Half Truth

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Scaramouche Fandango
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Half Truth

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

More than anything else in her life, Half Truth has learned how to build a family out of nothing. She first had to learn that a family was something worth having, something worth protecting, and something worth putting effort into creating. During her travels in and out of the swamp (for she has left- she has seen the plains, and suffered for it), she has tried to make herself into a kin worth loving; she has embraced the discomfort of being vulnerable and being known, both by those she loves and those she doesn't. Life has been learning about trading facades for grace and bravado for exposure. Being hurt is the price you pay for risk sometimes, but the whole truth of the matter is that she's learned that taking a chance on others and on herself is worth it. She'd be an interesting legendary because she believes so strongly in the power of love- not just romantic love, but strong familial and platonic relationships. She'd bless birth families, of course, but she'd also take an active role in steering the lonely towards places where they could be happy, if that's what they'd want. She also understands how important it is to not let the illusion of who you think you should be take over who you actually are or what you're becoming; she'd encourage hard looks at yourself and embracing your true nature, whatever that might be.

Naming Dream

Completed RPs
1. WP08 (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
2. WP09 (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
3. Mother's Club Adoption Event (ORP- primary interactions with Peep and various kids)
4. What It Means (Solo)
5. Claiming the First Obelisk (ORP- primary interactions with Motes in Moonlight and Rolling Mist)
6. The Stones' Gift (Solo)
7. Adventures in Babysitting (Gathering Wood) (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
8. Song for You (A Bit of Entertainment)  (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
9. Of Our Discontent (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
10. Lost Lunch (Half Truth, Streams of Silver)
11. To New Horizons (ORP- primary interactions with Roses in Bloom, Wildflower Breeze, Dew Drop Sun, and Minstrel)
12. Null (Solo)
13. Self Love (Solo)
14. Marching Orders (Finding Food) (Half Truth, Roses in Bloom)
15. The Kids Are Alright (Half Truth, Peep)

Extra Solos of 500 words+
Two Stories About Two Friends (Solo)
WP10 (Solo)
WP12 (Solo)
Chow Time? (Solo)
Fire Is Not A Toy! (Solo)
A Conversation With A Rock (Solo)
The Pilgrimage (Solo)

The Beast Is Hunting
Nothing Was Big Enough
Last edited by Scaramouche Fandango on Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 430