How Quaint

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How Quaint

Post by Gl!tch~ »

How Quaint is a doe who believes many things. Above all, she believes that she is destined to great things during this final life on the path to Oneness.
She left the zikwa caves under the impression that with her many eyes, she would see the world that the zikwa could/would not. Then she would return to them to share all that she had done, in spite of the Ache.

She has travelled the swamp for a time, thinking that everything she did was destined and had a point to it. Other kin would need her advice and help, as she was an enlightened zikwa. It did not matter if they asked. It was just so.

In that time, she has had children of her own, and her attentions have been a mixed bag. She did her best to instill the burdens of being a zikwa onto her zikwa children, while her non-zikwa children...well, they weren't there yet in their life cycle. She wouldn't call it neglect, but Night in the Woods certainly left as soon as she could and hasn't spoken to her mother since.

All that aside, How Quaint has recently gone on a journey to an Obelisk within zikwa caverns. She thought herself called home, but found herself in a different cave with different zikwa. Between a non-zikwa being in charge of the expedition, and the discovery that the world is larger than she thought (and, perhaps, not centered on her), How Quaint has been reeling a bit.

How Quaint has tried to push herself into leadership, but has been falling short between her ego and being rather out of her depth.

Now that Obelisks are making it possible to travel more, we are about to see how it goes when she does return home.
[To add: her relationship with Nothing, a deeper look at her views of zikwa culture and non-zikwa]

Why she would make a good legendary:
To add after her character arc wraps up

Naming dream: TBD
Storytelling: Here

Roleplay Log:
Flower Crowns +1 [A fresh-faced How Quaint meets an acha, and they do arts and crafts together]
Pumpkin Catch with Grim Garden +2 (word total: 1043) [How Quaint bonds with an owlcat at the Winter Market]
Remembering the First Obelisk +2 [How Quaint dreams about the First Obelisk, and ruminates on family]
Called to the Caves +5 [How Quaint's self-importance comes in full force as she thinks that it is time to be the Main Character (spoiler: it isn't)]
Underground Society +5 [These might not be the caves she knew, and her senses are overwhelmed. How Quaint has a panic attack, and humbles herself to let an outsider assist her in her trying times]
Air Prompt +6 [As she seeks respite, How Quaint steps into what might have been a past life...and definitely lets her hair down a little]
Stoking the Fire +5 [How Quaint tries to look knowledgeable despite not actually know what she is doing. She gets over herself for two seconds to give good feedback in classic How Quaint fashion]
Water Prompt +6 [In an effort to better herself, How Quaint gets herself lost in the mists...and falls into memory that aligns with and yet conflicts with what she knows]
Bringing Back Water +5 [Outsiders dare question How Quaint. She gets burned literally and figuratively]
Gone Fishing +5 [How Quaint philosophizes with an elder who has similar traits to hers, while making herself into an arse the whole time. The end!]
Finale ORP +5

Illustration 1- By zeflamigo! +2
Portrait 1- By Ryuu! +2
Portrait 2- By Maxx! +2
Portrait with Where the Old Ones Roam- By Bane! +4

Total: 57 / 50

Unfinished RP:
I See [How Quaint is asked to assist in finding someone. Instead, she offers commentary]
Last edited by Gl!tch~ on Fri Nov 11, 2022 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 645
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