[B] The Next Adventure

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[B] The Next Adventure

Post by Lutz »

Echoed Chorus pranced through the Swamp happily, tail held high as he went. He sang a song that sounded somewhere between an actual tune and birdsong, mimicking the calls he heard in the trees above. Echo was always a pretty happy buck but lately he was simply over the moon! He and Look This Way were finally official, devoting themselves to one another unconditionally. Echo had never thought he'd be the type to settle down but here he was, settled and happy.

Of course his wanderlust wasn't minimized by this new development and although he knew Look worried when he was gone, Echo had promised to never go too far without telling him. He'd keep his Obelisk travel to a minimum unless his partner was going to come with him and he really couldn't wait for that day. He wanted to show him where he grew up after all!

But today was a different adventure. Today was a day with purpose. Today was a day to ask a favor of someone and he hoped he'd find who he was looking for soon. He'd never met a Legendary before but he'd always been told that they would show up when you needed one most. Hopefully this counted as needing one! If they wanted to have foals Echo felt like a blessing was required. He wanted to make sure their future children stayed safe no matter what adventures life took them on.
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[B] The Next Adventure

Post by Gl!tch~ »

Tidal Terror was loafing next to the banks of the swamp when she caught sight of an orange kin in the distance- and that familiar feeling. He was looking for her, but he didn't know it yet.

She was comfy, and felt a bit reluctant to get up from her little break. Maybe he would come her way and make things easier...or she would have to go after him.

For now, she would relax and see how it all shook out.
Lutz wrote:
word count: 85
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[B] The Next Adventure

Post by Lutz »

Echo hummed to himself as he searched. He truly didn't know what he was looking for but he felt like he'd just know. His life had always been him stepping off confidently in a direction that seemed good at the time. If he ran into trouble he'd just figure his way out of it somehow! No big deal. Sometimes those unknown directions brought him to good things, after all. He hoped this would be one of those times.

When he first spotted the Totoma Echo got a bit distracted from his task. He was always ready to meet and greet. Getting to know new kin was probably one of his favorite passtimes. He'd not met many Totoma so the chance to chat with one was a perfect excuse to put his mission on hold.

"Hello!" he called out in a cheerful voice, his path changing to head towards the blue kin. "Nice day, isn't it? Not too humid, spring flowers everywhere, the birds are singing..." As he drew closer Echo realized that there was something odd about this Totoma. Not in a bad way, mind you. She just...had a presence that he'd never felt before. It was like he should lower his voice and be a little less bouncy around her. He did pause in his prancing approach for a moment, shifting gears to move into a more subdued but still cheerful trot.

"Hi," he said again as he got close enough to speak without having to shout, an almost bashful smile on his muzzle.
Gl!tch~ wrote:
word count: 265
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