Shadowed Moon

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Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:57 pm
Kin Journal:

Shadowed Moon

Post by SerinaNight »

Shadowed Moon
His journal includes more information such as additional roleplays, stories and Discord tidbits that flesh out his character.


Shadowed Moon has felt drawn to the moon even before he hatched. With a penchant for wandering and no place to call home the buck spent most of his life travelling around the swamp with no particular goal (beyond basking in the moon) in sight. Even as a young buck he found himself wondering what it would be like to have a closer connection to the swamp, if just to be part of something. While he wasn't unhappy, after all, he always enjoyed meeting others and it helped fill some of the void. Eventually, he had his first clutch and things started to click into place. The moment he saw his sacks he knew he had to be with them, it didn't even occur to the buck to leave them alone. Unlike most Kimeti Shadowed Moon raised his children to adulthood, and while only the twins stayed, he felt a sense of fulfillment in his family that had been missing from his life.

Eventually adopting an abandoned sack who also remained with him after growing up, the buck's herd slowly grew with him at as it's de-facto leader. While difficult to manage his growing family is something he takes great pride in, and is arguable the most important thing in his life. His herd has grown enough that they now have a permanent home, something that as a young buck he had only pondered and dreamed of. Shadowed Moon has raised all of the rest of his clutches, adopted several children and even helped raise his herdmate's clutches as he doesn't believe in leaving the young to fend for themselves, and while he understands not all kin agree with him, has at least asked his herd that he be allowed to take over if no one else will. Eventually the rare dreams that seemed to call him forward led him to finding himself on several journeys that changed the Swamp, for good or ill, and the buck found himself forever changed.


Naming Dream
Strangely nostalgic, as Shadowed Moon's Naming Dream eventually happened to him in real life, and even when he woke up the next morning, covered in dry mud and feeling very sore, the colt didn't fully realize the connection until he was long grown.

What is the Sun?
1130 words, RP framing

On the Edge +5 pts
2188 words, multi-person RP
Every rose has its thorns +5 pts
1599 words, multi-person RP
Down Came the Rain +5 pts
2363 words, multi-person RP
Just a Little Further... +5 pts
2386 words, multi-person RP
Are You Sure Those Taste Good? +5 pts
1702 words, multi-person RP
Blessing - Frenzy and Shadowed Moon +2 pts
717 words, Blessing RP
June Flower Festival +5 pts
1575 words, ORP
Whispers of a Dream +5 pts
1822(+) words, multi-person RP
Is Wanderlust a Family Trait...? +5 pts
3675(+) words, multi-person RP
Called To The Caves +5 pts
680 words, Meta ORP
Underground Society Plot
403 words, Meta ORP
1575 words, Meta solo RP
1560 words, Meta multi-person RP
1355 words, Meta solo RP
887 words, Meta solo RP
The Other Obelisks +5 pts
2419 words, Meta ORP
Sharing Thoughts on Fear and Loss +5 pts
1933(+) words, multi-person RP
Humble Beginnings +5 pts
1611(+) words, multi-person RP
762 words, 'Meta' solo RP
698 words, 'Meta' solo RP
1291 words, 'Meta' solo RP
Who's Who at the Masquerade? +5 pts
1348(+) words, multi-person RP


+2 pts
Shadowed Moon during the 2023 Winter Market (human AU) Masquerade.
Maskless version

Total Points: 84(+) pts listed


The Journey Forward...?
A sweet and courteous buck with a gentle disposition, Shadowed Moon is one to help others in any way he can. His wandering nature means he can be found anywhere in the Swamp, and with the Obelisk travel now ventures beyond into other lands as well. His increasing desire to learn and his care for others, especially children, means that not only will he be one to lead others but be one to grow with them as well, gladly taking the initiative to seek out and speak with those in trouble and happy to help all who find him in turn. Overjoyed to be of assistance to those who desire the wellbeing of their children, and even willing to take clutches under his wing if needed, Shadowed Moon would always be happy to offer a Blessing of any kind he's able to any kin he encounters. The deeper connection to the Swamp would embolden him in his path, rather then be the end of it, as he's seen many times from personal experience (both large and small scale) that one is never done learning, and to follow along without truly seeing tends to leave the journey both meaningless and empty.


Ascension Signups: Winter 2023!
word count: 874
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