[solo] Heart of Bear's dream about bears

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[solo] Heart of Bear's dream about bears

Post by Owlsomniac »

You're walking through the swamp at late dusk when you see it looming in the shadows. A shaggy, dark figure towers over you from a distance and you get a glimpse of a pair of glowing red eyes from under a skull. Before you can respond, the figure is gone. It was over as soon as it began but that night you have a strange dream... or is it more of a nightmare?


How does your kin react to what they've seen? Interpret the dream (or nightmare) that was triggered by the event. If you need an idea, you could try writing a skewed version of their naming dream as that would surely be nightmarish for any kin.

If you obtain a minibear, the IC obtainment of it would be as following:

Upon waking up, your kin will find a minibear cuddled up next to them as if trying to comfort them. I wonder where it came from? Your kin has its own personal teddy bear now!
The figure in the distance certainly gave him pause the night before. He'd just been making the rounds of his territory when he'd spotted it, looming in the distance, somehow ominous - and yet he hadn't felt afraid, exactly, only wary... and curious. Yet when he'd gone to investigate, nothing had been there, not even hoofprints. He wonders if perhaps it was simply a trick of his eyes and the low light - fireflies in the dark and the shadow of a tree or rock.

Except, his dreams had been strange that night. In his dreams he'd been running, a sense of something impending hanging over him and a strong need to get to wherever he was going, except he never seemed to get there no matter how hard he ran. Eventually, he'd woken up with a lingering sense of something left unfinished. Disgruntled and a bit disoriented, he'd turned over to try to get a bit more restful sleep - only to find his face full of fur.

When he'd blinked his eyes open he'd come face to face with a small bear, which had growled playfully and then butted him in the head with affection that Heart of a Bear isn't quite certain he'd earned. Except, who was he to say no to such a cute face? And, well... somehow it just felt meant to be.
word count: 406
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