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[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:03 pm
by Beejoux

It was early yet, the sun barely peeking above the horizon and the world still cool and quiet. Merry had been up for hours already, but she'd been unwilling to leave the warmth of Consume's side, her chin resting on the buck's flank as she listened to the soft sounds of his breathing. The birds were just starting to stir, she could hear them in the distance, their calls playing in a disjointed melody through the leaves. She listened to them for a moment or two, eyes open to glowing slits, and let the knowledge of what she had to tell him settle around her.

Above them Skybird chirruped inquisitively down at her, and she looked up at the colorful bird, smiling gently. "Alright." No reason to put it off, really.

She lifted her head to look down at the buck, the wide set of his mouth and the curl of his tail around one of her ankles. It had her smiling fondly down at him before she dipped her head to nose at the dark shell of his ear, murmuring softly. "My love, wake up."
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 10:47 pm
by Prolixity
Consume slept lightly, for the most part, but he tended to be up late into the night and sleep late into the morning. He'd stirred a little when Merry had awoken, but when she hadn't moved away from him he'd resettled and dipped back into a calm and restful sleep. Now, when she called for him, his ear flicked twice, and he lifted his head after a moment, yawning extravagantly. "I'm awake," he said, blinking several times and turning his head to look at her. Another few blinks. "S'early," he added curiously after a moment.
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:38 pm
by Beejoux
The way he woke was endearing, and Merry giggled, dipped her head to nuzzle fondly against his cheek as blinked blearily up at her. "It is, I'm sorry." It was much earlier than he usually slept. "But I couldn't wait. There's something I want to tell you."

It could have been an alarming sort of comment if not for the soft excitement in her tone. Once she told him, she didn't think he'd mind the early hour.
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 9:47 pm
by Prolixity
"Oh?" He yawned again, returned the nuzzle as he woke further, the drowsy haze clearing slowly. Whatever she had to tell him wasn't alarming, he could tell from her tone; she sounded happy and excited, not serious or worried. A nice surprise, whatever it was. Something she thought he'd like. "I'm awake," he confirmed, a faint current of humor in his voice. "What do you have to tell me about this beautiful morning?"
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:15 pm
by Beejoux
She giggled as she watched him trying to shake off sleep. They could return to blissfully dozing after, her excitement sated, but for now...

Well, she was only half sorry for waking him early, a little flutter in her stomach making her ears twitch. She ran her cheek along his again, humming a warm note before nosing at his ear again.

Then, voice a soft murmur, she told him. "You're going to be a father, soon."
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:15 pm
by Prolixity
She giggled at him, and he gave her a quick grin, curious, waiting for the surprise. He rubbed his cheek against hers, and his ears flicked as she nosed them.

And then there was news. It took a moment to sink in, and then his ears went straight up with startled excitement. He had never been averse to the idea, but he hadn't been expecting it, per se. The tip of his tail flicked rapidly back and forth. "That's excellent news," he said, and turned to nudge his nose against her side.
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:35 pm
by Beejoux
OH, that was a wonderful reaction. Merry laughed as she drew back enough to see his ears, the rapid flick of his tail, and that laughter continued as he nosed in against her side. She let herself flop back against the soft bedding of moss and fur, made it easier for him, though she wasn't certain if he'd be able to feel anything just yet. She could scarcely feel a thing herself. Perhaps a change in scent? She wasn't sure.

"It's still quite early, but I...feel it, in a way. A change, a flutter." She was relaxed and loose limbed, relieved by his wonderful reaction. She hadn't thought he'd be disappointed, but the nerves had presented themselves all the same. This was, to her knowledge, his first clutch. "I'm glad you're excited. I'm excited."
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:43 pm
by Prolixity
He couldn't feel anything, sense anything; but he nuzzled the side of her belly anyway, laughing with her. "I'll be so pleased to meet them," he said, his eyes bright with pleased curiosity.

"I'm excited," he agreed, his voice bright and happy. "I'm going to be a father ... " Small stumbling foals, new to the world. He wondered how many there would be, how big a family they would have.
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:46 pm
by Beejoux
She giggled as he nuzzled into her side, squirming slightly like it tickled a bit, then smiled up at him as he grinned. "You're going to be a good father." She was certain of it, and she was very certain they were his. Wandering wasn't something either of them frowned upon, but she'd not had any want to look elsewhere.

Head lifting, she nosed at his chin. "I've blessed them with a sense of adventure, with kindness and health." They would be who they wanted to be, of course, but now they would also have that little bit extra as well.
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:43 pm
by Prolixity
He rested his tail across her back, feeling warm and fluttery. If she said he was the father, he didn't doubt it; they might not be exclusive, but if she was certain enough to say so, that was enough for him. He wouldn't have minded if he wasn't, but it was exciting to think of foals of their own.

"That sounds beautiful." He hadn't really thought of her blessing the children, but now that she had said so, it made perfect sense, and sounded wonderful. "They're going to run us ragged," he said cheerfully. Perhaps when he was losing sleep over adventurous children, he might be grinning less widely, but he didn't think he'd mind too much.
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:13 am
by Beejoux
She chuckled, get own tail flicking to drape feathers along Consume's flank. "They absolutely are," she agreed both amused and already a little exhausted thinking about it. But foals were fun, and it'd been a while since she'd had a clutch.

She was thrilled to be having this next clutch with Consume. He'd become such an integral part of her life in the time they'd spent together. Important in a way she couldn't put words to.

"They'll be easy for a little bit. Sacks, then helpless little things after they emerge." She looked up at him, smiling knowingly. "But once they start walking we'll be in trouble." Thankfully Clash and Rumor still stuck around. She knew they would help if asked.
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:51 am
by Prolixity
"Good trouble," he said fondly, and turned to touch his nose to hers. "I'm so glad." He'd been drowsy when she woke him, but now he was thoroughly awake, thinking of what lay ahead. The nest they shared might not be adequate for babies, might need expansion. But he could start preparing. "I should do some hunting and gathering, start some caches. Do you know how soon it will be?"
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:09 pm
by Beejoux
She was thrilled to see how excited he was. Merry hadn't doubted him, she loved him and knew he loved her. She'd had no reason to worry over his reaction, but nerves and anxieties could be silly things.

"A few weeks yet," she answered thoughtfully. No way to be more exact that that, but as he belly swelled they could better a better sense of when. "I think that's a good idea. It'll be nice having things here, ready and waiting, so neither of us has to go out Looking while they're so young."

She let out a soft hum, thinking. "I would like to take them to the Realm, too. When they're bigger."
prolixity wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:02 pm
by Prolixity
He nodded to her estimate. He didn't have a solid idea of how long it took; she would know much better. "I wonder if I can find a storage slime to help," he mused. "It would be good to have supplies." He gave her a bright grin. "You know how this goes better than I do. I will accept instruction, o wise one."

His ears flicked at the suggestion. "I wonder what they'll look like there." A short pause. "I wonder what they'll look like here," he laughed. "Beautiful, no doubt. Their mama's lovely."
Beejoux wrote:

[PRP] News [Consume/Serpent of Paradise]

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:22 am
by Beejoux
She chuckled at him in amusement, nuzzling into his cheek before laying her head comfortably against the warmth of his shoulder. "It's been a long time since I had a clutch." Not since she'd met him. Not since she'd last seen Badgerlock. "But I remember. I'll know when it's close to time." And if memory served, she'd also look ready. Plump and almost waddling.

That part she didn't miss.

"I don't know, but they will be wonderful. Bright or dark, or both." She grinned. "Their father is very handsome."
prolixity wrote: