[solo] Moonbeams and whale dreams

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[solo] Moonbeams and whale dreams

Post by Owlsomniac »

The swamp is gone as you open your eyes. Beneath you, sand—warm and fine—cradles your waking form. Around you, the repetitive break of waves attempts to lull you back to sleep, but there is an urgent sense of doom that wells in your stomach. Lifting your head, you see that you are trapped on a sandbar that is quickly being swallowed by the sea. Beside you, a whale shark wails and you know that this creature is the only chance you have to survive. Do you befriend this animal or is it a fiend? Are you even a kin or are you a whale shark, too? Do you survive?

It's not uncommon for him to dream of the sea. The sea is his love, his home, his beginning and his end. However, it is unusual to dream of it with such darkness in his heart, a sense of wrong and fear and certain demise. The creature next to him wails in despair, and Where Moonbeams Sleeps Upon the Sea knows that his life is inexplicably tied to the creature next to him.

It takes everything he has simply to move it a few hoof-beats toward the sea, and it feels as if he does not make it before the sand is gone that the sea will swallow him, too. He has never feared the ocean, and even now it is only the fear of dying too soon that spurs him on. The whale shark is waiting when he finally manages, with only a small strip of sand left, to make it out into the sea. There, the whale shark sinks beneath and rises from below to lift him, carrying his exhausted form back to the more stable shore.

In the deep depths of the sea, tiny bioluminescent creatures begin to rise up, until the water is glowing pale blue and green, and as more of them appear, he feels his strength returning as well.

Finally, the whale shark sinks again and the buck is pushed ashore by a friendly wave, where he walks out onto the beach and turns around to watch it go. Only, when he blinks, it's gone again - and it's not the night-glow of deep sea creatures he sees, but the warm golden glow of the sun rising.

He made it, safe and sound, and the gentle crashing, back and forth, of the waves upon the shore lulls him back into more peaceful dreams until the moonrise wakes him to begin his night anew.
word count: 424
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