[SOLO] Cock of the Walk [Watch Me]

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[SOLO] Cock of the Walk [Watch Me]

Post by Ruriska »

[imgright]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgright]Watch Me was untethered from the earth. With wings he could soar, go wherever he pleased, no longer bound to follow the same old trails. He was free.  In the real world, this was so. But not even a songbird could only travel so far in a day before tiring. He had boundless energy up until he did not, for every bird must come to roost.

So when he closed his eyes, resting side by side with one or more troupe members, his friends, his family, he flew in dreams unlimited. The world stretched endlessly and he could cover the distance with only a few beats of his wings, like a comet through the sky. Through clouds, to the ocean, to the mountains, wherever he wished.

But such freedom could also be boring.

As he soared, he caught glimpses of colour and light, flashes of movement between the trees. They beckoned him down, circling, circling, down to flit through branches, seeking the dancing forms. They were Acha, laughing and playing, unfamiliar but all beautiful beyond words. He longed to join them.

He fluttered, gliding down to them.

But they paid no attention to the bright songbird that flitted too and fro.

They were from the earth and he was of the air.

So he was forced to simply watched jealously as they played. When he had first found his true other form, he had known it well. He had thought that all would look upon him, all would watch as he performed and sung.

And yet, these Acha could not or would not pay him any mind.

He continued to follow as they wound their way through the swamp, deeper and deeper, into dark areas where the mud sucked at their hooves and yellow eyes stared at them hungrily from the shadows. When he tried to call out to them, his twittering voice could not be heard.

His warning fell on deaf ears.

He flapped around their heads but they dipped away and continued laughing.

There had to be some way, some other self.

It wasn’t enough anymore to just be a pretty bird of the sky.

Watch Me circled again as the shadows lengthened and beasts crept forward. He flew in close to the ground and landed, tucked his wings in and stood up. Proudly he crowed, a sudden burst of noise that cut through the mindless chatter and laughter.

Now they heard him.

They all startled, turned their heads and clucked frantically amongst themselves. Watch Me crowed again, flapped his wings and scraped his talons at the earth. His long tail feathers bounced behind him.

This way, he told them without words. Because he was a leader, wasn’t he? The troupe flock was his to lead. Only he could show them the way. He’d come so far, learnt so much. He was to be heeded, listened to.

The flock of Acha turned marshfowls clucked as he led them back to a safer area, where the ground was solid and good for scratching with no predators waiting to strike. Any who strayed received a quick peck to keep them in line but rarely did they try. They knew he was there to protect them.

Prize would be proud, he thought as he strutted around the other cocks and hens, he was finally embracing his role as leader. And when he crowed, lifting his head to the sky and unleashing a mighty noise, they couldn’t help but turn to watch him.
word count: 595
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