree itself and is lit by a mixture of fire salamanders, fireflies, and occasionally fire itself should the creatures wander off, which they tend to do as they are allowed to roam freely.
The Refuge -
❧So, what exactly is The Refuge? It is the place where Kin may find rest. Be it for a night, two, three, or as long as their journey calls. The Refuge is unique to all of Matope and was created over time by the descendants of the Kin who first found the tree. There are three main areas that make up The Refuge to be precise, each with its own special pattern and setting. The individual structures in each area are comprised of several nest-like creations made from bent reeds/roots stuck in the ground and arched or woven into an egg shape. They are either tied together by roots, cemented together with hard mud from the mud pit, or often both, to keep them from falling apart. The floor/bedding of each nest is made of soft leaves, petals, reed fluff, or even feathers which are replaced after each guest has departed. Every nest is large enough to accommodate two adult Kimeti, with young, comfortably, any larger and the nests would be weakened. (While the structures are sound they are not exactly marvelous feats of engineering.. we are still swamp goats here you know. We do what we can.) The nests have been placed in three groups spread out across the White Crane Tree Tribes territory and each group has a unique pattern to it. The patterns are as follows:

The Great Circle - These nests were built in a large circle on the very field where the great tree lies. There are roughly twenty in all and every nest faces inward towards a pit surrounded by smooth grey stones where a fire is always lit in the early evenings. These nests are intended for travelers, as well as their families if not alone, to rest and relax and is the most socially oriented of the three Refuge locations.

The Willows - These nests, which number about twenty or so, were built within the willow fields and are a popular spot for couples or those who wish for some seclusion and privacy to commune with nature. They are placed sporadically within the willow fields and lie far enough apart to allow complete privacy. Each is accompanied by a trail of white stones to lead the guest back to the main tree should they desire, though they are also useful in keeping guests from getting lost or stumbling upon other guests and disrupting their intended seclusion, an act which is highly frowned upon by Tribe members. These nests are a favorite among those on Pilgrimage and such guests are given top priority when it comes to filling nests in this area.

The Fields - These nests are built within the tree line that borders the herbal fields and are reserved for Tribe Members alone. Residing on higher ground they are by far the largest of all nests and have a breath taking view of not simply the herbal fields themselves, but the willow trees and the field bearing the White Crane Tree as well. This allows tribe members to live comfortably for as long as they desire and grants them safety, privacy, and sociability with their neighboring members should they so desire.
Healers Glen -
The Herbal Fields and The Dry Stores - Trailing across the great field towards the willow trees and mountains the path curves left across the open field and this is where the Healers Glen and The Fields lie. The Fields are the first thing a Kin will come upon, a large space of earth tilled by hoof over the years into a fertile patch of land just ripe for cultivating specific herbs. It lies facing both The Willows, the mountains which curve around at the tribes back, and The Great tree. This is the very field which the tribe specific nests overlook on their curving half-hill. Dug into the earth beneath them is a storage area where many of the harvested herbs are stored and dried.

The Glen - If one were to walk further along past the fields and round the corner to the left where the trees thicken there lies a path into the woods. This is where the healers craft their wares, expand, share, and reaffirm their knowledge and grow their skills. It is a beautiful area with a stunning view of the mountains in the distance and rests upon very fertile ground which yields a highly varied assortment of mushrooms, herbs, minerals, and several other natural resources the tribe utilizes daily.

-Coming Soon-
More territory descriptions to come before next week (and a map later on!)
Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1786
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.:|Our Services|:.

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Three Springs Spa -

Services we offer

🌿Pilgrimage End
🌿Refuge Stays
🌿Hot/Mineral/Mud Springs
🌿Hot Stone Treatments
🌿Natural/Healing/Stress Wraps
🌿Hoof and Horn Trimming/Polishing
🌿Organic Goods* (Oil Perfumes, Pelt Conditioners, Soaps, Incense, Essential Oils, Specialty Teas etc..)
🌿Herbal Goods/Ingredients

*(REMEMBER all of these goods are created directly from nature. So, for instance, teas will be the dried, and often crushed, leaves of specific plants to be added to water as flavoring or to help cure ailments. Perfumes are derived from pressing flower petals and collecting the oils, and incense is compressed, aromatic, wood shavings/strips, and so on. EVERYTHING CREATED MUST BE 100% NATURAL.)

Den of the Healers -

🌿Wellness Checks
🌿Healing/Health Tonics
🌿Extended Care



Pilgrimage -

❧You have come to this place led by an unceasing call. Be it your dreams, a whisper on the wind, a nagging feeling in your soul manifest as wanderlust after hearing the tales or songs. Perhaps you never even knew what it was you sought until you arrived within our folds. No matter how you were summoned you have come seeking and you have found. Yet now that you have arrived what do you seek to claim? Communion with nature? A chance to cleanse your soul of the harsh poisons of this world? A drive to renew your spirit and find yourself? Or perhaps even something that stretches beyond your ability to communicate.

For those who have journeyed to the White Crane Tree out of a spiritual calling (Which is not uncommon as many claim they were lead by dream to come to the tree/springs in order to commune with the motherfather or after hearing the legends/lore/songs) there are special protocols in place to aid the pilgrim on their journey. Those on Pilgrimage are welcome to book a stay at the tribe which is tailored to suit their needs. Anything from joining those in The Circle for a night of legend sharing and good spirited kinship to complete seclusion and isolation from any outside distraction. Each guest will speak with Moss-Flower in private upon arrival. She will then determine what their stay will consist of based upon their vision/call and show them around personally. Should they require not to be disturbed a tribe member will often be assigned to keep other kin from accidentally disturbing their communion with nature.

Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 396
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.:|Tribe Events|:.

Post by Kinu »

Nothing currently..
Past Events wrote:
Grand Opening Event



A rather elegant looking buck steps from the dappled shade of a large willow and regards you almost nonchalantly. His demeanor makes it hard to get a feel for his personality and you find yourself wondering who he is. What is his name? What type of Buck is he? As fate would have it you may just hold the answers to these very questions yourself.

Code: Select all

[quote="I K i n u I"][/quote]
[b]Username -[/b]
[b]Are you a Newbie? -[/b]
[b]Kins Name -[/b]
[b]Tell us who he is or give us a Naming Dream instead -[/b]
Please post the filled out code above in the main thread to enter. This contest will run until the 19th at about 10pm PST. c:

Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 138
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.:|Tribe Members|:.

Post by Kinu »




ImageImageSpeak Easy (Image to Come)
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.:|Tribe Familiars|:.

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We currently have no tribe familiars available.
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.:|Joining The Tribe - Job Positions/Applications|:.

Post by Kinu »


🌑Tribe Positions/Courses - (NOTE: Any position marked with ✔ means that it may be coupled with more than one other position. For example. A kin who who tends the herbal fields may also hold a position in the cultivation, storage, and care of herbs. Another example would be a Kin who makes Perfumes would also be allowed to create incense, salves, poultices and so on should they desire to branch out. Try to keep multiple positions within the same field. Your kin cannot be everywhere at once and will likely be unhappy running around like crazy trying to perform multiple duties. That being said, if your kin is unhappy in their job and wishes to change fields of study/work they are more than welcome to seek out Moss-Flower and request a new position/training. Just please don't abuse this system too much. Try to keep your kin where you know they will be happiest.)


🌱Positions in Welcoming - Enjoy meeting new Kin? Have a knack for being helpful, friendly, and basically just enjoy the company of others for brief periods? This is most certainly the position for you. Your main task is to greet and help make our guests feel comfortable. You will be their main source of information when it comes to the services we offer as well as their guide when helping them get settled in. While it may seem like a simple task remember that you are often the first face our guests see and while many of them are simply coming to relax, some may be in need of urgent healing or have come with intentions other than finding solace or aid. Being sharp of mind or having a good intuition is important. You wont need to worry about any kin on pilgrimage aside from greeting them as these guests will be handled primarily by Moss-Flower.

🌱Guest Services/Welcoming - Talking Flowers (Ruriska). Positions Available.

🌱Pilgrimage Envoy - Moss-Flower (Kinu)


🍂Spa Healers - Have a talent in making kin feel at ease? Enjoy providing others with a sense of relaxation? Simply enjoy making kin look their best? A position in the Spa may be just what you are seeking. With many unique jobs available even those with little experience will swiftly be taken under wing and trained in whichever art they desire. Should you desire multiple positions you will have the opportunity to be promoted and trained further after choosing an initial position. Within our tribe we strive to expand your knowledge of the Curative arts and learning more than one field of healing is often highly encouraged.

🍂Hot/Mineral/Mud Springs (✔) - Positions Available.
🍂Spa Monitors (✔) - Positions Available.

🍂Head Yoga Instructor - Just Breathe {-Lolli-}
🍂Yoga Assistant(s) - (Open at the discretion of Just Breathe)

🍂Spa Manager(s) (✔) - Positions Available.
🍂Masseuses (✔) - Positions Available.
🍂Wrappers (✔) - Positions Available.
🍂Hoof/Horn Trimmers/Polishers (✔) - Positions Available.


🌠Refuge Guardians - If making others feel at home is to your taste then The Refuge is for you. Our Refuge staff are highly encouraged to provide our guests with the feeling that they are part of our family. Some guests will desire to be left completely alone, which is fine, yet others will want a sense of community and kinship. Your main focus will be upon providing answers to any questions guests may have, guiding guests staying in the Refuge to their destinations, clean up of Refuge areas after guests have departed, and maintaining a jovial, good natured attitude when guests require kinship. Storytellers are especially welcome as guests staying in The Great Circle often love to hear songs sung and stories told in front of the great fire before retiring for the night.

🌠Refuge Guardians (✔) - Quiet Companion (Magician Arcana) Positions Available.
🌠Storytellers (✔) - As The Sun Burns (Blinded By Silence). Positions Available.
🌠Singers/Musicians (✔) - Positions Available.


🍄The Keepers - Handy when it comes to problem solving or fixing things? Simply like everyday upkeep? There are plenty of jobs for those who have a thirst for these very interests. Whether it's fixing and maintaining the nests in the Refuge, helping the Field Tenders with their crops, general greens keeping, helping the Runners transport goods, inventing better places/vessels to store and hold our products, you name it! We have a job for you.

🍄Keepers (✔) - Positions Available.
🍄Inventors (✔) - Positions Available.


🌿The Healers - Do you enjoy healing the sick? Mending the body, the mind, and even the soul? Then this is where your talents and passions belong. Whether you seek to become a lead healer, a most humble and well respected calling, or an aid who assists our Lead Healers, a position which also commands respect as you will someday move up in rank to lead new, fresh, healers and pass on our ways. We eagerly await to teach you everything you need to know to fight the sickness of this land whenever, and in whomever, it decides to rear its ugly head.

🌿Lead Healers - Moss-Flower (Kinu). Positions Available.
🌿Assistant Healers - Positions Available.
🌿Healing of the Mind - A Heavy Heart Bears All (Blinded by Silence)

🌿Wandering Healers - Sometimes a healer must lead a solitary life among the wilds of Matope. Their hearts flourish best wandering their own paths and healing those in need along the way. For these individuals the Tribe see's great purpose. These Kin train in several different healing arts and strike out into Matope to heal those who cannot journey to the tree, as well as any Kin who have no knowledge of the trees existence and need aid. While they may wander they are still true tribe members and always have a place waiting for them within the tribes fold should they desire it. Until that day comes the spirit of the Tribe travels with them wherever they roam. (These individuals are welcome to strike out into the wilderness for as long as they wish and may return for events, restocking, workshops, classes, or just to relax and refresh their spirits themselves. Gathering unique plants, ingredients, recipes, healing knowledge, and telling other Kin of the Tribes existence is encouraged but not required.)

🌿Wandering Healers - Burdock (The Cake Mage of Sheep) Positions Available.


🌾Keeper of Recipes/Natural Crafters/Herb Cultivators - Perhaps creating restorative tonics, dazzling perfumes, mesmerizing incense, or any of a great numbers of wondrous products crafted from the heart of nature and used for the good of our guests is more to your tastes? If you wish to learn the true artistry that goes into our recipes and goods, those recited down through the ages, invent new and exciting ones, and bring joy and improved health to all within our keep through products we manufacture then this is the position for you!

🌾Herb Guru - Essence (Amizade)
🌾Herbal Recipe Manufacturing - (Open at the discretion of Essence)
🌾Herbal Assistants - (Open at the discretion of Essence)

🌾Head of Fields (✔) - Positions Available.
🌾Herb Field Tenders (✔) - Positions Available.
🌾Herbal Storage, Cultivation, and Care (✔) - Positions Available.

🌾Head of Tonics - Elder Tree (Kinu)
🌾Tonic Mixers - Speak Easy (Blinded By Silence)

🌾Perfumers (✔) - Positions Available.
🌾Incense Crafters (✔) - Positions Available.
🌾Salves and Poultices (✔) - Positions Available.
🌾Packaging Department (✔) - Positions Available.


🍃The Runners - Do you have a terrible wanderlust yet wish to be a tribe member? Long for excitement and the chance to explore new territories? The Runners are for you. This close, two part pack of Kin scour the land for ingredients, food supplies, exotic herbs and much more in order to keep our tribe thriving. Camaraderie and a strong sense of loyalty to your fellow runners is key to success. Adventure awaits you.

🍃Head of the Hunt - Bonded Lives (SilverShieldwolf)
🍃Those who Hunt - Positions Available.
🍃Head of the Gathering - Tincture (-- Piggybuns --)
🍃Those who Gather - Taste of the Sea (Chibi_Kokoro143) Positions Available.


🌙The Midnight Eyes - Is your calling to be a guardian? Does battle and glory summon you? Do you desire to protect our borders from the terrors of the night? Predators and kin of ill-intention alike are not unknown to us. If this is the life you seek you will be entering a highly respected and close-knit band of kin indeed. Not everyone will make the cut into The Midnight Eyes, though all are welcome to try. It takes strength not only of body and mind, but of spirit as well. The leader often judges his new recruits swiftly and has been known to dismiss a potential candidate by sight alone. While the exact criteria he seeks remains a mystery he is a fair and just Kimeti who has reasons for his high standards though he shares them not.

🌙Lead Sight - Born Again (Owlsomniac)
🌙The Midnight Eyes (Those who protect our borders from danger.)- Positions Available.


While occasionally tribe leaders may seek out Kin based on special talents or skills they are happy to receive application forms from any Kin seeking . They love accepting new members into the fold and consider all members to be part of the family.

Code: Select all

[quote="I've heard the call and I heed.."][/quote]
[b]Kin Name -[/b]
[b]Species -[/b]
[b]Gender -[/b]
[b]Blood Relative or New Member?[/b] (It is honestly more for plot reasons to have a Kin be blood related, PM I K i n u I for permission before submitting applicant as a Blood Relative. Though remember that your kin will be considered family once they join even if they are not related by blood. This tribe doesn't play favorites. It's about respect, yo.)
[b]Position/Job Desired -[/b]
[b]Special Skills -[/b]
[b]Tell us a little bit about yourself -[/b] [i](This should be about personality, likes, dislikes, history, etc.. It will eventually be summarized and placed under the tribe member where they are listed on the main thread. It can be short or long. Whichever you prefer.)[/i]
[b]What Personality Traits/Skills does your kin wish to develop more in themselves? -[/b]
[b]Did you dream of being summoned to this place or was it Legend/Lore/Song alone that brought you here? -[/b]

[b]Family/Housing Info //[/b]
[b]Will you desire a living space at the great tree? -[/b] Yes/No
[b]Will you be bringing family with you to live at the tree? -[/b] Yes/No

If you marked yes to bringing family fill out the portion below. If you marked no to family just ignore the section below completely and submit the portion of the application you have already filled out.

[b]Do you require Kin to watch over your young while you work? -[/b] Yes/No
[b]Images of family who will be staying at the tree with you -[/b] [i](Please just post little x's that link the image along with who is who. For instance: [url=]x[/url] (Mate), [url=]x[/url] (Offspring), etc..)[/i]
On a side note - All Tribe Members are welcome to live at the great tree with their families should they so desire but are also welcome to roam freely and live where they please. If it is the desire of the new member to live at the great tree they will be assigned the space they require depending on the number of family in their herd. Members, and their families, are welcome to use the springs in their spare time and while they may be required to help in times of harvest in the herbal fields, or when the Runners require aid in times of food shortages, the family of the great tree has a large supply of dried goods stored up to support and sustain their workforce and those who live at the tree full time.

Also, while is is encouraged, family members are not required to join the tribe if they do not wish to do so. It is up to the Kin and his/her own to decide if all, or simply the Kin in question, will become part of the Tribe. Though if family members do not join they will likely miss out on specific perks such as adopting Tribe Familiars (When/If they become available), attending tribe meetings, participating in certain trials/pilgrimages, moving up in rank, learning special curative skills, and several other perks which I cannot mention here. Secretssecrets..
Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2034
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.:|The Rules|:.

Post by Kinu »

Our ways, laws, and manners.

(IC ettiquette)

🌾We are healers in every sense of the word. We represent life, restoration, love, renewal, and growth. Remember that when you carry yourself. We treasure diversity of spirit and body but your heart should always show kindness. We are the lights in the darkness. Let your actions reflect this.

🌾We turn away no kin who seeks our help. Every life is sacred. Should you have a personal quarrel with any kin who comes to us for aid you will not turn them away. If you can mend your differences this is advised, but if your scars run too deep it is better that you steer clear until they have departed our keep lest your quarrel hinder their recovery.

🌾While all life is considered sacred to the tribe Cranes and Fireflies hold a special place in their hearts for what they represent. Anyone seen causing harm to any creature or kin will be escorted from the premises and asked not to return. Yes, it is that serious.

🌾Blood thirsty, evil, plague bearing, murderous, dangerous, Kin in any shape or form will all initially be treated with kindness should they seek us out. But should their ways get the better of them, or should they desire to harm any tribe member, they will be dealt with swiftly by The Midnight Eyes. Do not start a fight unless you need to defend yourself or another tribe member.


(OC Rules)

🌾Have fun!

🌾Please be kind to each other.

🌾All of Matopes rules apply here.

🌾No Godmoding (Unless both parties agree)

🌾No poor sportsmanship. If you lose a battle (if we for some reason have them >____> *coughnothingtoseeherecough*), don't get a prize you want, etc, please be graceful about said defeat. We can't always come out on top. Just keep your chin up and keep trying. There will always be more events and more chances to win! c:

🌾Plot AWAY! Do it. Go on. You know you wanna. Plotplotplot. 8D

🌾We highly encourage that when you Roleplay you use the Roleplay Forum and post the link in THIS thread so I can link your Tribe related adventures to the main page. No stories should ever be lost. Every one of them is important.

🌾All contest entries should be posted in their designated contest threads. A link will be provided for said thread at the time the event opens and we request that you DO NOT post contest entries in this thread unless we specifically host the contest in here.

🌾If you want to commission a Kin to be a part of the original bloodline PLEASE ASK FIRST. The answer will more than likely be 100% yes but I would still prefer at least a PM. xD In addition, if you want one of your existing kin to be part of the original bloodline I am also ok with this so long as you send me a PM with said kin and a little blurb explaining what relation they want to be. Usually this will also be a yes but there is a rare chance they may not. (Don't let that stop you. It's only extreme circumstances like the kin is a bloodthirsty beast or something. We aint got none of those round these parts ya hear?)

🌾If you have a question please feel free to ask! My inbox is always open. <3

Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 567
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.:|Our Legends|:.

Post by Kinu »


Our Legends -

The Tree of the World -Coming Soon-
The Three Springs of Legend -Coming Soon-
The Crane Triplets -Coming Soon-
The Ivory Dragonfly -Coming Soon-
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.:|Our Allies and Foes|:.

Post by Kinu »


Nothing of note here just yet.
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.:|Thread Links|:.

Post by Kinu »


List of medicinal plants (A comprehensive guide for Tribe Members to reference)
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Post by Kinu »


An Assortment of Medicinal Matope Plants - by Minsuil (And members of Matope)

The Legend of Black Dog/The Black Dog Cycle - by Matopian members respectively

(All art belongs to its respective owners. All credit is given to them in its creation. I only made the hot springs image myself, all other banners have been made using free images from the web until I can commission pieces.)
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.:|The Inner Sanctum|:.

Post by Kinu »


There is nothing here for you child.. not yet.

Last edited by Kinu on Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 9
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