───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - FIN

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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Open!

Post by Astoria »

Username: AstoriaFallen
# of Tickets: 2 tickets to weekly Kin Raffle, 1 ticket to end pet raffle + RP prompt (and roll over from last week as discussed in DM)
1 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
4 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
2 - critter - x1 ticket to the end pet raffle.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.

She was going to go ahead and give the berry booth one more go. It truly was a lot of fun and she figured one more round of the game might help her to let her emotions go. Darling and Dearest watched with interest and Meadow Lark picked up the contraption to shoot the berries and aimed for the targets. With a resounding splat it hit a heart. Smiling she could feel herself beginning to feel better. Picking up the second she aimed and it found it's mark on a heart again. Her tail wagged behind her, almost like that of a sand dogs, and she shot a third berry. It landed with a resounding thunk against a critter drawing. Smiling now she could feel herself already, almost, forget her earlier lapse of character and she went ahead and shot the remaining too berries, both coming up short and hitting an X. Still, 3/5 wasn't a terrible way to end the booth. Giving a look around she wondered if Born of Death was close by, she sort of wanted to say goodbye to them. Though, if they were still in conversation she didn't want to interrupt. Perhaps she could send one of her owls, though she wasn't sure Born would know that the owl was from her and there wasn't anything she could really send that would let them know how to even contact her in return.

Giving a sigh she frowned and figured she may as well return to the scene and attempt an apology for her behavior. Even if he was creepy and made her skin crawl, it was no excuse for her to be rude.

Searching the crowd she could smell the blood and knew she had to be getting closer. He was just so.... she didn't want to say different because she'd met plenty of strange kin. There was just something off about him though.

"Sorry to interrupt, She said once she was certain neither of them was talking to one another. "I wished to say goodbye to Born of Death and apologize to you for my outburst earlier. I was surprised by your appearance and I should not have responded in such a manner. I hope that you are able to forgive me, but I understand if you are not." She figured she would wait around and see what would come of this.

Beejoux wrote:
Bane wrote:

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[1, 4, 2, 6, 6] = 19
5d6:  [
] = 19
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Lutz »

Username: Lutz
# of Tickets: 2 kin | 0 pet
Prompt: Stopping By Woods decided to give the game a try even though she knew she wasn't the best shot. She managed to impress herself by hitting two out of the five berries on a leaf that corresponded to a prize.

"Better than I thought I'd do," she said with a smile. "Two is better than none!'
Dice rolls
[3, 3, 4, 4, 6] = 20
5d6:  [
] = 20
word count: 67
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 3!

Post by elvy »

Username: elvy
# of Tickets: 2 (kin) plus 1 rp = 3
As before, as soon as she was allowed to, Bring made her way back over for another round. She was up a bit on her hit/miss and was hoping to do ok enough again.
First one andddddd a miss. Ok, she was just rusty right?
Second was a miss, drat.
Ah! A hit, okay she was back in this!
And then another miss, darn it.
Lastly she hit another heart. Ok well at least she was back to an even ratio...
Dice rolls
[3, 6, 4, 6, 4] = 23
5d6:  [
] = 23
word count: 93
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Owlsomniac »

Username: owlsomniac
# of Tickets: 2 pet raffle, 1 kin raffle
5 - critter - x1 ticket to the end pet raffle
2 - critter - x1 ticket to the end pet raffle.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
4 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.

Grasping Vine has always been a pretty good shot, but today it seems he's a bit off his game. He starts off strong, but then gets two misses in the end. "Damn..."

He sighs and looks over to see how the other kin are doing. At least he managed to hit anything at all, though.

"Maybe I shouldn't have had that fermented fruit earlier .." he laughs to himself, and then walks off to find something else to play.
Dice rolls
[5, 2, 6, 4, 6] = 23
5d6:  [
] = 23
word count: 136
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Username: LOLLI qAq
# of Tickets:
Heart - 1
Critter - 2
Totem returned after needing to help her mother and sister with troupe activities, and she was absolutely giddy to try again. She'd had so much fun the last two times she'd been here and pleasantly surprised at her own accuracy. The young acha couldn't wait to go again.

She lined up her first shot off of feel and luck alone, and missed! She was surprised not to hear the soft thump of berry against stone that she'd grown accustomed to hearing when she took aim. "Hmm." She pursed her lips and made some changes to her little set up as best she could.
Taking aim Totem let loose another berry and giggled enthusiastically when she distantly heard the sound she was hoping for. She'd done it again!

Then again!

And again!!

She was back to practically dancing at this point. She pulled and let go of the last berry, and when it didn't hit she wasn't discouraged. Sure, she hadn't done as well this time around as she had previously but that was okay! It just meant trying harder next time.

Totem had so much fun at this point she wanted to thank the kin responsible, and with a lot of direction and luck she sought out Born of Death.

"Excuse me," she said politely when she heard talking from the group she'd been moved towards. "Are one of you Born of Death?"

Beejoux wrote:
Dice rolls
[6, 5, 4, 5, 6] = 26
5d6:  [
] = 26
word count: 254
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Username: Tara de Draiocht
# of Tickets: 1 heart, 1 critter, 1 RP.

Dash Away had taken a moment away from her booth to check out other booths. This one in particular caught her attention. She wiggled her tail in delight and moved forward. Dash was positive she would succeed in getting at least ONE leaf! Stepping up she listened to the rules and nodded. "Okay let's do this!!" Grabbing multiple berries, she spat them out with all her might!! Mind you... if there was a correct way of doing this... well too late! Squealing, she jumped and jitter about. Two leaves! What a great turn out! Now it was time to wait it out and see if she would win the big prize.
Dice rolls
[3, 3, 5, 6, 1] = 18
5d6:  [
] = 18
word count: 125
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by lilacfishie »

Username: lilacfishie
# of Tickets: Kin: 1 | Critter: 2

Sparkling Sunrise was ready for another round of berry flinging! The booth was ripe with all of the squished berries everywhere, and the young totoma was convinced the smell would probably never go away. Or the staining. She made a mental note to try and find this spot at the Winter Market next year to test her theory.

She stood at her station and gently set a berry in the sling. When she let it fly, her eyes went wide as the berry flew over the wall and into a nearby booth. Her ears pinned back and she darted her eyes away sheepishly. "Oops..." she said quietly. When no kin with a berry splat on them came storming in, she carefully put in another berry and let it go. Thankfully, this one smacked against a critter-colored leaf. The doe let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

The next three tries were met with varying success. Another successful splat on a critter leaf and one on a heart leaf had her cheering. One more berry went wide and just skidded on the ground and landed against the wall itself. She wasn't about to chase after it and get pelted herself. Licking her lips, she trotted away, happy with a pretty average success rate.

Dice rolls
[5, 4, 6, 3, 1] = 19
5d6:  [
] = 19
word count: 227
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Beejoux »

Born angled their ear down to listen to the sanddog, the subtle whine with each breath. "I don't know why he's acting oddly, you've been so nice." It was apologetic, and the Zikwa shifted so they could lay their tail across the dog's shoulders, comforting. The whining quieted and Haven sank down to lay at their feet instead. "I'm sorry for that, I think being around so many new kin might be stressing him out."

Approaching hooves had them turning their head, ears perking to listen. They hadn't expected to hear Meadow Lark again, but her voice made the dainty kin smile. "Oh, you didn't have to come back for that. There's so much to do at the moment I wouldn't fault anyone for wandering away to explore." And especially not someone they'd only just met.

Meadow wasn't the only one that had approached, and a puzzled look flickered across Born's partially obscured fearyres. The hoof beats were too light and irregular to be Death, so they knew it wasn't him even before they'd started speaking.

Not a familiar voice. "Me," they answered when they heard their name, half turning to better face the new arrival. "I'm Born of Death."
baneful wrote:
astoriafallen wrote:
lolli qaq wrote:
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Starrydance »

Username: Starrydance
# of Tickets: 3 Tickets to Kin
1 Ticket to End Pet Raffle
Prompt: prompt here (if applicable)
Wisteria Path thought, well, this looked easy! And fun!

Suddenly remembering she had to come throw things, Wisteria came running over.

"I forgot to play the rest of last time, Ill just do them all right now? If thats okay?"
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
1 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
5 - critter - x1 ticket to the end pet raffle.
1 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
4 - heart - x1 ticket to the kin raffle held every week.
Her first try was a glorious miss!
Focusing strongly on the second try, it splattered gloriously straight into the heart!
Then on the Critter, then TWICE in the heart!

"Oh gosh! Im getting so good at this! Thank you! thank you!"
Dice rolls
[6, 1, 5, 1, 4] = 17
5d6:  [
] = 17
word count: 150
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by subducting »

Username: subducting
# of Tickets: 1 kin, 2 critter

Pure Joy trotted happily into the booth, her tail lifted in excitement. The kiokote was always a happy soul, and the prospect of a game was just another thing for her to roll onto.

She lined herself up carefully with her berry and flicked her hooves out. The berry landed on the heart and she kicked her back legs out in triumph. “That’s how you do it,” she bragged excitedly, doing a small, excited shuffle.

Selecting her next berry, the kiokote hummed happily as she nosed it into position and decided to try a forwards kick this time. Unfortunately the berry flew almost straight up instead of forwards, and she had to canter out of the way of it as it fell.

She giggled and placed the next berry. “Fly true, my berry!” She called as she kicked it, but it landed on the leaf with a cross. She shrugged, undeterred, and picked another one. This time she tried lining herself up like the first time and it landed on the critter. “Yess!!” she celebrated, satisfied to have landed another shot.

Her last berry was ready to go. “Come on, don’t fail me now, hooves,” she urged her feet as she prepared her kick. It struck the berry squarely and the berry sailed over to splat on the critter leaf once more. Not bad!
Dice rolls
[1, 3, 6, 2, 5] = 17
5d6:  [
] = 17
word count: 235
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Prolixity »

Username: Prolixity
# of Tickets: 2 critter, 2 heart
Eats Flowers spent some time lurking and watching other kin play the game before he came in to try it himself. Once he thought he knew what to do, he slipped in unobtrusively, as well as one can slip in unobtrusively when one is large and bulky, and picked up some berries to try the game. It was a little delicate, but he managed to work it well enough, firing berries slowly, one at a time. When he'd finished, he'd hit two leaves with critters and two with hearts, which he thought was pretty good, really.

He stepped back to watch other kin play the game some more, marveling at how it worked.
Dice rolls
[5, 4, 1, 3, 2] = 15
5d6:  [
] = 15
word count: 124
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Astoria »

Beejoux wrote:
"It's not a problem at all, I very much enjoyed our conversation earlier. Hopefully you and I will cross paths again in the near future." She had quite enjoyed Born of Deaths company and wouldn't mind running into them again and even maybe having a conversation with their companion to get to know him as well.

"I'll probably give your booth one last go before I head off to see what else the winter market has to offer. Thank you again for all that you and Death did in setting this booth up." With that she turned and headed off to give the booth one last go. (Whenever the week restarts that is hahah)
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Week 4!

Post by Tiarana »

Username: Tiarana
# of Tickets: 1 kin, 1 pet
Dice rolls
[6, 1, 6, 2, 3] = 18
5d6:  [
] = 18
word count: 9
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Open!

Post by Beejoux »

Hi friends! Week three is over, let's get it going!

Just a reminder, each week we're going to be rolling 1-2 winners, if you're rolled you'll get to select a prize from this prize pool. As prizes are selected they'll be greyed out to keep what's available up to date.

So let's get into it! This week we'll be rolling 2 winner.

  1. Lutz
  2. Lutz
  3. Lutz
  4. Lutz
  5. Lutz
  6. Lutz
  7. Lutz
  8. Lutz
  9. AstoriaFallen
  10. AstoriaFallen
  11. AstoriaFallen
  12. AstoriaFallen
  13. AstoriaFallen
  14. HuniPi
  15. HuniPi
  16. HuniPi
  17. HuniPi
  18. HuniPi
  19. HuniPi
  20. SkylerKarashi
  21. SkylerKarashi
  22. Fasti
  23. elvy
  24. elvy
  25. elvy
  26. Owlsomniac
  27. Owlsonniac
  28. LOLLI qAq
  29. LOLLI qAq
  30. Tara de Draiocht
  31. Tara de Draiocht
  32. lilacfishie
  33. lilacfishie
  34. Starrydance
  35. Starrydance
  36. Starrydance
  37. Starrydance
  38. subducting
  39. subducting
  40. Prolixity
  41. Prolixity
  42. Prolixity
  43. Tiarana
Dice rolls
[9, 42] = 51
2d43:  [
] = 51
word count: 120
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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range ※─── - Open!

Post by Beejoux »

Congratulations! Please post in this thread with the prize you would like from the prize pool image linked in the post above!
astoriafallen wrote:top pick
prolixity wrote:top 2 picks
word count: 31
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