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Don't Make a Sound (Hush)

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:49 am
by Owlsomniac

Hush has been through quite the transformative journey as a character. She started off as this extremely shy, timid, fey thing who, despite her loneliness, did not have the heart to ever venture far from the comforting safety of her den. Her naming dream, a thing of Darkness and terror, seemed to warn about the dangers of the night and only compounded her own internalized fear. Besides, she figured she had most things any kin could want, anyway, right? A warm place to sleep, the company of her loyal caveworms, fresh water nearby to drink and catch fish, and raspberry bushes nearby that never failed to provide fruit when in season..

Yet, loneliness carved into her heart, nonetheless.

Then, one day, she'd met a buck.... a kiokote who, though he'd left her after a short dalliance (a new pain she hadn't known could be felt), had gifted her with what would become her greatest joy: motherhood. For once, she was not alone, and she had a new focus and purpose in life - raising her family. Her son and daughter have brought her much needed companionship and joy, but children eventually leave the nest, even if they do occasionally remember to visit their mother now and then.

Though alone once more, Hush had something that even she did not know she had until the call of the Obelisk that fateful day opened her mind to it, and Swarm's call spurned her on to answer it - courage. At the last moment, she'd caught up to the group and traveled further and longer than she ever had in her life. It left her breathless, yet thanks to Swarm's presence the Ache never bothered her - nor dreams, for that matter, being far too exhausted each night to have the energy for even that much. Yet they'd made it. The Obelisk had been strange, indeed, and the mountain more cold than even the coldest of winter days in the swamp, and the light had been.... energizing. The thrill of the hunt had engulfed her, and she discovered another side of herself that she never knew was there; a strong, fierce, determined side of herself that refused to give up until she'd had her prey, a snow hare, caught in her jaws. For once, she was the hunter in the dark, the thing to be feared. Bloodlust stirred up by the Obelisk demanded satisfaction, and she'd found it in hunting and sparring with the other kin around her, the days blurring together until it seemed as if, suddenly, it was time to go.

She hasn't been the same since then, though for the better.

More than anything, Hush wants a big family and to help those who are afraid to overcome their personal battles and discover that they are strong enough, even if only for a day, until that day becomes a week, a month, a year - longer. Life is hard, and never perfect, and Hush knows this better than some, perhaps. Her dream tells her that she is likely to die in a way that is painful, and lonely, and yet all she seeks in life is to bring more light into the world.

She will always be a little wild, a little shy, a little fey and protective of her personal boundaries and, sometimes, more than a little fierce - but she has learned, also, to be stronger, to be less afraid of the dark, of new things, of the challenges (and rewards) living and being part of the world has to offer.

For all of these reasons, she would make an excellent Legendary - seeking to guide others onto their own paths of self discovery and growth, and - to be quite honest - she would absolutely love giving blessings to expectant new parents given her own fondness for family.

Light and Darkness

Darkness and Blood

Matope Winter Market 2016 :: Fair Hunter's Fishing Fun - 510 words - 1 point
Season of Love 2019 - Drabble on "No Love" - 670 words - 1 point
2019 Winter Booth: Mother's Club Day Care - 554 words - 1 point
WWP1 Hush x Evermore - 1095 words - 2 points
[H] Snowshoe Hare - Hush, Obelisk META - 2 points (extra point note)
Oct 2020: Kintober Prompt #22 - 1 point

8 points

Blessing: Hush x Sacred Grove - wc 1455

2 points

Step Softly - Hush x Heartbreak - wc 655 - 5 points
Silent Shadows - wc 1000+ - 5 points
Hush meets a family member (2019 Skeletal Grove), wc: 503 - 5 points
[1v1] Hush & Dawn's First Light - 6 points (extra point note) - wc 608 - 5 points

20 points

2019 Winter Booth: Collaborative Story Telling - 5 points
2019 Winter Booth: Albatross' Fail Bait V.3 - 5 points
Journey to the Mountains - META - 5 points

15 points

Image 2 points
In her dreams the darkness swallows the eye of the sun as she bleeds out into the earth and the world turns to red.

Image 2 points
In the frozen mountains Hush discovers that she is capable of being the hunter in the dark.

Image 2 points
October 2020. Kintober prompt 31, Red moon rising. The night turns red as blood.

Image 2 points
October 2020. Kintober prompt 5, A creature stalks behind. A chill runs down her spine.

Image 2 points
October 2020. Kintober prompt 20, An unseen whisperer you can't seem to shake. They whisper from the darkness in a language she can't understand....

Image 2 points
October 2020. Kintober prompt 13, A hole that swallows you. The ground opens up beneath her, with nary a sound.
12 points

Total Points: 57