Dawn's First Light

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Dawn's First Light

Post by wander »

What a loser : ).
Naming Dream:
But Why:
Dawn is now a father, grandfather, and a great beyond, having helped create a family so large that later generations of kin often tie back to him. The warmth of family stokes him to seek others sometimes to hear their stories, and offer any wise anecdotes when he can.

If he were to be chosen by Those That Be, he would use to help new parents, or even returning parents, find their legs, give them the support that they need to be courageous about the future they're carving.
Dawn's First Light was born the first child of a large brood, six foals in all.

With all those legs and voices, his mother, Quiet Moon, had felt a little overwhelmed in her first forays of motherhood, and couldn't be blamed if some of the kids were misplaced once in a blue moon. He wasn't abandoned, but he surely felt like a sore thumb sometimes.

After they had grown and started to disperse, his mother started to push them from her home, still flippant and mindlessly young, wanting her own space. This is where the bitter taste started in his mouth about family, and larger gatherings. He couldn't blame his mother, but being forced by a genetic connection to help with raising five siblings on top of trying to find himself started to make his heart cold.

He needed anonymity and silence.

With these thoughts in his mind, he carved out on his own finally, leaving the life of plenty and staked his claim over a small parcel of land, hidden away behind a handful of well aged weeping willows, their cover keeping him safe from the world. No one would find him here, (except his sister, Metamorphosis,) and it was the start of his hermitage.

He would claim to live peacefully for a couple rotations of the sun, his home an impregnable silence. No one pestered him, he chose interaction. It was at the beginning of his prideful prime that he met his fate, a thaw to the bitter ice that pierced his heart.

Her name was Roses in Bloom, and her beloved was Half Truth.

The pair were so endlessly in love, kind and supporting, not just to each other, but to the quiet hermit who had left his haven for his rare dabble of interaction. Rose comforted him, and listened to him when he would come to her, and her partner, and in an instant, it happened. He started feeling the prickles of camaraderie and joy that (supposedly,) had come for all kin, someday.

With the joys of affection that were given to him by the does, he found it in him to offer them something they hadn't been successful to do yet, he offered his hoof in giving them the family they always wanted. Rose wanted to experience the pitter patter and heartbeats of her own, and it had never been something he truly cared about, but what he did care about, was Rose. It wasn't as pure as romantic soul-mates that she and Half Truths had, but it was a love. A platonic feeling that flowered in him to see her happy, even if it meant opening up a little and allowing them crack his solitude.

The first three children of their successful relationship filled her heart with harmony, and seeing his platonic soul bond brighten from motherhood filled himself with joy.

He still stayed to himself when he wished, but now he had some connections to the world, a reason to get out sometimes, to catch up with the spinning reality around him. What truly started to rend him from the silence he had made, was a little grey doe that fumbled her way in to his heart.

He had spent a short time with Roses again, whispers of more children starting to fill her home again, their first children already having found themselves again. What he didn't expect was the sight two teenage kin, a youthful, but shy doe in the field, her hair a flash of gold in the sunlight, and a winy-purple acha who grew flowers from his horns.

Her name was Only for an Hour, and she was his grand-daughter, left behind by his own son, who was very serious and stern about what he liked and didn't like. Her paramour, Do the Honours, had been taken in when his family had left him in their nomadic ways, and was considered well loved.

She looked nothing like her grandfather, but her curiosity about him when he was around, and her sweet questions were like vines holding him down. For once in a long while, after Rose and Half Truth, he wasn't angry about a stranger around her, and with time, he found himself allowing her and her other half to follow him home.

They were the first to break the veil, truly.

Living vicariously through them, watching them use his abundant little parcel of land to make things of their own, and seeing them slowly grow in love, unlike his odd disconnects, filled him with the warmth he truly never thought he could feel.

Slowly, his family grew - Rose and he welcomed three more broods, and he even started to make friends (or what he considered friends,) connections that he had never experienced from his foal-hood. His personal mark in the swamp started to grow and grow, and he could see himself in the generations of children outside of his bubble.

Maybe, he started to think, it wasn't too bad to allow others in.
1. Super Smash Kin (Winter 2015) - [ x ] +5
2. Festival of Abundance WP1 - Nature Sways a Broken Mind - [ x ] +5
3. Festival of Abundance WP2 - Only/Honour - [ x ] +3; 1660 words
4. Festival of Abundance WP3 - Grim Grinning Ghosts - [ x ] +5
5. Festival of Abundance WP4 - Solo - [ x ] +5 / Collected all four +5
6. [1v1] Hush & Dawn's First Light - Don't Make a Sound - [ x ] - 6th Point - +6
7. [G] Gathering Moss - Guardian of Life - [ x ] +6
8. Obelisk's Revenge - Solo - [ x ] +2 Finale
9. Salamander Hatching Thread - Solo - [ x ] +5
10. Saving the Feast w/Champion - Solo - [ x ] +5

47 Points!
word count: 1055
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