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Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:21 am
by Corn
Most of y'all already know me but like hey hi hello, my name is Corn, I like to do an art and play a game and read a book and generally have a good time. I've got some pretty frequent Medical Issues™, so you will probably catch me complaining about that pretty frequently in the discord - but I do my best not to be a bummer! I really like to make people happy, so coloring is a great thing for me to do, ahah.

1) Usernames. I used to be Kitty Sprightt, then theCorniest, and now I'm just Corn. I'll go for Corn on whatever website I can, if I can register early enough, but otherwise it'll be theCorniest.
2) Name origins. K.S. is an OC of mine who started out as a megaman sprite recolor, because I am That kind of nerd. Corn is actually my irl nickname! My given name was from a grandmother of mine, and her nickname was Cornball, so when I got out of high school and got tired of going by the nickname I'd been using as long as I could remember, it seemed appropriate to borrow Corn from her, too.
3) Origins. Born and raised on the north shore of Massachusetts, currently living on the south side of Maryland. Family life wasn't great, but I live with Tiarana now, and things are approximately a million times more chill.
4) Other adopts. Mainly I'm on Flight Rising, bc I want as little to do with Gaia as possible these days, but I'm still involved in a few shops there - mainly MLizP rn tho.
5) Interests. I'm a big nerd who does arts and crafts whenever I have the energy to, which is not as often as I'd like. Mainly I do digital stuff - coloring and making templates in photoshop, mainly, but I studied animation for a while, too! Physical media I've worked in before include crochet, origami, acrylic paint, charcoal, marker, cut paper, and probably some stuff I'm forgetting. Playing video games is a major interest too, but that's not a cheap hobby. I've been getting into tabletop roleplaying games recently, too, and I enjoy them very much! I also enjoy solving puzzles and doing basic math for fun.
6) Media interests. I don't watch a lot of TV these days, but I tend to enjoy stuff with fun worldbuilding and a good mix of action, mystery, and humor. For movies, I tend to prefer animated features. My music tastes are, pretty widespread, I tend to go more for mood than genre? I like songs that have a good beat I can work to, artists that have fun with language, stuff that keeps it upbeat and positive, and sometimes I'll go for something darker and sad or menacing. For books, I prefer fiction/fantasy/scifi and horror, and I really, really prefer it if the main characters aren't involved in romance. For podcasts I go for a mix of humor, horror and educational stuff.

Re: Corn?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:18 pm
by blue
What was your old nickname? XD

Re: Corn?

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:07 pm
by Corn
Conny. Specifically Conny with a y, not an ie, like my grandma keeps trying to spell it.