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[PRP] Rune seeks a Familiar

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:24 pm
by Starrydance

Rune had long considered what familiar to gain the trust of. There were so many, in such wonderful colors. Friends of the water, of the ground, and most appealing - those of the air. Most especially those of feather, and those of wisdom. Having glimpsed many in gatherings and wanderings, finally - she chose which the one she hoped to be worthy of.

The Crow.

Yet, one could not merely find an egg nor befriend one in the wild. One must find another with crows, and offer a worthy trade and learn to care for one. Rune minded not, in fact, she preferred such an arrangement. She did not want to mistake caring for a new friend. A very special friend, a true familiar.

So she began her journey for one who had crow friends, and one that would allow her to befriend one for herself. Asking around, she heard of several that would allow such - and headed to their parts of the swamp.
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] Rune seeks a Familiar

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:24 pm
by Beejoux

Whispers of Death wasn't the easiest doe to find, she tended to keep to herself, blending well into shadows and stepping quietly, unintrusively through the world. More often than not the doe went unnoticed by the livelier kin that flitted around her.

Though more recently she was not quite that challenge she may of been in the past. Out and about more, with or without her children. Always with Omen, the crow moving through the trees over head, or perched on one of her horns.

She was, of course, unaware anyone would have need to look for her, save perhaps Shank, but Whispers didn't see much of the other doe.
starrydance wrote:

[PRP] Rune seeks a Familiar

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:04 am
by Starrydance
Rune spent several days looking high and not-so-low for wings or tailfeathers of a crow. Not being terribly shy, she asked a few kin here and there if they had seen either one befriended of a crow or a crows nest.

Not that she'd just take a crow without assistance, she knew well they required special care. Finally, she saw the edge of a dark wing that was not a songbird, or a crane, or an owl. A crow! At last! She attempted to track it through a darker grove as the sun set.

"Wait for me!"

Beejoux wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:24 pm

[PRP] Rune seeks a Familiar

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:49 am
by Beejoux
Whispers paused, head turning to glance back at the doe that was now hurrying to catch up with her, the black wing adorning her hair shifting to hide one glowing eye.

"Hello?" She asked curiously. It was unusual that anyone save her children sought her out. She loved a mostly solitary life, save for Omen and growing family.
starrydance wrote:

[PRP] Rune seeks a Familiar

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:06 pm
by Starrydance
Rune swivelled around, peering into the trees. "Oh! Hello! Did you see a Crow fly by here? Im trying to befriend one..."

She smiled a bit shyly, but walked forward to admire the dark doe.
Beejoux wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:49 am